Nadco® Tapes and Labels, Inc.
June 2015: In this issue
Employee celebrates 5-year milestone
NADCO® supports Make-A-Wish
We value our contacts
Employees of the Month
Company backs local group
Gregorio Ramirez
Bob Vontz

Armando Viamonte 
Manny Vega
(5 years)
Liz Hilton
(7 years) 
Josally Vasquez Rodriguez
(1 year)

Timothy Stephan
(18 years) 
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Holiday closure announcement
   NADCO will be closed on Friday, July 3, in recognition of Independence Day. We will reopen on Monday, July 6, at 8:30 a.m.  
We hope everyone has an enjoyable and safe holiday weekend!
Staffer celebrates five-year anniversary
   Manny Vega, a converting specialist in NADCO's warehouse, celebrated five years of employment at NADCO on May 10. 
   Manny has been a reliable, productive member of the staff, and we are glad to have him on the NADCO team. Manny received an iPad in recognition of his time with the company.
NADCO supports a special Disney trip

   NADCO is honored to support Make-A-Wish America and this sweet warrior by printing and donating a banner that was displayed at the party celebrating Cohen's recent trip to Disney.

   Cohen, pictured with his family and Make-A-Wish Wish Granters above, passed away on July 1 after a courageous battle with an aggressive brain tumor. 

   To learn more about Cohen's fight or to support his family, please visit #cohenstrong

We value our contacts
  We are aware that some of our customers and vendors recently received an odd e-mail with an attachment or link that contained a possible virus from a NADCO e-mail address. As soon as we realized the e-mail address was affected, we had our IT department working to address the issue.
   NADCO values the relationship we have with our customers and vendors and apologize for the inconvenience or concern that this e-mail might have caused. We assure you that your internet and system security are just as important to us as our own, and we would never knowingly or willingly compromise that safety or your trust. If you received a strange e-mail from a NADCO e-mail address, please do not click on the links or try to download the attachment and instead delete it immediately. 
Employees of the Month 

  The employees below earned Employee of the Month honors by demonstrating outstanding commitment to quality and service. They went above and beyond and were an example to their peers for various reasons.

Manny Vega, Stacie Jones, Erika Estrada. 
Stacie Jones
Position: Administrative assistant
Time with company: 10 months
Why named Employee of the Month: "Stacie has shown tremendous effort in her work and continued patience in her interactions with coworkers," said Neil Doniger, NADCO vice president. "We're very happy to have her on board." 
Manny Vega
Position: Converting specialist
Time with company: 5 years
Why named Employee of the Month: "Manny has put a lot of hard work in on his machine, and that effort and extra output contributed to us having the second best month of the year so far," said Neil.

Erika Estrada

Position: Preflight manager
Time with company: 10 years
Why named Employee of the Month: "There are some people that I need to point out for doing a great job, and Erika has definitely been proving herself in the warehouse," said Neil.

NADCO supports local organization
   NADCO is pleased to have been able to donate signs and banners to the Manasota BUDS for their golf tournament fundraiser held in May. The all-volunteer organization is dedicated to promoting awareness and acceptance of individuals with Down syndrome. The group offers support and events for the families of these individuals and actively reaches out to and participates in the community.
Follow us on Instragram and Twitter!
   Need more NADCO in your life? Now you can find us on Twitter and Instagram! Follow us at @NADCOTAPESLABELS and for photos, specials, announcements and news. And be sure to "Like" us on Facebook, too!
"No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path." - Buddha
Let us celebrate you on your birthday
  Birthdays are a big deal at NADCO. Every month we observe our employees' birthdays with cake, greeting cards and singing. We'd like to honor YOU, too! Please e-mail Liz with your name and birthday so we can update our records - you might get a surprise from NADCO for your special day.   
Our goal at NADCO is to solve your problems. Whether you need a stock item or a custom order, we're here to help you. Please check our website or contact us at 1.800.839.9018 to see how NADCO can work for you!
Ren� Doniger
NADCO Tapes & Labels, Inc.