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Educating Tomorrow's Franchisees
January, 2014


If you are reading this email, then there is a good chance that you are a student of business ownership and franchising. Well this week during my Franchise Focus Podcast I will be interviewing Jane Plitt. Jane is the author of Martha Matilda Harper and The American Dream.  


Harper's Salon is arguably the first example of a modern, business format franchise. Founded in the 1890's, Harper's grew to over 500 locations across around the world. And who started this business empire? Martha Matilda Harper, former servant girl.


If you both want to learn more about the history of franchising and enjoy an uplifting Horatio Alger story, join us for our Podcast.


Date: Thursday, Jan 23rd

Time: 6PM to 7PM (ET)

Location: :


Bring your question and let's have a fun hour together.




Rick Bisio
Founder of The Educated Franchisee
71 Ways to Cut Your Tax Bill

Filing your tax return is a once-a-year event but trimming your tax bill requires year-round attention.

If you managed to claim every possible tax break that you deserved when you filed your return this spring, pat yourself on the back. But don't stop there. Those tax-filing maneuvers are certainly valuable, but you may be able to rack up even bigger savings through thoughtful tax planning all year round. The following ideas could really pay off in the months ahead. ....


Go to Kiplinger, Click Here 

10 Critical Forecasts for 2014

appy New Year! Prosper in 2014 with the help of The Kiplinger Letter's exclusive forecasts on key political and economic issues.

1. Expect moderate growth for the U.S. economy.  Consumers and businesses will spend more, and the unemployment rate will fall to about 6.5%. For the year, look for GDP growth of 2.6%, following a tepid 1.8% increase for the U.S. in 2013. Europe will grow as well, but only barely. Look for growth of less than 1% for the euro zone-not great but welcome news for a budding recovery. Germany and the United Kingdom will see stronger expansion.   


2. You'll pay a higher rate for a mortgage-as much as 5.5% by next December ...... 


Go to Kiplinger, Click Here 

6 Small Business Keys to Success in 2014


Another year is here and it's a fresh start for the millions of small business owners around the world. Just about everyone starts off the year with all good intentions of getting ahead and making this year the year they do things differently, take a different approach and really knock it out of the park.  


Sadly, just a few weeks from now and most of these good intentions will be nothing more than an afterthought and won't be mentioned again until next New Year's eve. Don't let that happen. While the goal setting process for each business should be done on a case-by-case basis, there are some commonalities that all small business owners should be thinking about to make 2014 the most successful and profitable year ever.  .... 


Go to Huffington Post, Click Here
5 Ways to Cut Business Costs in 2014


Every business owner knows that one of the most important factors to operating a successful business is managing the bottom line and keeping expenses down. However, when reviewing expenses, small business owners often fixate on the large numbers and overlook the smaller costs that can add up over time. Kick off 2014 with a complete review of your business expenses, and focus on these five areas to save your business money in the coming year: ... 


Go to Huffington Post, Click Here
Our Books
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The Educated Franchisee
The Franchisee Workbook cover
The Franchisee Workbook
Glossary of Franchise Terms cover 
Franchise Glossary

Kindle Edition


There is a reality in life.  Greater knowledge drives better decisions and better decisions reduce business risk.  Franchising is all about risk reduction but not all franchises are low risk.  Our books are designed to empower you.  By following the advice and guidance presented in our books you will recognize high quality franchises and confidently pass over those that are not.

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Author - Rick Bisio