Child & Family Guidance Center
804 E. Pecan Grove Road
Sherman, Texas 75090
While the holiday season is festive and full of celebration (which I love), I also believe it is a time of reflection and remembrance of what we are grateful for. I wish to extend sincere gratitude this holiday season to our amazing board, volunteers and donors who are so deeply committed to CFGC and willingly give of their time, talents and resources. And I wish to share my heartfelt appreciation to our incredible CFGC staff who work tirelessly each day to bring help, hope and healing to the hundreds of hurting children and families in need of our help. Thanks to all! Thank you for your support and I wish you and yours a Blessed Christmas and Happy New Year!
Brenda Hayward
Executive Director
Child & Family Guidance Center of Texoma
Local Foundations Award CFGC Grant Funds
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We are extremely grateful to the community for supporting our work -allowing us to help over 2000 hurting Texoma chidren and families each year. We are thrilled to announce that CFGC recently received generous grant awards from the Dorset Foundation, the Clara Blackford Smith & W. Aubrey Charitable Foundation and the Wilson N. Jones Community Foundation.
| Wilson N. Jones Community Foundation Board Trustees Tom Kyle and Delinda Lough present check to CFGC board members. L to R April Donovan, CFGC president elect, Delinda Lough and Tom Kyle, Wilson N. Jones Community Foundation board trustees, Tim Blalock, CFGC president, Kelly Ashmore, CFGC past president, Twila Crick, CFGC secretary and Harold Rogers, CFGC treasurer |
Sisters of Service Help CFGC Families!
The Sisters of Service (SOS) helped 10 needy CFGC families this year through their annual turkey dinner drive donating food for Thanksgiving dinner. In addition, the girls make Operation Warm Fuzzy blankets all year for our children. This year, SISD juniors, Kaylee Walker and Allyn Steele will lead the OWF project. Thank you SOS and their sponsor, Jennifer Taylor!
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District Attorney Joe Brown shares message
District Attorney Joe Brown shares his message of support for CFGC services and why they are so important to our community.
Thank you Joe Brown.
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Beloved Clinical Director Retiring
Jeannie Goodner, LPC S will be retiring at the end of this year as clinical director of the Child & Family Guidance Center. Jeannie has dedicated her career to helping hurting children and families heal and recover. She has been the strength and support of our clinical team ensuring the highest quality of care for our clients while extensively expanding programs and services during her leadership. Our team will miss her beautiful smile, wonderful hugs and amazing spirit!
A Come & Go retirement reception will be held on Friday, December 18th from 4 to 6 pm. Please click here for the invitation.
If you would like to send Jeannie a note to wish her well please email her at [email protected].
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Standing Up to The Grinch and Other
Christmas Joy Robbers
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"It's the most wonderful time of the year" is easily recognized as the first line of a favored Christmas song. How is it then that we often feel like we have just experienced a face-to-face encounter with the Grinch? You know him, the malevolent storybook character that created havoc during the Christmas season before his transformation to the kind, loving, and generous Grinch that he becomes.We are led to wonder how to keep the joy-robbers at bay and Christmas meaningful and joy-filled? How can we manage to rise above the stressed busyness that threatens the true reasons of why we celebrate?
By: Phyllis Sphan, LPC, RDN, LDN
Santa Needs Your Help!
Over 85% of the families served at CFGC live in poverty. Many do not have enough food to eat or money for the most basic items. Still...Santa is expected in the hearts of their children.
Please consider helping us provide support by donating online at www.cfgcenter.org for Client's Christmas Gift Cards. Gift cards will be distributed to our neediest families by December 18th.
Thank you and Merry Christmas!
A Big Thanks to Eaton -B Line for providing gifts for 34 children!
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CFGC Celebrates 50 Years of Changing Lives in 2016!
Plans to Celebrate are Underway!
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Community Partnership Helps Texoma Families
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In partnership with the Center for Workplace Learning at Grayson College, we are excited to continue our parenting seminars in 2016! In the spring we will offer a free 4-part parenting series on Thursday evenings. The topics include many critical areas of life challenges children, teens and parents experience. The seminars are FREE to the public. Registration will be available at the CWL website. The parenting series is presented by CFGC Colleen Callister, LPC Intern. It's Not What You Say, But How You Say It!
Learn how to communicate effectively with your kids (February 18)
Preparing Your Child for Life
Choices & Consequences (March 17)
Putting Together the Pieces for Healthy Families
Healthy Bodies, Minds & Emotions (April 21)
Sex, Social Media and Your Teen (May 19)
Please mark you calendar... Starfish Benefit 10.1.2016
The 2015 Starfish Benefit was a HUGE SUCCESS & A LOT OF FUN! Thanks to everyone who participated. Together...we are the Starfish Story!
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Join us on Goodshop to give back when you shop
Not only do they have the most powerful coupons on earth from every online store you could ever want (like Amazon, Gap, and Target), but they also donate a percentage of each eligible purchase to CFGC!
Visit our website |
Happy Thoughts!
"Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful. "
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