Winter Newsletter
| December, 2014 |
It's in the air! You can feel it! CHRISTMAS!
There is something about Christmas that makes everyone feel excited, happy and hopeful. Christmas brings out the child in each of us. The festive air is contagious; giving us reason to feel joyful and grateful by the vibrancy of the season.
All of us at CFGC are deeply grateful for the blessings bestowed upon our agency in 2014. We are in awe of the generosity of our supporters and the belief they have in our work.
In the spirit of Christmas, I wish you and yours a Blessed Christmas and Happy New Year!
Brenda Hayward
Executive Director
Child & Family Guidance Center of Texoma |
Emerson Process Management Keeps Giving Back!
 | Dusty Payne, Brenda Hayward and Mark Anderson |
Emerson Process Management located in Sherman Texas has a long history of giving back to our community. They are unsung heroes helping hundreds of Texoma families each year through the ongoing efforts of management and employees making our community a better place.
Emerson Process Management has been very generous to CFGC over the years. In addition to being a huge United Way donor, Emerson goes above and beyond by providing additional funding directly to local charities Recently, plant manager, Mark Anderson and director of human resources, Dusty Payne (who previouslyserved on the CFGC board for six years) stopped by for a visit and to present a check. They took the time to take a tour and learn about our services and the needs of our clients. We are blessed and very grateful for Emerson Process Management's belief in our work and continued financial support.
Gift Cards for our Clients!
Each year many families in service at CFGC will not have a Merry Christmas without community support.
They have fallen on hard times... yet Santa is still expected in the hearts of their children.
Please consider helping us provide support by donating online at for Client's Christmas Gift Cards. Gift cards will be distributed to our neediest families by December 19th.
Thank you and Merry Christmas!
Our CFGC Team is Growing!
Back Row L. to R. Amber Welch, Antionette Mitchell, Jim Runnels, John Howard, Susan Owen, Myrtle Reid, Karen Sylvester , Front Row L. to R. Jeanne Evans, Jessica Hamilton, Rachel Carey, Jeannie Goodner
Over the past 10 years the Child & Family Guidance Center of Texoma has grown exponentially. The budget has more than tripled and the number of therapy sessions have increased from 2200 to 8000 annually. During that time, our team of clinical and administrative support staff has grown from 7 to 20. We are busy and working hard to keep up with the demand for services.
All of our growth has been made possible by an active, engaged and visionary board of directors and generous donors. We are grateful to all of our board members and local donors who believe so strongly in our cause.
You make it possible for over 2000 hurting Texoma children and families receive the help they need regardless of their ability to pay for services. THANK YOU!
2014 Beyond ABC Accessing Children's Health in the North Texas Corridor
Children's Health just published the 2014 Beyond ABC which provides valuable information about the state of health of our children living in Grayson, Fannin, Cooke, Collin and Denton Counties.
CFGC aligns with Children's Health believing as they do that Beyond ABC is an important community service. Used as a tool for advocacy, it helps put pertinent facts before the policymakers and community leaders whose decisions will affect the lives of the Texoma-area children, now and for years to come. A pressing concern of ours is the 26.2 % percentage of children living in poverty in Grayson County. This is higher than the national average and equates to 1 in 4 children.
Happy Thoughts
And the Grinch, with his Grinch-feet ice cold in the snow, stood puzzling and puzzling, how could it be so? It came without ribbons. It came without tags. It came without packages, boxes or bags. And he puzzled and puzzled 'till his puzzler was sore. Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn't before. What if Christmas, he thought, doesn't come from a store? What if Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more?
Dr. Seuss
Child & Family Guidance Center
804 E. Pecan Grove Road
Sherman, Texas 75090
 Our Thanks... | The 2014 Starfish Benefit was a HUGE SUCCESS! Thanks to everyone who participated. Together...we are the Starfish Story! Mark you calendar for the 2015 Starfish Benefit 9.26.15 |