Submitting Articles for Publication
Peds@CA2 e-News



Thank you for your interest in submitting an article for our newsletter, Peds@CA2.

The AAP-CA2 newsletter is published monthly, on the first weekend of the month, and distributed electronically to our entire membership. A sample of the November 2014 issue is included below as reference. All articles and links are fully functional.




1. Article

Submitted articles must be print-ready and in word document format. It is recommended that the article begins with a title (article topic), and your full name with credentials. An example can be seen by clicking here. This example is the same as Dr. Lieberthal's section, in the newsletter sample shown below.

The newsletter will feature the beginning of the article. A link reading "read more..." will allow the viewer to see the article in its entirety. 


2. Portrait Photo

A portrait photo is required with all articles. See samples as shown in the newsletter below. Image size is not important, although a high resolution image is strongly recommended.


3. Short Biography

This is optional. A link of your Bio is provided to viewers if you so wish.



Themes and Publication

AAP-CA2 makes an effort to group articles with common themes. Publishing of articles is at the discretion of the Editor in Chief, and our Media and Corporate Communications Department. Once submitted, AAP-CA2 reserves the right to publish or not publish the article. 


When and Where to Submit

Articles may be submitted by the 20th of the month prior to publication. Please email all submissions to:



Thank you for your interest, and please feel free to contact me at any time should you have any questions or concerns.


Please visit our website:

Watch our video: We Are the AAP-CA Chapter 2





Tom�s Torices, MD

Executive Director 


(818) 422-9877


Sample Newsletter Shown Below

Welcome to the November edition 
of our monthly Newsletter. 


Exciting news! Opportunities abound to get involved with both the National AAP and our local chapter.  We received a grant to provide MOC part 4 credit and are looking for 10-15 practices interested in being involved with a yearlong QI asthma project. For more details read about this exciting opportunity in the informational article by our AAP-CA2 Secretary, pulmonologist, Chris Landon, MD, FAAP, who is also the Physician Project Leader.


For those of you who have a special interest and want to become involved at the National level, there are many committees with openings: Adolescence, Bioethics, Continuing Medical Education, Development, Drugs, Federal Government Affairs, Genetics, Hospital Care, Infectious Diseases, Membership, Native American Health, Nutrition, Pediatric Ambulatory Medicine, Pediatric Emergency Medicine, and Substance Abuse. The deadline for application submission is the beginning of February for July 2015 appointments. Thus, if you have any interest, please contact the chapter for more information.


If you haven't voted, the polls are still open. Please cast your vote for AAP President-elect. There are two exceptional candidates, Bernard Dreyer, MD, FAAP and Joseph Hagan, MD, FAAP. 


We also present an interesting point-counterpoint discussion on the recent AAP policy regarding Palivizumab (Synagis) prophylaxis among infants and children at increased risk of hospitalization for respiratory syncytial virus infection (RSV). A copy of that policy for reference is provided here (Policy Statement: Palivizumab)

As always, I welcome your comments and suggestions.



Paula Whiteman, MD, FACEP, FAAP

President, AAP-CA2


AAP-CA2 Will Recruit Practices for Quality Improvement Project

Chris Landon, MD, FAAP, FCCP, CMD 

Secretary, AAP-CA2


 The American Academy of Pediatrics - CA Chapter 2 is pleased to announce the acceptance of our Chapter to the AAP Quality Network Asthma learning collaborative. This is a year-long learning collaborative to systematically change physician care practices in accordance with the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute's National Asthma education and Prevention Program (NHLBI/NAEPP) asthma guidelines beginning November 2014, and continuing through December 2015.

Maintenance of Certification Part 4 (MOC) credit Performance in Practice will be offered to pediatricians completing the requirements of the project through the AAP's portfolio status as an MOC provider. The Academy will apply for 20 credits of Performance Improvement Continuing Medical Education (PI CME) for completion of the entire project (including learning sessions).


Using quality improvement methods, practices will make key practice changes with tools, assistance from a QI coach, and data to guide their progress. Data will be collected at the point of care using an encounter form that also provides decision support to clinicians. On demand data reports highlighting practice performance on multiple measures are provided to practices. Data collection on patient encounters over a 10 month period will track increases in percentage of patients receiving Optimal Asthma Care - a bundled measure that includes use of a standardized method to measure asthma control, a stepwise approach to treatment, provision of an asthma action plan, and persistent asthma patients on controller medications.


We will be recruiting 10-15 pediatric practices for the project across all of the members we serve. Practices will identify a quality improvement team and develop specific improvement goals to help focus their efforts to improve asthma care for children specific to their practices. The CQN Asthma program will provide the selected chapters with tools, resources and technical support to lead this quality improvement (QI) effort, and will gain QI knowledge and develop their capacity to support member practices in QI efforts. 

AAP COID Guidelines

Mitchell Goldstein, M.D. 


At California's Department of Health Care Services meeting in Sacramento, I had the chance to weigh in on whether California would adopt the American Academy of Pediatric Committee on Infectious Diseases's (AAP COID) restrictive new guidelines on preventative Respiratory Syncytial Virus or RSV treatment for premature babies. The question is both pressing and controversial. Issued in August, AAP's guidelines limit preventative treatment against respiratory syncytial virus to premature babies born before 29 weeks gestation - only a small portion of the fragile premature patient population that would otherwise be eligible. Despite their obvious stakeholder status, the decision-making process has largely ignored a potent source of insight: neonatologists, pulmonologists, and pediatric critical care specialists who have worked with these preemies for years and understand the risk we assume by adopting AAP COID's guidelines.   Read more...


Understanding the New Palivizumab Guidelines

Allan S. Lieberthal, MD, FAAP

In the August 2014 issue of Pediatrics the AAP published new guidelines for the use of palivizumab (Synagis™) that makes significant changes from previous policy statements and the current Red Book. The purpose of this article is to briefly review the major changes.


While RSV is present in 76% of bronchiolitis patients, human rhinovirus is present in 39% of patients. Other viruses found in bronchiolitis are influenza, coronavirus, human metapneumovirus, and parainfluienza. Co-infection with more than 1 virus is common. Most of the literature focuses on RSV.  Read more...


Recent AAP-CA2 Events

October 22nd. San Bernardino County Area Representative, Damodara Rajasekhar, MD, FAAP, hosted a Town Hall meeting in Victorville, CA, with guest speaker, Bill Mason, MD, FAAP.

October 22nd. Member-At-Large, Ken Saul, MD, FAAP, hosted a Town Hall meeting in Woodland Hills, CA, with guest speaker, John M. Graham Jr. MD, ScD


Events Next Week
Friday, November 7, 2014   -   Registration Required
The 56th Kaiser Permanente Annual Pediatric Symposium offers an excellent array of speakers who will share their expertise and knowledge in the field of pediatric medicine.

The Planning Committee has worked hard to put together a fantastic program for you.  Over 200 health care providers from Kaiser Permanente and the Community are expected to attend. 


Be sure to visit AAP-CA2's table!


Symposium Co-Chairs:

Cynthia Baker, MD - AAP-CA2 Member-At-Large

Edward Curry, MD - AAP-CA2 Vice-President

Shari Chevez, MD



Saturday, November 15, 2014   -   Registration Required

This one-day event features our very own AAP-CA2 Member-At-Large, Tracy Zaslow, MD, FAAP, and Team doctor for the L.A. Galaxy soccer team, who will be presenting:

What Can I Take, Doc?  Update on Performance Enhancement and Nutritional Supplements in Athletes.


Save The Date!
April 25, 2015
AAP-CA Chapter 2 Presents: 
The 26th Annual Southern California 
Postgraduate Pediatric Conference

Advances in Pediatrics

Saturday, April 25, 2015
Sheraton Universal Hotel
Universal City, CA


Thank you for your support
PO Box 94127 Pasadena, CA 91109
(818) 422-9877
Please visit our website at