AAVMC Introduces Educational Cost Comparison Tool
The AAVMC has introduced a powerful new web-based IT tool that will help veterinary college applicants and students make better decisions regarding the cost and course of their professional education. The Cost Comparison Tool (CCT) provides a convenient, transparent and reliable resource for estimating the cost of attending a veterinary medical college in the United States.The CCT allows users to compare data for resident and non-resident tuition as well as the cost of attendance. In addition, users can see the average size of the freshman scholarship award and the percentage of first year students receiving an award. Learn more.
Cultivating Private Support Is an Enterprise-wide Effort
Six deans from AAVMC member institutions shared their thoughts on fundraising and private support in academic veterinary medicine during the annual meeting of the Association of Veterinary Advancement Professionals (AVAP) in San Antonio. One message that emerged was crystal clear: successfully raising money from private sources for our schools and colleges of veterinary medicine is a "team sport" that requires buy-in at every level of the organization. Learn more.
AAVMC/APTR One Health Interprofessional Education Case Studies Webinar
Four case studies demonstrating how One Health concepts can be integrated into the degree programs of various health professions will be presented during a webinar on September 27, 2016 at 1 p.m. EDT. The One Health Interprofessional Education Initiative is presenting the webinar. That working group was organized by the AAVMC in collaboration with the Association for Prevention Teaching and Research (APTR) and the Healthy People Curriculum Task Force (HPCTF) in early 2015. Learn more.
Nomination Period Opens for AAVMC Professional Excellence Awards, Pat Lowrie Scholarship
The AAVMC annually presents a series of prestigious awards designed to inspire and recognize professional excellence in teaching, research, service and other areas of academic veterinary medicine. The nomination period is now open for the 2017 series of awards, which will be presented during the 2017 annual conference in Washington. Additionally, nominations are being accepted for the Patrician M. Lowrie Diversity Leadership Award, which awards $6,000 to a student recognized for making exceptional contributions to diversity and inclusion. The nomination deadline for all awards is October 16, 2016. Learn more.
AAVMC Health and Wellness Summit Nov. 4-6 at CSU-CVMBS
The 4th AAVMC Veterinary Health and Wellness Summit will be held Nov. 4-6, 2016 at the Colorado State University (CSU) College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences in Fort Collins, Colorado. The gathering brings veterinary students, administrators, practitioners, social workers, counselors, and industry partners together to focus on health and wellness issues within the veterinary profession. Title sponsors for the summit are Zoetis and VCA. The standard registration deadline is September 30. Late registration is available through October 16. Click here for more information. Learn more.
AAVMC's Antimicrobial Initiative Director Moves to the NIH
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Dr. Chase Crawford
The Director of the AAVMC/APLU Antimicrobial Initiative, Dr. Chase Crawford, has accepted a new position as a Program Analyst (Zika) in the Office of Legislative Policy and Policy Analysis within the Office of the Director at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Dr. Crawford joined the AAVMC in September 2015 in a position jointly funded by the AAVMC and Association of Public Land-Grant Universities (APLU). He led the implementation of a series of remedial and control strategies and programs that emerged from the AAVMC/APLU Task Force on Anti-Microbial Resistance. Learn more.
AAVMC Co-Sponsors' 2016 Merial-NIH Veterinary Scholar Program
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From left: Dr. Harm HogenEsch from the Purdue University CVM, keynote speaker Dr. Ab Osterhaus and Dr. Patrick Green from The Ohio State CVM.
Almost 600 veterinary students, faculty and professional staff gathered for the 2016 Merial-NIH National Veterinary Scholar Symposium held recently at The Ohio State University (OSU) College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM). "Trans-disciplinary Approaches to Health and Wellness" provided opportunities to explore a number of research topics, including infectious diseases, translational oncology, and regenerative medicine through keynote and featured presentations, breakout sessions, and poster sessions. The AAVMC co-sponsors the symposium, which exposes veterinary students in their first or second year of veterinary school to biomedical research and career opportunities in research. Learn more.
WSAVA and CDC Taking One Health Approach to Preventing Obesity in People and Their Pets
Obesity, and the serious health problems it can lead to, is a big problem for people and pets. Given that fact, two major health organizations are collaborating on a One Health approach to addressing the issue in a major educational symposium. The One Health Committee of the World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are presenting "Preventing Obesity in People and Their Pets: A One Health Approach" at the Emory Conference Center in Atlanta, Georgia November 9-11, 2016. Learn more.
HABRI Study Links Knowledge of Human-Animal Bond Benefits with Better Pet Care
Research conducted by the Human Animal Bond Research Initiative (HABRI) Foundation shows that the more people know about the benefits of the human-animal bond, the better care they will take of their pets. The AAVMC is a member of HABRI.The survey asked pet owners about their awareness of research that shows pets improve human health and found that this knowledge has the power to motivate them to take better care of their pets in important ways. Learn more.
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