Weekly E-News and Events from the Southeastern Iowa Synod

Southeastern Iowa Synod Weekly E-News 

March 14, 2013   

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In This Issue   

World Malaria Day: April 25

A Place at the Table

PorticoBenefits.org Online

Holy Week Worship

Women of the ELCA
Bible Study

Event Registration

2013 Synod Assembly
May 31 - June 1, 2013
Lutheran Church of Hope
West Des Moines, IA  
Click here for more information and to register
Love Like Jesus 
-High School Youth Event
June 20-23, 2013   
Des Moines, IA       

Synod Calendar

March 14, 2013
Conference Deans Meeting
10am - 2pm
Southeastern Iowa Synod Center for Ministry
Iowa City, IA

March 14, 2013
Rostered Leadership
Support Commission
10am - 2pm
Southeastern Iowa Synod
Center for Ministry
Iowa City, IA 
March 25, 2013
Holy Week Worship for
Rostered Leaders
Bethany Lutheran Church
West Branch, IA
Click here for more info

March 29, 2013

Good Friday
Southeastern Iowa Synod Center for Ministry
Iowa City, IA
Office Closed

March 31, 2013

April 12, 2013
9am - 4:30pm
Southeastern Iowa Synod Center for Ministry
Iowa City, IA

April 16, 2013
Synod Assembly Resolutions Due to Synod Center for Ministry, Iowa City, IA

April 20, 2013
Synod Council
9am -2:30pm
Southeastern Iowa Synod Center for Ministry
Iowa City, IA

Save the Date

Please submit
Synod Assembly Resolutions

to the Synod Center for Ministry by
April 16, 2013
so they may be included in the pre-assembly materials. Resolutions may also be submitted for consideration at synod assembly.


Join the Movement: World Malaria Day April 25  

Jessica Nipp Hacker, Coordinator of ELCA Malaria Campaign


Have you heard about the ELCA Malaria Campaign?
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), through the ELCA Malaria Campaign, is joining hands with Lutheran partners in Africa. Together, we are helping prevent, treat and educate communities about malaria and eliminating deaths from this curable disease -- for good.

Join the movement! World Malaria Day is April 25 and your congregation can join millions of people around the world in taking action. We are turning this day into a special week -- focusing on the work funded through the ELCA Malaria Campaign.


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A Place at the Table

Bread for the World and Take Your Place Campaign   


How is it possible that people in this country continue to go hungry, despite our abundance of food?

A Place at the Table, a new eye-opening documentary, answers that question through the lives of Americans across the country for whom putting food on the table is a daily struggle. Their stories reveal the depth of the hunger crisis in America, the factors that drive it, and the progress we have made in the past. Bread for the World is a major alliance organization of the film, which is produced by Participant Media and distributed by Magnolia Pictures. Bread for the World's 2013 Offering of Letters coincides with the release of the film and is also called "A Place at the Table."


Currently in limited release, the documentary will be shown at The Fleur Cinema & Caf� in Des Moines, IA (4545 Fleur Dr.) beginning Friday, March 15. For show times and directions visit www.fleurcinema.com


Opportunities to view this Sundance Festival Film may be limited. A Place at the Table ultimately shows us how hunger poses serious economic, social and cultural implications for our nation, and that it could be solved once and for all, if the American public decides - as they have in the past - that making healthy food available and affordable is in the best interest of us all.   For more information about A Place at the Table as well as a film discussion guide visit: www.takepart.com/place-at-the-table

PorticoBenefits.org Now Online


The name ELCA Board of Pensions and the www.elcabop.org have been retired.  Any links to elcabop.org will be automatically re-directed to www.PorticoBenefits.org.  The Portico website provides a modern user experience, enabling plan members and employers to access information, transact online, and receive timely email updates and reminders specific to their needs. Because plan members and employers have a distinctly different relationship with us, PorticoBenefits.org
gives each group its own unique online access - myPortico for members and EmployerLink for employers - and asks that they register and sign in.


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Holy Week Worship for Rostered Leaders
Monday, March 25, 2013
Bethany Lutheran Church, West Branch, Iowa   


As in past years, Bishop Burk invites rostered leaders to take time to gather with colleagues for a service of Holy Communion on Monday of Holy Week, March 25, at 11:00 am. Whether this is among the busiest days of the year or a much needed day of sabbath rest, this once-a-year gathering is for the sake of nourishing the servants who regularly offer nourishment to the people of God.

We will worship at Bethany Lutheran Church in West Branch.  As in previous years, this service will include the affirmation of vocational promises. While this service of Word and Sacrament will provide nourishment for the week ahead, especially the Three Days, time with colleagues is also nourishing. So please consider remaining after worship for lunch at Bethany. Lunch will be provided by the women of Bethany for $5 (or a donation of your choosing).

If you plan to stay for lunch, please RSVP to Lori Uhl (uhl@seiasynod.org or 319.338.1273) no later than Wednesday, March 20.


Women of the ELCA Bible Study Seminar
Wartburg Theological Seminary, Dubuque, IA  



Company's coming!  Dr. Kay Ward has invited nine women from the Old Testament, several from the New Testament and a handful of women she knows, to stop in for a visit. This annual seminar is designed to provide an in-depth introduction to the September through May study for the Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.

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