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Terrace 2BR All $2,400
Diamond Lake Tahoe Vacation Resort
Your Timeshare Resort Experts
Paradise Timeshare Resale
1001 Heavenly Village Wy #37
South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150
Tahoe Bargain Basement
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Hawaii Bargain Basement

Paradise Timeshare Resale is pleased to announce that it is continuing the Club Paradise Free Timeshare Sweepstakes contest for 2012.
This year's timeshare prize is an annual usage unit at the prestigious Ridge Tahoe resort, a five star property located in Stateline, Nevada within minutes of beautiful Lake Tahoe. The unit is in the Plaza building, Prime season, which encompasses the high demand winter and summer months. No purchase is necessary, just click on the Club Paradise logo for the entire contest details and enter to win!