Laura R. Zohman, MA, LDN, CHT

According to Chinese medicine there are 5 seasons.  We are coming into Late Summer, before Autumn. 

Late summer is a time of adjustment. As it cools down we will eat a heavier diet and include more protein. The Spleen, Stomach and Earth element govern the Late Summer season.  Digestion is very important in order to to feel our best and to build energy reserves. 

Don't forget to deep breathe, to honor the earth, enjoy nature and schedule relaxation after an intense summer.
August continues to be a spiritual time of learning to resolve interpersonal conflicts, on a deep level.  There are three planets going backwards: Neptune (Be confused - or meditate and be creative), Uranus (Unplanned surprises occur - stay calm)  and Venus (our relationship energy has now gone unconscious).  Old friends and lovers from the past now appear in our thoughts and dreams.  Or in the flesh. Not surprising if you still have issues to be resolved!

Life appears to be going slowly or at a stand still with these planets going retrograde (backwards).  Our friend, Saturn turns direct on August 2nd and lets us know what is the current lesson.  The best strategy for dealing with Saturn is to work through things. Whatever the issue, it's better to deal with it than to avoid it.  If you avoid it - it will appear again, and again.

Jupiter, the planet of luck, leaves Leo and enters Virgo, starting August 12th, 2015 for a year. This will affect Virgos - or if you have planets in Virgo like a Virgo moon. Lucky you!

August 14 - a new moon in Leo.  Make your creative wishes at that time.  August 29 is  the Full Moon, a Supermoon, fully illuminated to celebrate the inner work we accomplished this summer.

Sun enters Virgo on August 23rd - We prepare for fall activities like work and school.  
Improve health, increase your lifespan with Epigenetics (Christiane Northrup M.D.)

1. Choose positive words when you talk about your health. Your words become destiny.

2. Acknowledge what diseases run in your family. 
3. Use your inner wisdom to elevate your health legacy to a vibrant level.
4. Listen to what your dis-ease is telling you and allow space for emotions to be released.

I have written about Epigenetics before.  Dr. Bruce Lipton discovered beliefs and thoughts are more important than your genetic make up.  You do not have to acquire the diseases of your parents. Clean up thoughts, beliefs, and habits. With your inner wisdom and knowledge, you can make changes to create a healthier you.  Meditation helps!   LAURA    

Don't let the noise of another opinion drown out your own inner voice.  S. Jobs

The privilege of a life time is being who you are. Joseph Campbell

Whenever emotions are positive, you are in harmony with your inner intention. Abraham

Soul Coaching by Phone Available NOW!  Call LAURA at 978-777-9911
AUGUST at  Comeau Health Associates, 194 North St, Danvers, MA 
Summer Hours - Monday 2-5PM and Thursday 4-8PM 

SEPTEMBER - Tuesdays 2-5PM at Chi Muscular Therapy, 161 Eastern Ave, Lynn MA 01902, One block from the Swampscott MBTA Railroad station 

NOVEMBER - Watch for classes in the next newsletter       

PayPal Secure Payments Online - Major credit cards accepted.   

Please see website for details.


Laura Zohman, MA, LDN, CHT


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