

Laura R. Zohman, MA, LDN, CHT
The Times of our Lives


May 3 Full Moon in Watery Scorpio 
Full moons are endings of possibilities started at the new moon.  Full moons can be emotional. People are open.  Best time to have a party and have a crying or laughing good time. 

May 10 Mother's Day 
Honor Mothers, Women and Mother Earth.

May 18 New Moon in Air sign Gemini  
New Moons are beginnings.  In Gemini there will be so many things to think and talk about.  Communication is highlighted.  Decide priorities and take action.  

May 25 Memorial Day
Memorial Day is a federal holiday observed every year on the last Monday in May. It honors those who died serving in the military.  Seen as the start of summer. 
The Mind/Body Connection

Nutrition Expert, Watch Thyself

I have been doing nutritional counseling for 30 years. I eat well.  But, every so often I forgo my wisdom and dip into disaster.  

I felt great.  Had acupuncture and a good report at the doctors. Reason to celebrate. White wheat makes me tired.  I lusted after pasta at an Italian restaurant, where I ate a  pasta dish with chicken, spinach, sun dried tomatoes.  It was laden with oil and grease. The fat and wheat combination caused an extreme reaction - a total mental fog.

Left the restaurant,  got into my car and started to drive away.  I asked myself - Where am I?  Where was I going?  I was  mentally unhinged.  Tired is one thing, but I was out of my mind. Went home, threw out the leftovers and went to bed. 

This was not a food pleasure.  If there are foods you know are bad for you - don't eat them. If you don't know which foods cause mind/body stress, make an appointment with Laura.   
Mind Body Spirit: Letting go of Stress

When prolonged stress continues beyond a few moments, it suppresses the brain's ability to develop new cells. from University of California  


1. Gratitude improves the mood and reduces the stress hormone cortisol by 23%.
2. Stop "What If" statements which increase stress and worry. Take action.   
3. Disconnect from stressful situations; walk, listen to music, meditate, and breathe.  4. Stop negative self-talk in it's tracks. It is stressful and is not factual. 
5. Ask for help from your support system, friends, family, God or just journal it out.  

Noteworthy Motherly Quotations
All that I am or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother;  Abraham Lincoln

We are born of love; Love is our mother; Rumi

 When we recognize the virtues, the talent, the beauty of Mother Earth, something is born in us, some kind of connection; love is born;  Nhat Hanh   
News & Notes

Soul Coaching by Phone 978-777-9911
Phone sessions only, while  gone from the office. New beginnings for me, as well. Will be moving my home.  Have furniture to sell. 

Expect to return in July 2015 to:    
Comeau Health Associates, 194 North St,  Danvers MA 

 Chi Muscular Therapy, 161 Eastern Ave, Lynn MA 01902,

PayPal Secure Payments Online

All major credit cards accepted.  Please see website for details.


Laura Zohman, MA, LDN, CHT


Post Office Box 8052,Salem, MA 01971
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