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Laura R. Zohman, MA, LDN, CHT
The Times of our Lives
April 3 Good Friday
April 5 Easter Sunday
Full Moon in Libra Full Moons indicate completion. Libra is balance. Let work and play be balanced.
April 4 Passover - Moving out of restriction into the promised land
April 15 Tax Day - Don't forget to file taxes - then you can relax
April 16 New Moon in Aries New Beginnings in a sign that signifies new beginnings. If you haven't started something new, however small THIS IS THE TIME to move forward.
If you travel a spiritual path, or if sensitive or aware you may notice inner/outer changes taking place. For me it is moving again, throwing out clothes, papers and furnishings. Like shedding skin. For others, friends may seem to be falling away along with old interests, activities or habits, which may not feel as good or uplifting as before. Your higher vibrations may no longer be in sync with the old and familiar. Not to worry. People, places, and things which used to match your energetic frequency may not now. If you feel empty - it will not be for long. Like minded people, comfortable places and suitable things will fill your void. This shift is part of a virtual rebirth, which has been happening for many of us and now we are making choices to take action - this spring.
Spirit: Loving Kindness Meditation (Metta - a Buddhist meditation)
Sit comfortably and take a few deep breaths. Silently repeat these words. Breathe and pause after each one. May I be safe, May I be healthy. May I be joyful, May I be free. Extend those wishes out to people you know . May she be safe. May she be healthy, May she be joyful. May she be free. Extend those wishes to the world. May all beings be safe. May all beings be healthy, May all beings be joyful. May all beings be free.
Noteworthy Quotations
You will either step forward into growth, or step backward into safety. Abraham Maslow
When we leave this world, all we take with us is what we have done and what we did not do.
John Holland
Action is the foundational key to all success. Pablo Picasso
News & Notes
Soul Coaching by Phone Now Available!
Will be at Comeau Health Associates, 194 North St, Danvers, MA in April, but not in May or June.
Starting on Tuesdays at Chi Muscular Therapy 161 Eastern Ave, Lynn MA 01902, One block from the Swampscott MBTA Railroad station
PayPal Secure Payments Online
All major credit cards accepted. Please see website for details.
Laura Zohman, MA, LDN, CHT
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