Being in the moment can be wonderful, but it takes time and practice. I try to notice when I am experiencing signs of worry and fear. I am watching this closely as my moving project seems to be Mission Impossible. Being in the moment and breathing brings me back to the present. Just identifying difficult feelings and making a conscious effort to accept those feelings and then by slowing down my breathing seems to help. I then breathe in peacefulness and the color violet which represents peacefulness for me, reminding myself that this packing will get finished and on time. If I add that it can be easy - it probably will be.
A friend told me about this plan. She lost 20 pounds in 28 days doing The Fast Metabolism Diet: Eat more Food and Lose More Weight by Haylie Pomroy . This is a detox program and elimination plan to get back to basics. I think it is the next step after Dr. Mark Hyman's Ultra Simple Diet and JJ Virgin's The Virgin Diet. These food plans help people balance their bodies and take them away from America Runs on Dunkin Donuts. Check out the book.
One woman is losing weight using her new IPAD. She is so busy using her fingers and hands, she doesn't have time to reach for food to stuff in her mouth and she is also
occupied mentally and not bored.
If you can take care of the hand mouth reaction - you can lose weight or as I did - Give up Cigarettes. Years ago, I spent a lot of time playing solitaire - which helped me quit.
SPIRIT: SENSES AND SENSITIVITY We all have 5 senses, smell, taste, feel, hearing, and seeing. Each is developed differently in each person. As we progress along our spiritual path, some or all of these senses can become more heightened. Your sense of smell is developed and expanding. It is a psychic window to the unknown or unconscious. Smells will give you clues as to your guides, grandparents, life journey, past lives, childhood etc.
Take the time and focus on the sense of smell or another sense and see how it can bring you back to your childhood or another time or place.