renewable � sustainable � community-based
Pacific Biodiesel Newsletter
Growing the Next Generation of Farmers
Meet Jamie Twigg-Smith, Agriculture Operations Manager for Pacific Biodiesel
When people ask me what I do at Pacific Biodiesel, the short answer is I'm a farmer. But it's so much more than that.
Twenty years ago, PBT's biodiesel production relied solely on used cooking oil and grease trap waste as the feedstock. Today, our innovations are leading us back to the farm. Our company is involved in so many exciting, sustainable, agriculture-related projects. For example, the first phase of our work to grow sunflowers as a test crop for biodiesel feedstock concluded this Spring and the results have been very promising. We've realized we can grow new field crops like sunflowers in Hawaii with much higher yields than the mainland because of our ability to grow year-round.
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During an tour of the jatropha farm, Jamie Twigg-Smith, Ag Operations Manager, shows some of the oil producing seeds to attendees.
We're also exploring creative ways to turn agricultural waste into co-products that can create additional revenue streams for farmers - like using waste papaya as a carbon source to grow algae that's used as meal for aquaculture, livestock feed and farm fertilizer. Papaya growers can lose up to 35% of their annual yield from unusable culls. By turning this waste into a valuable new product, we're finding new ways to help farmers expand their businesses.
I'm a bean counter, literally. I went to college to study accounting and business. This background helps me evaluate our current and emerging agricultural projects from many sides and understand how it all ties together. When I left college, I knew I wanted to be outside in the field. I guess growing up on a coffee farm in Kona instills that in you.
Contributed by Jamie Twigg-Smith, Ag Operations Manager
Sustainable Certification Process Begins
Pacific Biodiesel strives for another first
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Company co-founders Bob and Kelly King explain advancements at the Big Island plant and the SBA sustainable certification program during the media event.
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On March 14, 2016 Pacific Biodiesel hosted a media event at its Big Island plant to kick off the process of the Sustainable Biodiesel Alliance's sustainable certification program. Upon completion, Big Island Biodiesel will become the first certified facility of its kind in the United States. Attendees included members of the media, local county officials, plant employees and student volunteers filming for Maui Huliau Foundation. Guests participated in a tour to learn about the plant's efficient operations, zero-waste biodiesel production process, feedstock types, R&D lab and newest macadamia nut oil processing.
Photographed above, attendees of the March 14 media event tour the Pacific Biodiesel Big Island plant with Director of Operations, Jenna Long.
Jamie Twigg-Smith, Ag Operations Manager, describes innovations of the company's farming process currently underway to evaluate test crops of seeds from the jatropha plants near Big Island Biodiesel's facility.
Kelly King Confirmed to HTDC Board
Promoting technology opportunities in Hawaii
On March 2, 2016 the Senate Committee on Economic Development, Environment, and Technology confirmed Governor Ige's three nominations to the Board of Directors of the High Technology Development Corporation. Included in the group is Vice President of Pacific Biodiesel, Kelly T. King, the only woman currently serving on the eleven member board.
The High Technology Development Corporation ( HTDC) is a state agency established by the Hawaii State Legislature in 1983 to facilitate the development and growth of Hawaii's commercial high technology industry. The state views high technology as an important driver in the diversification of Hawaii's economy and one that provides quality, high-paying jobs for Hawaii residents.
PBT Receives Best Places to Work Honors
Recognized for fifth straight year
For the last five consecutive years, Pacific Biodiesel has been named by Hawaii Business Magazine as one of the "Best Places to Work" in the state. Data collected from confidential employee surveys are assessed to determine those companies that rate highest in satisfaction with their workers. "We have an excellent team and I appreciate that so many took the time to complete the optional surveys," said Robert King, President of Pacific Biodiesel. "They take pride in our mission to promote renewable fuel in Hawaii, but the reason we are one of the Best Places to Work is because our team makes it so, for each other, which makes it a great place for me to work!"
Four employees will represent Pacific Biodiesel at the awards ceremony in Honolulu on March 31, 2016.
Kings Named to Top 100 List Influential in the advanced bioecomony for 2016
 For the second consecutive year, Bob and Kelly King, co-founders of Pacific Biodiesel Technologies, have been included on the international list of Top 100 People in the Advanced Bioeconomy, published by Biofuels Digest. The recipients are nominated and voted on by the publication's readers and editorial board. The top 100 List recognizes industry leaders, government officials and researchers from across the globe including North America, Europe, Asia and the Baltic. For more about the honor click here.
HELCO Hybrid Fuels With B100
Hawaii Electric Light Company has first in state
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HELCO's new hybrid diesel truck is a 2016 Kenworth T-370 featuring an Odyne Parallel Hybrid Drive, Engine-Off HVAC, boom functions, exportable power, with an Altec Industries 55' double bucket
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Once again, Hawaiian Electric Light Company raises the bar! The first hybrid diesel truck in Hawaii is now in use by the company on the Big Island. "This is the first and only one in the state and it's fueled with 100% biodiesel," reported HELCO Fleet Administrator Kelvin Kohatsu. "Two more of the Kenworth T-370s have been ordered and should be here in December." Kudos to Hawaii Electric Light Company once again for continuing to expand their renewable energy use.
Missouri Confirms Biodiesel Best
"Show Me" State Ranks Biodiesel #1 for Fleets
 As reported in a recent article in Biofuels Digest, "Missouri survey data shows 18 percent of fleets use biodiesel now - up from 15 percent in 2015. And in terms of future alternative fuel interest, biodiesel also takes top honors, with more fleets planning to acquire or continue using biodiesel than any other alternative fuel option." Read the full article.
News from Maiden Hawaii Naturals
Community outreach generates new demand
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The "Aloha Lomi Team" uses Maiden Hawaii Naturals pure macadamia nut oil on the beach at Palekai.
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When the Hawaiian canoe "Hikianalia" was arriving in Hilo last month, Pacific Biodiesel was offered the opportunity to provide its 100% macadamia nut oil to the Aloha Lomi Team for healing massage treatments for crew members and their families. As Kumu Dane Silva, master lomi practitioner explained, "My experience with mac nut oil is that it is excellent for relieving skin inflammation. I've used it to treat atopical dermatitis, in conjunction with an integrative approach to skin care." On Maui, our rollerball applicator bottles of oil were provided for the VIP bags at the Grow Some Good fundraiser held on March 12, supporting local school gardens. Sponsors of the 2016 Aipono Awards, at which Pacific Biodiesel presents the "Excellence in Sustainability Award," will find the luxurious macadamia nut oil included in their gift baskets. Back in Hilo at the Merrie Monarch Festival, dancers from each halau were presented with 10ml bottles of this luxurious macadamia nut oil as a show of our community support for this historic event. You can currently find Maiden Hawaii Naturals Pure Macadamia Nut Beauty Oil at Maui Tropical Plantation's General Store and at the gift shop at Imiloa Astronomy Center of Hawaii in Hilo or online at
Biodiesel in the Mix at Maui Energy Conference + Expo
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PacBio's Beth Mathias and Kate Cheney explain the benefits of locally produced biodiesel
Pacific Biodiesel did double duty at the 2016 Maui Energy Conference. Marketing team members manned the booth at the two-day renewable energy expo. New PB Marketing Director Joy Galatro joined Beth Mathias and intern, Kate Cheney, to answer questions and provide information about sustainable biodiesel and the company's diverse agricultural projects.
Discussing possible renewable energy models at the March 17 panel were (L-R) Marco Mangelsdorf, co-founder of Hawaii Island Energy Cooperative; Jonathan Koehn, Regional Sustainability Director for Boulder, CO; Kelly King, Vice President of Pacific Biodiesel Technologies; moderator Frank DeRego; Jennifer Chirico, Partner/President of Susty Pacific; and Doug McLeod, consultant with DKK Energy Services and former Maui County Energy Commissioner.
Additionally, Vice President Kelly King participated in a panel presentation exploring potential options to achieve the 100% RPS on Maui. The session, entitled "Maui: A Case Study - Is This Where We're All Headed?" was moderated by Frank DeRego, Project Director of Business Development with Maui Economic Development Board.
Renewable Fuel Milestone for Big Island
1st anniversary of fleet transition to biodiesel
April 1st marks the one year anniversary
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County of Hawaii fire trucks are fueled by biodiesel produced on island at Keaau's Big Island Biodiesel
for Hawaii County's use of B20 in all diesel vehicles. Since April 2015,Hawaii County vehicles that use diesel - including Hele-On Buses, trucks and equipment operated by the Environmental Management and Public Works departments, and fire trucks - have all been using B20 fuel with biodiesel produced at Big Island Biodiesel in Keaau. To read more about the County's move to locally produced biodiesel, click here.
Employee of the Quarter
Mike Sidman recognized by co-workers
According to his supervisor, Operations Team Manager Ke Kai Kaleleiki, "Mike Sidman is an exemplary employee of Big Island Biodiesel. His work ethic is one to be commended and his attitude
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Mike Sidman, Plant Operator and Shift Lead
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both on the job and off the job is an excellent representation of ourteam at Big Island Biodiesel." Mike's fellow Big Island Biodiesel employees must think so, too, as they voted him Employee of The Quarter.Sidman began working at the Keaau plant in September 2013 and is employed as a Plant Operator and Shift Lead at the refinery. When asked by Kaleleiki how he felt about receiving this recognition, Sidman replied, "It as been a total life changing experience to work at Big Island Biodiesel."
The Employee of the Quarter is a plant-wide recognition program voted on by the entire staff of Big Island Biodiesel.
New Faces in the Biodiesel BizThe PBT ohana welcomes new team members
Upcoming EventsThe Pacific Biodiesel team around town
Sunday, April 10 Aipono Awards, Maui
 Once again, Pacific Biodiesel and Maui EKO Systems present this year's "Excellence in Sustainability Award" at the annual event honoring the best of Maui's hospitality industry to benefit the Maui Culinary Academy. For tickets click here.
Wednesday, April 20 UHMC's Earth Day Celebration  The Pacific Biodiesel team will be out in force at the 2nd annual Earth Day celebration on the University of Hawaii Maui Campus grounds. Stop by and see what's new with Maui's renewable energy pioneers! Click here for details.
Headquartered in Kahului, Hawaii, Pacific Biodiesel was conceived in 1995 as a response to local concerns over unmanageable quantities of waste cooking oil being dumped at the Central Maui Landfill. Since opening and operating the very first retail biodiesel pump in America, Pacific Biodiesel has built a solid reputation as a leading pioneer in the rapidly expanding biodiesel industry. Its research and development division located in Salem, Oregon, has designed and built biodiesel plants from Hawaii to Maryland. PB is committed to the community - based biodiesel model and to our mission of promoting a clean, sustainable energy future through local production of renewable fuels.
For more information please visit our website or contact Beth Mathias at: