renewable � sustainable � community-based
Pacific Biodiesel Newsletter
A Look Back at 2015
A new perspective
Thirty years ago, when we had our first child, climate change was not an issue for the world, and in 1995 we created Pacific Biodiesel to address other environmental concerns such as waste recycling. Today,  after becoming grandparents for the first time, we face a world with more dire concerns and the company continues even more fervently focused on our mission of producing sustainable biofuel.
It's been a year of ups and downs for renewable fuels, but slowly the State of Hawaii and U.S. of A. are realizing that future generations are at stake, and we are somehow finding support for locally produced biodiesel despite the incredibly low petroleum prices of 2015. We have increased biodiesel sales to the State, County of Hawaii, Hawaii Electric Company, and the City & County of Honolulu continues its longstanding support. On the federal side, the biodiesel industry will once again receive an incentive credit, albeit only for a short two years.
As we celebrate the holidays and prepare to close the door on a year of struggles, we are happy to share the best of 2015 with our supporters, customers, partners, employees and their families. Mahalo nui loa for your manaʻo and Happy Holidays. Here's to a cleaner, greener new year and we'll see you at the biodiesel pump!
Bob and Kelly King
During his first visit to Big Island Biodiesel, Governor David Ige proclaimed March 18, 2015 as Pacific Biodiesel Day. The honor coincided with National Biodiesel Day, celebrating the birthday of Rudolf Diesel, who invented the diesel engine, designed to run on peanut oil.
In the first quarter of the year we also kicked-off the Hawaii Island phase of the biofuels crop project. Test crops of sunflower were planted in both Keaau and Waimea on Hawaii Island. Results are promising so far with higher than expected yields!
2nd Quarter 2015
The County of Hawai'i took a
Hele-On bus service now operating on biodiesel.
big step in going renewable for its transportation energy needs by moving to a B20 blend of biodiesel to power the diesel vehicles in the County fleet. This initiative also supports local jobs as Big Island Biodiesel processes the premium quality renewable fuel in Keaau. Read the full article here.
On May 8, 2015, Pacific Biodiesel celebrated our 20th anniversary. For two decades the company has stayed true to its mission, "To promote a clean, sustainable energy future through the community-based production of renewable fuels."
In June, VP Kelly King moderated a panel focused on the benefits of locally produced biodiesel at the annual meeting of the Hawaii State Assoc iation of Counties. Panelists included Kelvin Kohatsu, Fleet Administrator, Hawaiian Electric Light Company; Randy Kurohara, Deputy Managing Director, County of Hawaii; Clyde Omija, the Assistant Chief at the City and County of Honolulu; and Ed Sniffen, Deputy Director-Highways Division for the Hawaii State Department of Transportation.
3rd Quarter
By unanimous vote, members of Pacific Biodiesel Technologies, LLC (PBT) and Big Island Biodiesel, LLC (BIB), agreed to combine the Companies, making BIB a wholly owned subsidiary of PBT as of July 1, 2015.  Pacific Biodiesel Logistics was awarded Platinum Certified Clean Fleet status in August of 2015. PB was one of just five recipients in the inaugural Hawaii Clean Fleets Certification program sponsored by Blue Planet Foundation and Honolulu Clean Cities, with support from the Hawaii Department of Transportation.
Aaron King holds 1 liter of dried algae next to the centrifuge ithat condenses the algae to a paste
The Zero Waste Papaya Project was officially underway during the third quarter of 2015. Algae for aquatic meal was successfully grown on papaya waste and processed at the Big Island Biodiesel site. Click here for more information about this project that is helping Hawaii Island papaya farmers.
After months of trials, both in Hawaii and on the mainland, Pacific Biodiesel launched a new product line in October. Maiden Hawaii Naturals, comprised of pure macadamia nut oil, was created through a serendipitous discovery by the team at Pacific Biodiesel Technologies. When the biofuel crop demonstration project team began crushing macadamia nut culls at the request of local mac nut processors, their research into this island cultivar led to the development of a wonderful new skin product. How perfect that this natural beauty product came from a company steeped in a tradition of environmental and health concerns! Grown, processed and bottled on the Big Island, our luxurious, pure macadamia nut beauty oil can benefit both the skin and hair. You can 
find our products, along with client testimonials and back-up research, on line at or on Facebook.
Taking the opportunity to learn more about Hawaii's locally produced renewable biofuel, members of the State House Finance Committee joined Island representatives and Pacific Biodiesel Technologies staff for a tour of Big Island Biodiesel in October.
L to R - Finance Chair Rep. Silvia Luke, Rep. Richard Creagan, Rep. Mark Nakashima, Rep. Nicole Lowen, Rep. Bertrand Kobayashi, Bob King, Jenna Long, Rep. Jarrett Keohokalole, Rep. Romy Cachola, Rep. Feki Pouha, Rep. Lynn DeCoite, Rep. Kyle Yamashita, Rep. Ty Cullen, Rep. Cliff Tsuji, Kelly King, JamesTwigg-Smith
Pacific Biodiesel's "Seeds of Change" tour has been accepted as one of the offerings for the 2016 World Conservation Congress.
This tour will feature the community-based biofuel production model that is part of the Waimea Sustainable Community project on Hawaii Island - a model that supports green jobs, local agriculture, the livestock industry and the community as a whole.
In preparation for the November 1, 2015 start of the new Hawaiian Electric Company contr act, for purchase of up to three million gallons of biodiesel per year, Pacific Biodiesel commissioned 30 new tankers. The fuel is slated to power the 110 megawatt peaking power plant at Campbell Industrial Park that runs on 100% biodiesel. HECO's CIP operation is the largest 100% biodiesel-fueled power plant in the world.
In the nth hour, Congress approved the Biodiesel Federal Excise Tax (FET) Credit. President Obama signed the budget, making the FET official through the end of 2016. This credit is extremely important to the future of biodiesel, which has recently been recognized as the lowest carbon and most sustainable fuel on the planet.
Employee of the Quarter
Phillip Prieto recognized for the 4th Quarter
After gracing the cover of Biodiesel Magazine's November 2014 issue Phillip Prieto has now hit the big time as Big Island Biodiesel's "Employee of the Quarter." Prieto was hired  in June of 2014 in Big Island Biodiesel's shipping and receiving department and has recently been promoted to his current full time position as Centrifuge & Shipping & Receiving Operator. Referring to the process of converting degraded waste oils into premium biodiesel, Prieto commented, "Even the worst things can become good things in the end."
The Employee of the Quarter is voted on by the entire Big Island Biodiesel team, making the award even more meaningful to its recipients.
Congratulations to our Rising Star:
Promoting from within:
Big Island Biodiesel:
Gregory Robichaud - Shift Lead, Hawaii Island
New Faces in the Biodiesel Biz
The PBT ohana welcomes new members:
Pacific Biodiesel Logistics: Timothy Smith- Service Truck Driver, Oahu
Vernon Johnson - Driver/Maintenance Technician, Oahu
Big Island Biodiesel:
Joshua Nicholas - Shipping and Receiving Operator, Hawaii Island
Upcoming Events
Tuesday, December 29, 2015 Holiday Tech Job Fair, Honolulu Check out Pacific Biodiesel and Big Island Biodiesel at this upcoming Tech Job Fair on Oahu. To register for the job fair click here.
Headquartered in Kahului, Hawaii, Pacific Biodiesel was conceived in 1995 as a response to local concerns over unmanageable quantities of waste cooking oil being dumped at the Central Maui Landfill. Since opening and operating the very first retail biodiesel pump in America, Pacific Biodiesel has built a solid reputation as a leading pioneer in the rapidly expanding biodiesel industry. Its research and development division located in Salem, Oregon, has designed and built biodiesel plants from Hawaii to Maryland. PB is committed to the community - based biodiesel model and to our mission of promoting a clean, sustainable energy future through local production of renewable fuels.
For more information please visit our website or contact Beth Mathias at: