Happy New Year!

Nothing stops me when I'm running in the park, but while in Laguna Beach a few weeks ago, I saw this sunset. I stopped in my tracks, because I had to capture this scene. Beautiful, right?
It inspired me. And as we begin the new year, I wish that for you as well - for light, love, and to be inspired to follow your dreams as we start fresh in 2016.
At Metro Interiors we've continued into the new year at a busy pace, working on a 70,000 square foot commercial project in downtown St. Paul. We were thrilled to be chosen as the design team for it, and will keep you posted on happenings.
In April Margie and I will be going to High Point for the first time; we're so excited - not only to look for new lines, check out furniture in our existing lines (to better equip ourselves to help clients make the best choices in furniture) and to hunt down specific pieces - but, knowing Margie and I together, we're excited to find special restaurants to dine in the evenings. We both love to try new and different cuisines. We'll let you know all about our adventures!
Late 2015 we finished the party room at
Como Park Apartments, also in St. Paul. Don't miss the
Before and After photos below, which tell all - the d�cor needed to be brought up-to-date, and it's a much more enjoyable space to be in now.
Finally this issue, I'm sharing one of the tricks I have up my sleeve -
Feng Shui Aromatherapy. Who knew you could change the energy of your space, or your self, just by a simple spritz! Read more about them below.
Does your home feel like it's in alignment with who you are - who you aspire to be? Maybe it's time to let some things go that don't resonate with you anymore, and start fresh. We can help create a space that you love, one that supports you in every way. Just
contact us for a consultation.
Warmest Regards,