Welcome to Metropolitan Interiors
Are you enjoying summer? I sure am! This month I made my final trip to the Spa House in Laguna Beach, CA. If you follow us on Facebook you've seen a lot of this house - different design changes I've been working on over the last two years. But if you haven't had the chance to see what it's like yet, find more below.
Also in this issue, I am happy to share the design story of a favorite couple of mine, the Baumann's, and photos of their beautiful Lake Calhoun apartment. They were such a joy to work with. Lastly, don't miss an article about us in Exploring TOSCA magazine.
Enjoy the rest of your summer, and as always, let us know how we can lend our expertise to help you change your space.
Warmest Regards,
Julie Ann Segal

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Goodbye Spa House!

View our portfolio for more photos of the Spa House
After two years of design changes, finishes and perfecting, it's time to say goodbye to the Spa House.
But my hard work paid off - it sold in one day, to the first person to look at it!
I will always have fond memories of my time working there...
Lake Calhoun Apartment
What started out as a brand new, empty penthouse apartment overlooking Lake Calhoun has transformed into a beautiful contemporary living space for our clients, the Baumanns. The couple (whom we introduced you to on our blog) left their former home, a five-bedroom house in Eden Prairie, to start fresh here in Minneapolis. Taking no furniture along with them, their aim was to live a freer, easier life.
Change Your Space, Change Your Life

In the recent article "Change Your Space, Change Your Life" in
Exploring TOSCA magazine, discover how Julie Ann and the Metropolitan Interiors team go beyond creating spaces that look good, to ones that feel good too.
Have nothing in your homes that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.
-William Morris
President Interior Designer Certified Feng Shui Practitioner Allied Member, ASID Margie Kampf Interior Designer Certified Feng Shui Practitioner Member, IIDA 721 Second Ave N Suite 3 Minneapolis, MN 55405
p: 952.920.2827 f: 612-871-4953 |


Exploring TOSCA Summer 2013 Issue
See what's going on in the arts world in the Twin Cities this Summer - and TOSCA's American Sculptors of the Year from around the Country.