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ROANOKE VALLEY REALTOR®                     Online  

 Roanoke Valley  Associathion of REALTORS



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Membership Update Logo


Member Type | Count


REALTOR®         1,124

Offices                 133

Affiliate                179


Click here to see which RVAR members have switched firms, gone inactive, or joined recently.

In This Issue
Millennials Top All Home Buyers
2015 Legislative Wrap Up
Community Service Day
Does Your Facebook Page Comply?
VAR Broker Day
Save The Date - REALTOR® After Hours at the Lake
The Speaker's Forum
Ethics Training
Upcoming Education
Our RVAR Family
Upcoming Events & Deadlines

Millennials Top All Home Buyers  

Despite the economic and financial challenges young adults have braved since the recession, the millennial generation (ages 34 and younger) represent the largest share of recent home buyers, according to NAR's 2015 Home Buyer and Seller Generational Trends study. Millennial home buyers had a median income of $76,900 and typically bought a 1,720 square foot home costing $189,900. 

The survey additionally found that an overwhelming majority of buyers search for homes online (88%) and then purchase their home through a real estate agent (87%), with millennials using agents the most.

2015 Legislative Wrap Up

On February 27th the Virginia General Assembly concluded their work for the 45 day 2015 Regular Session.  All legislative proposals put forth by the Virginia Association of REALTORS® during the Session passed with overwhelming support and are well on their way to becoming law.  Members of RVAR's Governmental Affairs Committee and Leadership Team travelled to Richmond on February 11th to join hundreds of REALTORS® and Affiliate members from around the state  meeting with local legislators to encourage support of VAR's proposed bills.


Key VAR legislative victories include:
  • Defeated a 500% increase in the deductible that property owners pay to have their leaking underground oil tanks cleaned up and repaired. (The current $500 deductible was proposed to go up to $2,500.)
  • Added a felony charge to any criminal who lures or entices a REALTOR® to a property with the intent to do harm. The added felony will increase a criminal's sentence by up to 6 years.
  • Refined legislation that allows property managers to represent their clients in General District court without needing an attorney.
  • Made it easier for Virginia consumers who have received a court judgment to collect damages from the Real Estate Transaction Recovery Fund. (The average claim is approximately $12,000.)
Click here to read about more VAR legislative victories that are now awaiting Governor Terry McAuliffe's signature. Once signed by the Governor, legislation will go into effect July 1st.

Community Service Day: Rebuilding Together  

RVAR's next Community Service Day is being held on Saturday, April 25th as we support Rebuilding Together Roanoke, in conjunction with the National Rebuilding Day, a national effort to rehabilitate homes on the last Saturday of April each year. This year we will help rehabilitate a home in the Lakeside area of Salem by repairing /installing some fencing, installing flooring and doing some painting and carpentry work as well as general clean up, lawn and garden work.

Help make a difference in our community by donating just a few hours of your time to join your fellow REALTORS® & Affiliates for a worthwhile and rewarding day. Your help is needed no matter your skill level! You can stay for part of the day or all day and lunch will be served for all volunteers. Sign up to help out by clicking here to complete the volunteer form. This charitable effort is organized by RVAR's Community Service Committee and sponsored by our 2015 Partner / Sponsors. Contact Joe Sutliff at the RVAR Office with any questions.

Feeding America Southwest Virginia
Our first Community Service Day for 2015 was altered a bit by the weather, but twenty-two REALTOR® and Affiliate members still made it to Feeding America Southwest Virginia on the afternoon of Friday, March 6th to help inspect, clean and sort over 6,000 lbs of products in under 4 hours!  It was a lively, fun and productive time for all the volunteers.  Thanks to the Community Service Committee for organizing this event and to our 2015 Partner / Sponsors for their support of this event.  You can click here to go to RVAR's Facebook page for some pictures of the day's activities.

Does Your Facebook Page Comply?

Do you use your Facebook page to promote your real estate business and/or promote individual listings, open houses etc.? If so, then your Facebook page MUST contain the following online advertising disclosures required by the Code of Ethics and the Virginia Real Estate Board:
  • Firm name
  • City and State of Firm's main office (or, if applicable, Firm's branch with which REALTOR® is affiliated)
  • State(s) of licensure
You must either (1) include the required online disclosures on the first screen people see when they reach your Facebook page OR (2) include a link on your Facebook page that is one click away to a website with the required disclosures clearly displayed (usually an agent's website.) Questions? Contact Laura Benjamin at the RVAR office.

NOTE: These same disclosure requirements apply should you make real estate-related or listing specific postings on Twitter.
NAR's Midyear Trade Expo will be held May 13th and 14th (10AM-6PM), at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel in Washington, DC. The Expo features the latest in real estate products and services from industry-leading companies. There is something for every REALTOR®, such as lead generation systems, Internet prospecting solutions, virtual tour technology, financial services and more. Plan to stop by the show, talk with experts in the industry and find profitable ideas to gain an edge in today's market. Admission to the Expo is FREE for all REALTORS®.  Click here for more information or to register.

And NAR's Annual Convention is in San Diego November 13th-16th. Why not plan to treat yourself after a successful year! Mark your calendars. Details will be available from NAR soon.
VAR Broker Day May 6th     
VAR's Broker Day is a must for managing brokers who want to be sure their firm and agents are ready to face today's risk management and profitability issues. The day long event (9AM-4:00PM) will be held on May 6th at the Boar's Head Inn in Charlottesville. Cost to attend is $125.

This program will serve as your connection to industry best practices and key insights that will make your business more efficient and profitable. Keynote speaker Rich Casto will address agent productivity and becoming an effective coach. Additional sessions will focus on DPOR investigations and the latest news from VAR's Legal Hotline. Click here for more information or to register.
Save The Date - REALTOR® After Hours at the Lake 
Come celebrate Cinco de Mayo with us on Thursday, May 7th from 5:00 until 7:00 at Bridgewater Bay Clubhouse for REALTOR® After Hours! There will be great food, music, prizes, lively conversation and...assorted beverages!

Bring your REALTOR® friends and help us celebrate Cinco de Mayo at the Lake! More details and registration to follow!
REALTOR® Safety: Share These Tips with Your Sellers      
Make your safety a consistent priority in all of your interactions. RVAR is providing monthly safety tips to assist you in developing your own safety plan.

Click here for safety tips to share with your Sellers. These safety tips also provide you with a safer environment. 
The Speaker's Forum Presents...  
The 2015 Speaker's Forum presents Liz Belcher, who is the Roanoke Valley Greenway Coordinator.  Liz will give an update about the progress of the Greenway system, including the over 170 miles of trails that are coordinated into the Roanoke greenway system and how the greenway is positively impacting the Roanoke region. The Speaker's Forum will be held on Tuesday, April 21st at the RVAR office starting at 8:45AM with coffee, juice and pastries provided.  From 9:00 - 9:45 we will have a brief welcome followed by Liz Belcher's presentation.  There is NO CHARGE to attend this event, but seating is limited.  Click here to register or contact the RVAR office.
The Speaker's Forum helps to provide local, informative presentations regarding topics that affect our businesses. The Forum welcomes any REALTOR® and Affiliate members and there is no charge to attend. Additional Forum meetings for 2015 are scheduled for June 2nd, September 22nd and November 19th.
Ethics Training Meets NAR Requirement      
NAR requires all REALTORS® to complete 3 hours of Code of Ethics training every four years. The current four-year cycle ends December 31, 2016. RVAR is offering a Code of Ethics training class, taught by John Dickinson, which will not only meet NAR's requirement but will also provide 3 hours of CE credit for license renewal.

Click here to register.  
Upcoming Education     
Fair Housing: RVAR's Education Committee presents this class in conjunction with the Moseley Dickinson Academy of Real Estate, Friday, May 8th, 9AM-Noon. New members: This class is free -- earn 3 hours PL or CE credit. Existing members: Pay $10 at the door for 3 hours CE credit. Click here to register.

Upcoming Classes: Make a note of these upcoming classes. Details are being finalized:

Annual Lender Panel is scheduled for May 14th, 10-Noon at RVAR. (Free)

Practical Landlording: If you manage rental property, you need to know the law plus practical tips from a fellow landlord, REALTOR® Gary Dogan. This May 20th class (10AM-Noon) will cover everything from screening tenants to security deposits to the eviction process. This class provides 2 hours of CE electives.

Annual Legal Update is scheduled for October 20th, 9AM-Noon, at the South Roanoke County Library. VAR Deputy Counsel Blake Hegeman returns with the latest legal news and trends.  
Our RVAR Family 


RVAR congratulates John Lugar of Virginia Varsity Transfer, Inc. on being named President of the Virginia Movers and Warehousemen's Association for 2015-2016.


RVAR expresses sympathy to the family and colleagues of REALTOR® Gorman Howell of Waldvogel Commercial Properties upon his recent death.

RVAR also offers condolences to Amelia Gerner of Berkshire Hathaway Smith Mountain Lake and Eric Gerner of MKB, REALTORS® upon the recent death of Rob Gerner, her husband and his father, respectively. Rob was a REALTOR® with RE/MAX Lakefront.

RVAR also expresses sympathy to the following REALTORS® upon the passing of loved ones: Joan Turner of BHHS Premier upon the passing of her brother; Karl Ford of MKB, REALTORS® upon the passing of his father; Glenda McDaniel of Long & Foster Smith Mountain Lake upon the passing of her father; and Hazel Williams of MKB, REALTORS® upon the passing of her mother: and Anne Huffman of RE/MAX All Stars upon the passing of her mother.
Let RVAR know if you have news to share. 



April 3rd 
RVAR Office Closed for Good Friday
April 10th

Ethics Training 

April 25th
Rebuilding Together 
May 7th
REALTOR® After Hours at the Lake
May 8th
Fair Housing Training
May 14th
Lender Panel
May 20th

Practical Landlording 


                   2015 RVAR Partner / Sponsors  


The RVAR proudly recognizes our

2015 Partner / Sponsors

for their generous support this year!


Platinum Level Partner / Sponsors


Atlantic Bay Mortgage Group

Freedom First Federal Credit Union  

Monarch Bank & Mortgage  

Southwest Virginia Moving & Storage

SunTrust Mortgage 

Virginia Varsity Transfer & Self Storage


Diamond Level Partner / Sponsors


Alcova Mortgage 

First Choice Title & Settlement, LLC

Integrity Home Mortgage Corporation

Performance Title & Settlement, Inc. 

Union Mortgage Group 

Wells Fargo Home Mortgage


Gold Level Partner / Sponsors


Acquisition Title & Settlement Agency, Inc.

Bill Meador Insurance Agency

Colonial Mortgage Company

Consolidated Construction Services 

Laura R. Wright, Attorney at Law

The Bullington Law Firm

Valley Bank Mortgage 

Virginia Title Center


Silver Level Partner / Sponsors


Bank of Floyd

BB&T Home Mortgage

Bug Man Exterminating, Co. Inc. 

Colonial Title and Settlement

First American Home Buyers Protection Corporation 

First Citizens Bank

HMS Home Warranty

HomeTown Mortgage 

Member One Federal Credit Union

Seal-Tite Basement Waterproofing Co.

Virginia's All American Movers  


 Thank You!!  

Your Member Input Is Important    

Click here to offer your input or a suggestion for the Association.
Roanoke Valley Association of REALTORS® 
 www.RVAR.com | (540) 772-0526 | Email