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You are receiving this online newsletter as a benefit of being a member of the Roanoke Valley Association of REALTORS®.
Member Type | Count ------------------- REALTOR® 1,147 Offices 134 Affiliate 165 Click here to see which RVAR members have switched firms, gone inactive, or joined recently.
Dykstra Named Virginia's REALTOR® of the Year
Congratulations to Mary Dykstra of MKB, REALTORS® who was named Virginia's REALTOR® of the Year on October 7th at VAR's Annual Convention. Mary was recognized for her outstanding dedication to the Roanoke Valley, Virginia and National Associations of REALTORS®. Her volunteer efforts in our community were also acknowledged during the award presentation.
RVAR salutes Mary for her continued efforts to better our Association, our industry and our community!
2015 Dues Reminder
2015 dues bills arrived at offices by October 1st. Anyone who pays dues by
Monday, November 3rd (includes a November 3rd postmark) can take advantage of a $50 discount. The final date to pay 2015 dues is January 5th. Questions or want a dues bill emailed to you? Contact Susan Edwards at the RVAR office.
Awards for Outstanding REALTORS®
Thursday, November 20th is the deadline for three important RVAR awards. All three awards have the same deadline - and will be presented at the December 12th Installation and Awards Breakfast.
REALTOR® of the Year: If you can think of a fellow REALTOR® who is well respected, known for ethics and professionalism, volunteers time to RVAR and/or the community, then you should take a moment to nominate that deserving colleague for RVAR's most prestigious award. The nomination process is as simple as writing a letter to RVAR's CEO Laura Benjamin explaining whom you want to nominate and why. RVAR will contact all nominees to obtain their resumes. The winner will be selected by the past five recipients of this award. Click here to see who has already won this prestigious award.
Community Service Award: RVAR created this award in 2005 to honor one REALTOR® each year who has contributed to improving our community by volunteer service to a local program or organization (not necessarily related to housing). The nomination process is simple - just write a letter to Joe Sutliff at RVAR explaining whom you want to nominate and why. RVAR will contact all nominees to collect the necessary information. RVAR will donate $1,000 to the award recipient's charity of choice. Click here to see who has already won this award.
Longevity Award: RVAR presents this award to REALTORS® who have served the real estate industry and RVAR for 50 or more years. Just send a letter to RVAR's CEO Laura Benjamin. The previous recipients of this award are: Luke Waldrop (Waldrop Realty), Elwood Norris (Long & Foster), Dewey Robertson (Dewey Robertson Realty), A. Byron Smith (A. Byron Smith Real Estate) and Dale Poe (Poe & Cronk Real Estate Group.)
Brokers: Distinguished Service Awards
The Distinguished Service Award is presented each year by RVAR to those firms whose agents have demonstrated exceptional commitment to the Association through Committee service and attendance at RVAR classes and events. The deadline for Brokers to submit an award application is Thursday, November 20th, for the award period November 1, 2013 through October 31, 2014. Click here for the application form. RVAR will be able to provide firm attendance/Committee service records during the award period by November 1st. Contact Laura Benjamin at RVAR with any questions about this award.
Two New Lake Forms: Training Offered
RVAR's Standard Forms Committee is pleased to present two new Lake forms -- the Lake Disclosure (to be used with listings and contracts) and the Lake Addendum (to be used with contracts). These forms encompass input from many Brokers, Agents and Attorneys who handle Lake transactions.
Five training classes are scheduled -- two for Brokers/Managers and three for Agents. Classes will be held at Westlake Country Club and the RVAR office. Click below to register.
Samples of these forms will be provided during training. PDFs of these forms will be available by November 21st for member use. These forms will go live in RVAR's zipForm library by mid-December.
2014 Installation & Awards Breakfast
Please join us as we celebrate the successes of 2014 and install our 2015 Officers and Directors. Our Installation & Awards breakfast will be held on
Friday, December 12th at the Sheraton Hotel Roanoke from 8:30 until 10:30 AM. The cost is $15 to attend which includes breakfast. We will also be giving special recognition to our REALTOR® of the Year, and the Community Service and Distinguished Service Award recipients. Click here to register.
The Speaker's Forum Presents . . .
The Speaker's Forum will present Nancy Agee, CEO of Carilion Clinic to give us an update on Carilion Clinic and the impact of Carilion in the Roanoke Region. The Forum will be held on Wednesday, November 12th at the RVAR office starting at
8:45AM with coffee and juice provided. From 9:00-9:45, we will have a brief welcome followed by Nancy Agee's presentation. There is NO CHARGE to attend this event, but seating is limited. Click here to register or contact the RVAR office.
The Speaker's Forum (formerly the Speaker's Council) helps to provide local, informative presentations regarding topics that affect our businesses. The Forum welcomes all REALTOR® and Affiliate members and there is no charge to attend.
NAR 2014 Profile of Real Estate Firms
The National Association of REALTORS® just released its 2014 Profile of real estate firms, based on a random survey of over 100,000 REALTOR® firms. Here are the highlights:
- Eighty-one percent of real estate firms have a single office, typically with two full-time real estate licensees.
- Eighty-four percent are independent non-franchised firms.
- Eighty-one percent specialize in residential brokerage. The typical residential firm has been operating for 12 years, while the typical commercial firm has been operating for 17 years.
- The typical residential real estate firm's brokerage sales volume was $4.7 million in 2013, while the typical commercial firm's brokerage sales volume was $4.3 million in 2013.
- Firms typically had 35% of their sales volume from past client referrals, 30% from repeat business from past clients, 10% from their website and 5% through social media.
- Profitability, keeping up with technology, maintaining sufficient inventory and local or regional economic conditions are among the biggest challenges cited by firms in the next two years. Residential firms also cited agent retention, recruiting younger agents and competition from non-traditional market participants.
Click here to read the full report.
Next Broker Breakfast: November 17th
Brokers/Managers: Mark your calendar for the next RVAR Broker Breakfast, on
Monday, November 17th, 9-10:30AM at the RVAR office (coffee and continental breakfast begin at 8:30AM.) Advance topics include: VREB self-audit requirement; an NAR update; an update on the latest RVAR standard forms changes plus an opportunity for Brokers to share their standard forms questions and suggestions. Click here to register.
Join an RVAR Committee!
Make a difference in 2015! Volunteering benefits not only RVAR, but also your business. You will be better informed on industry trends, expand your network and have a hand in shaping the Association's direction.
Join a Committee and let RVAR help improve your business! Both REALTORS® and Affiliate members are welcome to serve. Click here to sign up for a Committee, plus review a description of each Committee's purpose and how often it meets.
Online Marketing Strategy for Today's Environment: Instructor Stacey Wanish from Atlantic Bay Mortgage Group returns for this November 6th FREE class (10AM-Noon). This class will teach you how to create exceptional media content that will engage your audience and generate leads. Learn how to keep your online advertising costs low, including free or low-cost tools to manage your content. Click here to register.
City Fall Fair Housing: Roanoke City's Fair Housing Board presents its Fall Fair Housing Seminar on Thursday, November 20th, 1:00-4:00PM at the Jefferson Center Fitzpatrick Hall. This FREE class will provide 3 hours of CE credit. (NOTE: This class does NOT provide PL credit.) To register, simply email: fairhousing@roanokeva.gov or call Crystal Hypes at 540-853-5681.
Upcoming Classes: If you already have your 2015 calendar, then make a note of these two classes:
Top Producer Panel: This FREE session, scheduled for January 21st, 10:00-11:30AM at the RVAR office, will feature: Curtis Burchett (MKB, REALTORS®), Angie McGhee (Long & Foster, REALTORS®), Joan Turner (BHHS Premier, REALTORS®) and Tom Fansler (Berkshire Hathaway Smith Mt. Lake).
Listings to the Max: LeRoy Houser returns with his newest class, scheduled for February 18th, 9:00AM-Noon. Details are being confirmed.
Our RVAR Family
RVAR congratulates those recently appointed to VAR leadership positions in 2015: Bitsy Davis of Long & Foster, REALTORS® will chair VAR's Risk Management Committee and Betty Kingery of Mountain to Lake Realty will vice chair VAR's Professional Development Committee.
RVAR also congratulates those recently appointed by NAR to serve in 2015:
Dennis Cronk (Poe & Cronk): Board of Directors
Bitsy Davis (Long & Foster): Resort & Second Home Real Estate Committee
John Dickinson (Hall Associates): Board of Directors; Chair of Amicus Brief Advisory Board; Legal Action Committee
Mary Dykstra (MKB): Board of Directors; Meeting and Conference Committee; RPAC Major Investor Council
Kit Hale (MKB): REALTOR® Party Fundraising Liaison; Board of Directors; Executive Committee
Steve Hoover (MKB): Board of Directors, Vice Chair of Regulatory Issues Forum; Professional Standards Committee
Henry Scholz (MKB): Commercial Legislation & Regulator Advisory Board
RVAR offers condolences to Anne Lee Stevens of MKB, REALTORS® upon the recent death of her mother. RVAR also offers sympathy to Samantha Wise of Wainwright & Co., REALTORS® upon the death of her husband.
November 3rd
Deadline for 2015 Dues Discount
November 6th
Social Media Class
November 12th
Speaker's Forum
November 17th
Broker's Breakfast
November 20th
Deadline for RVAR Awards
| November 27th & 28th
RVAR Office closed for Holiday
| December 12th
Installation & Awards Breakfast
| January 5th
Final Date to pay 2015 Dues
2014 RVAR Partner / Sponsors
The RVAR proudly recognizes our
2014 Partner / Sponsors
for their generous support this year!
Platinum Level Partner / Sponsors
Atlantic Bay Mortgage Group
Southwest Virginia Moving & Storage
Virginia Varsity Transfer & Self Storage
Diamond Level Partner / Sponsors
Union Mortgage Group
Wells Fargo Home Mortgage
Gold Level Partner / Sponsors
Acquisition Title & Settlement Agency, Inc.
BB&T Home Mortgage
Bill Meador Insurance Agency
Colonial Mortgage Company
Corridor Mortgage Group
Freedom First
Laura R. Wright, Attorney at Law
Virginia Title Center
Silver Level Partner / Sponsors
2-10 Home Buyers Warranty
Colonial Title and Settlement
First Citizens Bank
HomeTown Mortgage
HMS Home Warranty
Member One Federal Credit Union
Seal-Tite Basement Waterproofing Co.
The Bullington Law Firm
Your Member Input Is Important
Click here to offer your input or a suggestion for the Association.
Roanoke Valley Association of REALTORS®