
Roanoke Valley REALTOR®


 Roanoke Valley  Associathion of REALTORS



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Membership Update Logo


Member Type | Count


REALTOR®     1,062    Offices             134   

Affiliate           183


Click here to see which RVAR members have switched firms, gone inactive, or joined recently.

Annual Technology Forum  


RVAR's Technology Committee brings you another free opportunity to update your tech skills. The annual Technology Forum,Wednesday, March 19th, 9:30AM-1:00PM at the Holiday Inn Tanglewood, will offer three free classes:
  • Save Time & Money: Use e-Signatures
  • Real Estate on the Go
  • The Cutting Edge of FlexMLS

Click here for more information or to register. Bring your business cards for prize drawings! Thank you to the Roanoke Valley MLS for sponsoring a portion of this Forum.

VAR 2013 Housing Market Report     

The Virginia Association of REALTORS® just released its Pieces of Home: 2013 Virginia Housing Market Report. The Report includes regional snapshots plus perspective and commentary from experts such as Dr. Ted Koebel of Virginia Tech's Center for Housing Research, Dr. Larry Sabato of UVA's Center for Politics and Virginia Senator Mark Warner.

The Report notes that "the Roanoke/Lynchburg/Blacksburg region experienced the most impressive increase in sales in 2013, likely due to the housing market recovery and significant economic growth in the region." Our Region reflected a 14.39% increase in sales (2012 vs. 2013), as compared to statewide increase of only 9%.


Click here to read the report or download a copy.

NAR Home Feature Survey   

Last year, NAR surveyed over 2,000 households nationwide about home purchases and desired features. 75% of homes purchased were previously owned. The majority of homes purchased were on one level, with 3 bedrooms. 78% of homes purchased had a garage.


The top desired features of homes purchased in the South (in order of priority) were central air conditioning, walk-in closet, ensuite master bath, new kitchen appliances and basement.


The survey revealed that the vast majority of Buyers were willing to pay more for central air conditioning, new kitchen appliances, walk-in closet in master bedroom, granite countertops and hardwood floors.  


Click here to review all the survey results (including how much more Buyers were willing to pay for the most desired features.)

March 13 Deadline to Pay Supra Display Key Invoice  

Be sure to pay your annual Supra Display Key invoice by the March 13th deadline. The amount of the invoice is $187.68 (including tax and personal property tax.)


Agents can go to www.supraekey.com for billing information -- or to pay online -- 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  If you have any questions about your invoice, contact Supra support at 877-699-6787.  


Reminder: This reminder applies ONLY to agents who use Display Keys.  Agents who have switched to the eKey (your smartphone) are billed monthly by Supra.

SUPRA Update  

Have you given up your landline? Supra has a solution for you to update your Supra key. Supra offers a USB cradle that uses an Internet connection on your computer to connect to KIM. Simply bring in your old cradle, phone cord and charger to the RVAR office and exchange it for a USB cradle with installation CD at no charge.    

Lockbox access hours to change: Daylight Savings Time begins on Sunday, March 9th. Standard lockbox access hours will change then to 9AM - 9:30PM. 

The Speaker's Forum Presents . . .

The Speaker's Forum will present David Wray, GIS Manager with Roanoke County to highlight some important upcoming changes to the County's GIS system. The Forum will begin at 8:45AM on Wednesday, March 12th with coffee and juice provided. Mr. Wray's GIS presentation will be 9:00-9:30AM at the RVAR office. There is NO CHARGE to attend this event, but seating is limited. Click here to register.


The Speaker's Forum (formerly the Speaker's Council) helps to provide local, informative presentations regarding topics that affect our businesses. The Forum welcomes any REALTOR® and Affiliate members and there is no charge to attend. Additional Forum meetings for 2014 are scheduled for May 28th, July 9th, September 17th and November 12th.   

Upcoming Education Offerings  

Hardcore Prospecting & Lead Generation: This fresh, new 3-hour seminar taught by LeRoy Houser has one focus ... LEADS and how to get them. At this seminar, you will learn the techniques and systems that the Top 20% of the agents use to sell 80% of the real estate. This seminar will be held Thursday, March 6th, 9AM-Noon at the RVAR Office. Click here more for information or to register.


Radon in VA Real Estate Transactions: The Virginia Department of Health will address everything you need to know about Radon -- from the basics to testing and mitigation. This class, Wednesday, March 26th, 10AM-12Noon, is FREE.

However, you can pay $10 at the door to receive 2 hours CE credit (Real Estate Related) or 2 hours PL credit (Current Industry Issues/Trends). Click here for more information or to register.  


GRI 410: The Code of Ethics IS Good Business: Attend this course to learn why the Code is important for business success and how to practice the Code in your everyday business. This April 8th course is REQUIRED to earn the GRI designation and qualifies for 7 hours of CE credit or 3 hours of PL credit. Donna Austin will be the instructor. Click here for more information or to register. This course also satisfies NAR's Quadrennial Ethics Requirement. Already earned your GRI?

You may attend any GRI class for only $35. Great way to update your knowledge and earn CE. (No test required.)  

SWVAR Offers Technology Class    

The Southwest Virginia Association of REALTORS®, located in Abingdon, invites RVAR members to register for its March 28th class entitled "Technology Unraveled: The New Mobile Marketplace." Instructor Stephen Pacinelli, co-founder of Tech Savvy Agent, will focus on the latest marketing strategies and productivity tools to connect with the mobile consumer. He will share some of the best kept tips and secrets about what's really working in today's real estate environment. Click here for more information, including a registration form.  

NAR Membership Cards Available    

Your 2014 Membership Card is now available from NAR. Logon to MemberCenter.REALTOR.org to design your card. You can choose a personalized background and add up to six of your designations and certifications. You can either print out your card OR order a custom printed, high quality plastic membership card for a $5 fee (includes shipping and handling.)

Our REALTOR® Family     

In Sympathy


RVAR lost three REALTORS® during the past month. RVAR expresses sympathy to their colleagues and friends: Grant Clatterbuck of REALSTAR, REALTORS®; and Glenna Bannister and Sylvia Wilson, both of Long & Foster's Roanoke office.


RVAR also expresses sympathy to Wayne and Jo-Ann Van Vechten of Long & Foster's Lake Office upon the recent death of their daughter.


Let RVAR know if you have news to share. 




March 6th   

Hardcore Prospecting & Lead Generation

March 12th

Speaker's Forum - Roanoke County GIS 

March 13th
Deadline to Pay Supra Display Key Fee

March 19th  

Annual Tech Forum, Holiday Inn Tanglewood  

March 26th

Radon in VA Real Estate Transactions

April 8th

GRI 410

April 23rd

Roanoke City Fair Housing Seminar  


Your Member Input Is Important    

Click here to offer your input or a suggestion for the Association.
Roanoke Valley Association of REALTORS® 
 www.RVAR.com | (540) 772-0526 | Email