Roanoke Valley REALTOR®
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Greetings! You are receiving this online newsletter as a benefit of being a member of the Roanoke Valley Association of REALTORS®.
Happy Holidays and a Prosperous New Year!

Member Type | Count ------------------- REALTOR® 1,102 Offices 141 Affiliate 169 Click here to see which RVAR members have switched firms, gone inactive, or joined recently.
Greer Installed as RVAR President
Donna Greer of Long & Foster's Smith Mountain Lake and Rocky Mount offices was installed as RVAR's President on December 13th at the Installation and Awards Breakfast. Also installed were Vic Coffey of RE/MAX All Stars as President-elect and Donna Marie Harris of Long & Foster's Roanoke office as Vice President. One new Director was installed: Renee Wiggins of RE/MAX All Stars. Installed for a second term as Directors were: Bryan Musselwhite of Poe & Cronk Real Estate Group, Jeff Snyder of The Real Estate Group and Richard Wimberley of RE/MAX All Points. Your 2014 Board of Directors stands ready to serve you! Outgoing President Betty Kingery presented two President's Meritorious Awards: to Tammie Aldridge of Wells Fargo for her outstanding leadership efforts to re-invent the successful 2013 Affiliate and REALTOR® Night event and to Dave Henry of Atlantic Bay Mortgage for his leadership in creating an exceptional sponsorship program for RVAR's events.
Anderson Receives RVAR Community Service Award
Betty T. Anderson of RealStar, REALTORS® received RVAR's REALTOR® Community Service Award at RVAR's December 13th Installation and Awards Breakfast.
Anderson was recognized for her many volunteer efforts on behalf of The Civitans, the Veterans of Foreign War, the VA Care Center and Relay for Life. In addition to recognizing Anderson, RVAR made a $1,000 contribution to St. Francis Service Dogs in Anderson's honor.
The REALTOR® Community Service Award recognizes a local REALTOR® who gives of his or her time to an organization that improves the quality of life in the greater Roanoke Valley.
Seven Firms Win Distinguished Service Awards
Each year, RVAR recognizes those firms whose agents have demonstrated exceptional commitment to the real estate profession by attending RVAR educational classes, serving on RVAR/VAR/NAR Committees, earning professional designations, contributing to RPAC and attending RVAR/VAR/NAR events. The Distinguished Service Awards were presented to the following firms at the December 13th RVAR Installation and Awards Breakfast: Small Firms (1-15 agents)
Lake Team Realty
Mountain to Lake Realty
Park Place Realty, LLC
RE/MAX All Points
Medium Firm (16-35 agents)
RE/MAX All Stars
Large Firms (36 or more agents)
Prudential Premier, REALTORS®
2014 RVAR Dues Reminder
The final date for receipt of REALTOR® dues is Monday, January 6th. On Tuesday, January 7th, any REALTOR® whose dues remains unpaid will be dropped from membership. On Wednesday, January 8th, MLS access will be terminated and Supra keys deactivated. If you need another copy of your dues bill, please contact Susan Edwards at the RVAR office. There are many ways for you to pay: (1) pay online at RVAR's website, (2) Fax completed invoice to (540) 772-8058, (3) Mail completed invoice to Roanoke Valley Association of REALTORS®, 4358 Starkey Road, Roanoke VA 24018 or (4) drop your payment off at the RVAR office between the hours of 8:00AM and 4:30PM (RVAR also has a drop box for after hours payments.) If paying by check, please make payable to RVAR. Once terminated, payment of the annual dues plus a reinstatement fee of $150 shall be required to reinstate membership in RVAR, provided reinstatement is made within 60 days following termination. After that, application as a new member is required to restore membership in the Association.
2014 RVAR and MLS Budgets: No increase in dues or fees
The RVAR Board of Directors recently approved the 2014 budgets for RVAR and MLS, which reflect no increase in dues or fees. Summaries of the RVAR budget and MLS budget are provided.
2014 Code of Ethics Revisions
The National Association of REALTORS® has adopted several revisions to the REALTOR® Code of Ethics, which will go into effect January 1st. A copy of the 2014 Code of Ethics is available on RVAR.com. Here's a summary of the changes: - NAR has clarified that ethics complaints must be filed by individuals (not corporations or other business entities.)
- The maximum fine for violations of the Code will be raised to $15,000 from $5,000.
- The scope of Standard of Practice 3-2 has been expanded to make it unethical to unilaterally attempt to modify offered compensation after an offer to purchase has been submitted to the listing broker.
- Article 10 will be amended to include gender identity among its fair housing protections.
- To ensure practitioners are qualified and have access to the information needed to do Broker Price Opinions (BPO) properly, Standard of Practice 11-1 will be amended to require REALTORS® doing a BPO to be knowledgeable about the property type and area. NAR also expanded the information to be included in the BPO. The highlighted sections of Standard of Practice 11-1 below reflect the new revisions.
When REALTORS® prepare opinions of real property value or price they must
(1) be knowledgeable about the type of property being valued,
(2) have access to the information and resources necessary to formulate an accurate opinion and
(3) be familiar with the area where the subject property is located unless lack of any of these is disclosed to the party requesting the opinion in advance. When an opinion of value or price is prepared other than in pursuit of a
listing or to assist a potential purchaser in formulating a purchase offer, the opinion shall include the following unless the party requesting the opinion requires a specific type of report or different data set (1) identification of the subject property (2) date prepared (3) defined value or price (4) limiting conditions, including statements of purpose(s) and intended user(s) (5) any present or contemplated interest, including the possibility of representing the seller/landlord or buyers/tenants (6) basis for the opinion, including applicable market data (7) if the opinion is not an appraisal, a statement to that effect (8) disclosure of whether and when a physical inspection of the property's exterior was conducted
(9) disclosure of whether and when a physical inspection of the property's interior was conducted
(10) disclosure of whether the REALTOR® has any conflicts of interest
Standard Forms Change Coming
Revisions to RVAR's Purchase Agreement have been approved and will be debuted in early February. The revisions include:
- An expansion to the Deposit paragraph to disclose when the Escrow Deposit is held by the Selling Firm, Listing Firm or other party.
- Revisions have been made to the following paragraphs to ensure compliance with state statute: Residential Property Disclosure, POA Disclosure, Condo Disclosure and Choice of Settlement Agent.
Upcoming Education Offerings
CRS 200 Business Planning & Marketing: RVAR is bringing back well-known instructor LeRoy Houser to Roanoke to offer this two-day course, subtitled How to Earn Money in Today's Market, January 22nd and 23rd at the RVAR office. This very practical course includes topics such as budgeting, goal setting, business models, branding, marketing/prospecting and wealth building. This class counts 16 hours towards earning the CRS designation plus 8 hours of CE/PL credit. Check out www.CRS.com to learn more about the CRS designation. ABR Two-Day Class: The New River Valley Association of REALTORS® is offering the two-day ABR class, February 19th and 20th, featuring well-known instructor Adorna Carroll. This class will be offered at the New River Valley office in Christiansburg and provides 16 hours of CE/PL credits. Deal Shakers: You won't want to miss this two-part series offered by RVAR's Education Committee, focused on two of the most common 'deal shakers'. February 25th The Price is Right ... or Is It? 10AM-Noon Pricing from the REALTOR® and Appraiser perspective February 26th Home Inspections ... It's a Fine Line 10AM-Noon Home Inspectors' perspective plus review of RVAR Inspection Addendum Registration will open by mid-January.
Our REALTOR® Family
In Sympathy
RVAR offers sympathy to David Bullington of The Bullington Firm upon the recent death of his mother. CongratulationsCongratulations to Suzi Fortenberry of MKB, REALTORS® who was recently installed by the Roanoke Regional Home Builders Association as its 2014 President. Suzi is the first female President of the organization. The Home Builders also named Barbara Michelsen of Long & Foster, REALTORS® as its 2013 Member of the Year Associate. Hats off to MKB, REALTORS® for being honored by the Roanoke Regional Home Builders Association for donating the most toys in the Association's annual Toys for Tots campaign. Congratulations to John Dickinson of Hall Associates upon being elected 2014 NAR Region 3 Vice President. (Region 3 includes Virginia, Delaware, West Virginia, Maryland and the District of Columbia.) And congratulations to two VAR leaders: Bitsy Davis of Long & Foster, REALTORS® 2014 VAR Risk Management Committee Vice Chair and Connie Hash of MKB, REALTORS® 2014 VAR Relocation Council Vice Chair. Let RVAR know if you have news to share.
Upcoming Events
December 24th
RVAR Office Closes at Noon
December 25th
RVAR Office Closed for Holiday
December 31st
RVAR Office Closes at Noon
January 1st
| RVAR Office Closed for Holiday
January 6th
Final Deadline for Paying 2014 Dues
| January 20th
| RVAR Office Closed for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
January 22nd & 23rd
CRS 200 Business Planning
February 25th
Deal Shakers: Pricing
February 26th
Deal Shakers: Home Inspections
Roanoke Valley Association of REALTORS®