Creating value for Nebraska's career education system |
HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope you had time to spend with your friends and family during the holiday season and are now looking forward with renewed commitment and resolution!
2012 was a busy year, and 2013 looks to be just as eventful!
PFI will be assisting ESU 1, 8 & 17 schools with the reVISION process and looks forward to supporting the opportunities which come from our days together. I'm excited to share that I've had the privilege to share the Partnerships for Innovation model with another state and they are assessing how they can replicate our model in their state!
PFI is so appreciative of the synergy between the departments of education, labor, economic development and our secondary and postsecondary systems! We have a unique model in Nebraska that is working to enhance career and technical education for the benefit of our state's economic and workforce development! The NELearn workshops demonstrated that at each regional workshop. Thank you to those of you who participated.
Please take some time to review the renewed memberships PFI is sponsoring this year; as outlined in the newsletter below. As always, if you have an opportunity for PFI to assist you or your organization, please do not hesitate to contact me. |
Success! NE Learn Regional Workshops
Two hundred sixty nine individuals registered for the NE Learn Training at one of the six locations across the state. Of those who registered, 221 attended a workshop. A big THANK YOU to the 95 individuals who responded to the follow-up evaluation. 98.9% of respondents indicated they were likely or highly likely to access the H3 website. 100% of the participants recorded that after the workshop they had a good or excellent understanding and appreciation of career clusters and Nebraska's economic industry clusters!
While not collected in the survey; anecdotally, the opportunity to bring middle, high school and college counselors with Department of Labor staff was invaluable! Relationships were developed at the local level which are expected to enhance the education-workforce talent pipeline in communities across Nebraska.
PFI is working on developing webinars which will cover the materials presented in the face to face workshops for those who were not able to attend or would like a refresher. Stay tuned for upcoming information! If you have suggestions for future webinars on the NELearn materials, please let us know! |
PFI Funding Applications: Due 1/31/13
The Partnerships for Innovation Leadership Council provides consortia members the opportunity to apply for funding opportunities. Applications should support statewide innovative programming and opportunities for Career and Technical Education. Applications are due by January 31, 2013 for funding from July 1, 2013 - December 31, 2014. This 18 month funding cycle provides consortia the time to implement meaningful opportunities for secondary and postsecondary Nebraska educators, staff and students. Click here for the application, directions, rubric and timeline. If you have any questions, please contact Erika Volker at 402-305-9480. |
PFI renews EMSI Analyst Membership
The Partnerships for Innovation (PFI) Leadership Council has renewed the statewide membership with Economic Modeling Specialists, Inc (EMSI) for the 2013 calendar year. PFI recognizes this is a phenomenal tool used by community college administration to mine data for program development and grant applications. Access to this service will be uninterrupted. PFI strongly encourages institutions to utilize the tool as much as possible to take advantage of your Partnerships for Innovation investment.
High school districts and Educational Service Unit administration seeking specific reports, not available on the H3 website, are encouraged to contact their regional community college representative. Contact Erika if you need online introductions made. During the 2013 calendar year, PFI will extract regional data for secondary partners and disseminate the reports via email to superintendents, principals and administrators. |
Innovative Educators: Online training for Nebraska's Community Colleges
The Partnerships for Innovation funds a statewide contract with Innovative Educators to provide online training and professional development to Nebraska's Community Colleges. All the webinars are recorded and hosted on the PFI website. If you'd like more information on how you can access these training, please contact Kristen at Innovative Educators. |
2013 Nebraska Career Education Conference
Younes Conference Center
Kearney, NE
June 4 - 6, 2013 |
About Us
Partnerships for Innovation (PFI) is a collaboration of Nebraska secondary and postsecondary partners focused on building a better statewide system of Career and Technical Education to improve student learning and better meet economic development priorities. PFI will do this by introducing innovation in CTE delivery systems to include Career Academies, professional development and programs of study with coordinated curriculum between secondary and postsecondary.
If you would like assistance on implementing these initiatives in your community, please contact us.
Erika Volker, Director Partnerships for Innovation
402.305.9480 |