Finding Peace
September 2014
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Supporting Peace 

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"Looking for peace is like looking for a turtle with a mustache: You won't be able to find it. But when your heart is ready, peace will come looking for you." - Ajahn Chah




The quote above was the inspiration for the name of our annual Mustached Turtle Dash. (By the way...it's not too late to register to participate in this fun and family-friendly event!) We selected it because it is indicative of the work we strive to do everyday at Peace Learning Center.  


After 17 years of working to teach peace, we've learned that true peace can not be achieved in our families, schools, organizations, city or our world without people first learning how to find peace within themselves.  


At Peace Learning Center, we help the organizations we serve create cultures of peace by empowering people to find the peace within so they can become peacemakers in the world.


This month's issue of the Peace Learning News will showcase how we are creating more peacemakers by introducing you to two new Youth Development Facilitators, sharing how Indianapolis leaders meet on a monthly basis to dialogue about critical racial and cultural issues in our community, and helping you find peace within through our weekly Mindful Path blog.


Peace on,


  Put on a mustache and bring your running shoes for a great day in the park at this year's Mustached Turtle Dash!

Click here to register and use the code TURTLES5 for $5 off.

The Mustached Turtle Dash will include:
  • Fair Trade chocolate courtesy of Endangered Species Chocolate 
  • Complimentary post-race massages courtesy of Harrison College 
  • Zumba warm-up with certified instructor Demetrees Hutchins 
  • Complimentary recovery station with drinks and snacks provided by Georgetown Market 
  • $50 Go Ape! zip line gift certificates for the winners in each category
  • Turtle racing and activities for kids
  • There will also be a giant gorilla and banana participating in this year's race!

Many thanks to our other sponsors:  TLS Custom Furniture, State Representative Cherrish Pryor, Indy Parks, Concept Prints, Nuvo, Attorney Paul T. Fulkerson, Creative Converting, and Liberty Mutual agent Avery Preddie 


Upcoming Focus 2020 Workshops


 All Focus 2020 workshops are offered at no cost to you and by attending you will become eligible to apply for a $500-$5,000 Community Action Grant, but
preregistration is required.   


Orientation:  Peace Learning Center
November 20, 12:30 - 3:30 p.m.
Click here for additional information and to register
Creating a Culture of Peace:  Peace Learning Center
October 14, 12:30 - 3:30 p.m.
December 11, 12:30 - 3:30 p.m.
Click here for additional information and to register
Our Choices, Our Community, Our Environment:  Peace Learning Center
October 15, 12:30 - 3:30 p.m.
Click here for additional information and to register

CAG Logo  

 Do you have an idea about how to help Greater Indy become a more peaceful, welcoming, and engaged community?  

Click here to visit the Focus 2020 Community Action Grant website and download the application to complete on your computer today! We've extended the application deadline to September 26, 2014.

Campaign Nonviolence is a new, long-term movement to build a culture of peace and nonviolence and to foster a world free of war, poverty and the climate crisis.  We
have joined this nationwide effort-and we invite you to join also! To launch this new movement for a more just, peaceful and sustainable world, Campaign Nonviolence is organizing nonviolent marches, rallies, and public demonstrations in hundreds of cities across the United States during Campaign Nonviolence Week, September 21-27. To learn more, click here.  


World Peace Day: Labyrinth Tour  

Sunday, September 21, 1:30 pm  
 at the labyrinth behind the Indiana Interchurch Center, 1100 W. 42nd Street
On this tour, bike and/or drive to 5 labyrinths. A map will be provided to guide you along the 8 mile route. To RSVP or for more information contact Lisa Boyles at 317.372.6983 or by eamil at basilheart@gmail.com.

 Jerome Ringo: The New Color of Green, Race, Climate Change, and Environmental Justice  

presented by Earth Charter Indiana   

September 25, 7 pm at the Athenaeum

To register or for more information contact Jim Poyser at jposyer@earthcharterindiana.org

PLC PROGRAMS:  Youth Programs


We are happy and excited to welcome two new Youth Development Facilitators to our team at Peace Learning Center! They will be very busy this year serving more than 30 school partners.  Damarius is serving at the PLC as an AmeriCorps volunteer through the Center for Interfaith Cooperation. In addition to serving at PLC, his primary responsibility will be helping connect local immigrants to healthcare resources. 

Melita Carter
1. What is your favorite quote about peace?
"Peace is the solution to inward violence, andthe answer to outward viole

2. What do you love about Peace Learning Center?
 The peace, love, and unity the company embodies.

3. What is your favorite thing to do outside of work?
I like to work on crafts. I like to scrapbook, and paint whenever I have the time. I love bike riding. 

Damarius Johnson
What is your favorite quote about peace?
"We could not, even if it were desirable,uproot our own traditions and loyalties...so the only way of freeing our minds is by some recognition of the basic unity of our values...how dissimilar they may appear on the surface...(peace) calls for cooperation rather than conformity and promotes reciprocity." - Alain Locke

What do you love about Peace Learning Center?
I love that the staff is so enthusiastic and flexible, helpful and welcoming. I'm excited about working with and learning from the great people who work and volunteer here!

What is your favorite thing to do outside of work?
I love to listen to jazz music and watch college sports. Any competitive sport is worth watching and I'm always talking about last night's game. Jazz music is an art based on negotiation, listening and collaboration.


For additional information PLC's youth programs, please contact Kristina at 317.327.7144 or email of KHulvershorn@peacelearningcenter.org 




Peace Learning Center would like to recognize Cora Harrison as volunteer of the  month!  As our summer communications intern, Cora has been busy interviewing and reporting on our Focus 2020 grant recipients and their projects.  She will be finishing up her internship with PLC this month and will be moving to Georgia to join AmeriCorps.  Well wishes to you, Cora!


Stacy Robinson, our director of communications and development, who worked closely with Cora said, "Cora has a fantastic heart and is one of the most caring and conscientious people I've ever met! She did a wonderful job of bringing to life the amazing things achieved by our 2013 Focus 2020 grant recipients."  You can read all of Cora's stories on our PLC blog by clicking here.

Thank you Cora for everything you have done for our organization.  We are very grateful to have had you on our team!



Day of Caring Project: October 2, 2014, 10 am - 12 pm at Peace Learning Center
Peace Learning Center's Peace Crew is a group of high school students who have spent the past year volunteering every Friday at local elementary schools teaching their elementary peers about peace, conflict resolution, and the importance of graduating. After serving locally for over a year it is their dream to spend a week doing service in the big apple! We need your help to create flowers from recycled material that the Peace Crew can then sell to use as fundraising for their trip!

Please email our volunteer and intern coordinator, Jay Horan at jhoran@peacelearningcenter.org for more information or to join this service project!

You can visit our website at www.peacelearningcenter.org for additional information about volunteering at Peace Learning Center.




Last week, I had the chaTim Nationnce to accompany Rev. Harold Good during public  presentations about his life's work.   He is a Methodist leader from Northern Ireland who was a key figure in that country's peace process. During the late 1960's he lived in Indianapolis studying at Christian Theological Seminary and pastoring at Riverside Methodist.


Preaching to an all black congregation the Sunday after Dr. Martin Luther King was assassinated, he said he felt inadequate to address the audience but they convinced him otherwise through their encouragement and gentle spirits. It changed his life.


When he left Indy for Northern Ireland to pastor in inner-city Belfast, he was amazed by the hateful speech between Protestants and Catholics, and recognized similar patterns in American racial strife. He quickly realized sectarianism and racism are on either side of the same coin.


Click here to read more.



This is one of the weekly blog Mindful Path posts written by our guest blogger Lisa Robinson. Be sure to visit our blog every Tuesday to read the newest post to learn how to incorporate more mindful practices into your daily life!


Hello, my name is Lisa Robinson.  I'm pleased to be a guest blogger for Peace Learning Center, where my posts will highlight the relationships between the practice of mindfulness, emotional intelligence, and social and emotional learning (SEL).  However, the most important part is that I'll present resources to help adults and children to benefit from enhancing their use of mindfulness.  Through my posts, my hope is that you will find tools and support to travel a mindful path that resonates with you.


Click here to read more.
Make Good Changes Happen!  

 All donations to Peace Learning Center are currently being used to support our $1 million Be Peace Campaign. Thanks to people like you, we've already raised $870,626. Please make a donation today to help us reach our goal to serve 10,000 people in 2014. Click here to donate now!
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