Peace Learning Center Newsletter |
"Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without."
- Buddha
I know I can always do a little better to "Be Peace" for myself and those around me. And, if you're like me, you can probably use a few ideas and reminders about how to find peace within especially for those days when the outside world is not being a very peaceful place.
In this issue of PLC news, we've provided an overview of how our programs teach peace and how you can "Be Peace" by supporting them, getting involved, or just applying a few of the lessons we teach to your own life.
By the way, "Be Peace" is the theme of our new campaign to raise $1 million dollars to provide greatly needed peace education programs to 10,000 people and accomplish three major goals.
Peace on,
Peace Learning Center
Volunteer. Be Peace.
People often feel a sense of happiness and peace when they are doing something that makes a difference in their community. As a volunteer, you can have a huge effect on an organization by donating your time. Volunteering leads to the satisfaction of creating change, it provides an outlet to meet others who share your passion, it allows you to see the impact you make and the opportunity to build relationships with the people you serve.In one year, PLC volunteers served 8,486 hours. They were peace.
Interested in getting involved? Contact Volunteer and Intern Coordinator, Jay Horan at jhoran@peacelearningcenter.org.
Peace Learning Center would like to recognize Lisa Robinson as the volunteer of the month. Lisa was gracious enough to offer her skills and talents in the development of a new online course that will be used as a resource for our program participants! Kristina Hulvershorn had the pleasure of working closely with the Lisa and said, "Lisa came in and with her quiet wisdom helped us create a tool that will allow us to reach thousands more people a year. She is an incredible talent and we are incredibly lucky to be able to call her our volunteer!"
Thank you Lisa for everything you have done for our organization. We are very lucky to have you on our team!
Peace Crew - Would your elementary school like to participate?
Through this year's Peace Crew program, Juniors and Seniors from Crispus Attucks Medical Magnet High School will visit local elementary schools for three sessions to facilitate peace education lessons to students in grades 3-5 in subjects focused around high school graduation, inclusion and self-acceptance. Last year's Peace Crew served nearly 800 children and we are excited to see what great things come from this new group of students! If you are interested in having Peace Crew visit your school, please contact Jay Horan at jhoran@peacelearningcenter.org to learn more about the program.
Peace Starts with You and Me!
While working with youth, we frequently explain that peace starts with "you" (and me!). We all understand the influence of a chaotic or violent environment on families and individuals, but it is equally important to understand that we make up these systems in our communities. Who we are and how we feel matters not only to us but to those around us. This diagram helps remind us of the interconnectedness we have with each other and with our local and global communities. Here is a brief explanation of the three elements depicted in the diagram.
- SELF: Peace skills starting with self includes self-awareness and self-control.
- OTHERS: Interacting with others includes the ability to maintain positive relationships and resolve conflicts peacefully.
- COMMUNITY: In the outer circle, relationships, includes social awareness and ethical and responsible decision-making.
To learn how to bring PLC youth programs to your child's school or organization, please contact Kristina Hulvershorn, Director of Youth Programs, at 317-327-7144 or
"Probably one of the best diversity workshops I have attended."
It's hard not to be excited about the above quote, a comment from a participant during a six hour customized workshop we hosted and facilitated for Ivy Tech Community College of Indiana. Appreciating and understanding diverse perspectives is an essential component to having peace within and being a peacemaker in our community.
During the workshop, the Ivy Tech participants accomplished and demonstrated the following learning objectives: - Identify strategies to understand and appreciate differences at Ivy Tech
- Explore concepts of diversity as they directly relate to leading others and interacting with students
- Understand a framework for valuing and appreciating differences
- Apply knowledge to improve interactions and sustain an inclusive environment
- Demonstrate conflict management and resolution strategies
Through our Community Programs we lead workshops that help create more peaceful organizations. We also strive to create a more peaceful community by offering free learning opportunities and grants through our Focus 2020 initiative.
We are very excited to announce our next Focus 2020 Chautauqua - Public Safety: What's at Risk? which is scheduled to take place on Friday, November 8 as part of this year's Spirit & Place Festival. Attending this free event will give you an opportunity to learn about the many diverse perspectives that impact public safety, which is a very important issue in Indianapolis. It will be a thought-provoking morning unlike any other! Learn more and find links to register below in the upcoming events section.
Tim Nation, Executive Director & Co-Founder
How Can You BE PEACE?
"How are you going to be a peacemaker if you don't have peace?" asked a ten year old student who was visiting Peace Learning Center. It was a thoughtful and difficult question. After 15 years of planning, implementing and sharing our methods for peacemaking, I still contemplate this question frequently.
What we do is try to help people find both the peace and peacemaker within. What's the difference? Having peace within or to "be peace" allows you to be a peacemaker to help others because you can't help others until you first help yourself. It's like putting on your own oxygen mask before you help others put on theirs.
In an effort to teach others how to "be peace", we are implementing our Peace Schools universal intervention program at Pendleton Juvenile Correctional Facility with every youth, guard, staff member and teacher. Pendleton is Indiana's highest security level youth facility for gang, drug and sex offenders. We teach social and emotional skills to help them better deal with life's challenges and to work out problems peacefully.
Three year ago, before we began our program there, the facility was experiencing about 130 serious behavior incidents including fights, threats and bullying each month. Last month, this figure stood at only 32 incidents - an all time low.
Superintendent Linda Commons says this reduction is due to Peace Learning Center's program. How did our facilitators James (JT) Taylor and Darren Bunton accomplish this? They showed their students how to have peace within.
Here's our formula for inspiring you to be peace and peacemakers:
1. Take responsibility - no one makes you do or feel anything. We often say, "The only thing controlled by you is what you say and what you do."
2. Envision a bright and hopeful future. Too many of our youth feel as if they are going to die at a young age because they've seen too many friends, family and neighbors killed by violence.
3. Once you have hope for the future, you will take ownership of your own education. We've had students go from D's to B's without academic tutoring because of renewed hope for their future gave them the ambition they needed to succeed.
4. Reach out for friendship and positive mentors. I was recently told by a teenager, "Give us someone to look up to because if you don't, we look down."
To be peace means to be patient and persistent, to possess integrity, and to know how to listen, ask the right questions and seek to understand.
We need each other to survive and thrive. Be peace for each other but first remember to be peace for yourself.
Click here to learn 40 Ways to Create Peace of Mind.

Public Safety: What's at Risk?
A Focus 2020 Chautauqua
Friday, November 8, 2013 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Butler University
Local youth, police officers, judges, public defenders, faith leaders, and the general public will explore public safety issues and ask:
Why do some people take more risks than others? What can we learn from each other? How can we work independently and together to improve public safety?
The ACT Out Ensemble, a socially conscious theater group, will set the stage for conversation with unique interactive performances that will help everyone explore issues from a new perspective. Guest speakers and panelists including U.S. Attorney Joseph Hogsett and Director of the Indianapolis Department of Public Safety Troy Riggs will provide insight into the many complicated and risky issues that impact public safety for all of us.
This event is free and open to the public, but seats are limited. Click here to register! Proudly part of this year's Spirit & Place Festival!
Upcoming Focus 2020 Workshops
Join the movement to make Greater Indy a more welcoming and engaged community! All Focus 2020 workshops are offered at no cost to you, but preregistration is required.
To register, click on the date that works best for you.
Race Relations Dialogue to Change Circles: 12 hours
Four Sessions: November 4 - 7, noon-3:00 pm at the INRC
In this four-part series facilitated by the Indianapolis Neighborhood Resource Center (INRC), participants will learn how to organize and make connections with diverse groups, learn the history of racism in our communities, study the development of inequities, examine our current community, and commit to move towards action to create a more welcoming Greater Indianapolis community. Participants are required to attend all FOUR sessions.
Focus 2020 Orientation Workshop
During this workshop, you'll learn the tools, techniques, and strategies for understanding each others differences and similarities. Through fun and engaging sessions you will connect with others to practice and demonstrate dialogue, conflict resolution, empathy, and collaboration skills.
Creating a Culture of Peace Focus 2020 Workshop
Tuesday, Nov. 11, 12:30 - 4:30 pm at Peace Learning Center
Participants will learn and practice advanced techniques of conflict de-escalation, dialogue, and communication skills and how to use those skills to build a more peaceful community. Participants will design strategies for applying these skills in
their homes, workplaces, and communities.
 Support Peace: Make Good Changes Happen!
 Be Peace for others in our community.