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Top August 2014 
A monthly newsletter from Field Street Baptist Church

We exist to make CHRIST known by proclamation and living of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


In This Issue
Music Ministry
Education Ministry
Children's Ministry
Students Ministry
Senior Adult Ministry
Community Missions/Administration
Monthly Budget Statistics
JULY 2014 



 Budget Over/(Under)
  2014 Total Needed to Date:
   2014 Total Given to Date:
Budget Over/(Under)
to Date:
Family & Friend Fun Night
August 10
6:30 -8:30 p.m.
Splash Station

Summer Schedule

Wednesdays @ Noon

Family Life Center

We continue to meet at noon through the month of August.

Bring your own Brown Bag Lunch

(water and tea will be provided)


Will return to Wednesday evening services on September 3.




Kitchen Remodel

Phase II

August 11-15

Men needed to help complete the kitchen remodel. Contact Jerry Melson or Mark Smith.



ALL Bible Fellowship Leadership Training

Sunday, August 17

12:00-2:30 PM

Call the church office to make lunch and childcare reservations for this training.


 Saturday, September 13th!

9:30 AM--3:30 PM

COST: $15

Tickets may be purchased in the church office or from a member of the Women's Ministry Council.



Ladies' Bible Studies


Monday Nights

Beginning September 15

 7:00 pm    Room 114


Wednesday Mornings

Beginning September 17

 10 am     Room 114  


FSBC Marriage Retreat
Hampton Inn-Cleburne
Call the church office for more details on registration.



Weekly Schedule

  Summer Schedule
Sunday Morning
8:30 & 11:00 a.m.

Bible Fellowship
9:45 a.m.


Prayer Meeting/Bible Study
@ Noon
Bring a brown bag lunch.
(Water and tea will be provided)
Adult Choir Rehearsal
6:30 p.m.
(During month of August)
Praise Band Rehearsal
7:30 p.m.
FSBC Ministerial Staff


Dr. John Hall



Kelsey Giddens

Summer Student Ministry Intern


Chuck Gartman



John Glover

Associate Pastor


Jennifer Howington

Preschool & Children


Matt Martin 



Jerry Melson


Bible Study

Attendance Averages

JULY 2014


Sunday Morning On-Site



Total Average Attendance

(including Off-Site Studies)


Worship Attendance Averages

JULY 2014


8:30 AM



11:00 AM



6:00 PM





Financial Statistics

As of JULY 2014


2014 Receipts 


2014 Expenses 



2014 Balance Over/(Under)


Touching Tomorrow Today




 Profession of Faith
Shawn Milne
Daniel Lorenzo
Shawn Milne
Daniel Lorenzo
 By Letter
Tim Lance
Jenny Lance
Jessica Lance
 By Statement
Ashley Garey
Jennifer Lance

Wednesday Night

Fellowship Meals

Due to our Summer Wednesday Schedule and the remodel of the church kitchen, there will be no Wednesday night family meals in August.
 Meals will resume on Wednesday, September 3, at 5:15 p.m.


 The Field Street Family Expresses Sympathy to:


Family of Bob Newton

Family of Hannah Easdon

Family of Florence Scott


407 families/1289 people for the month of JULY 2014
"But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name."
John 1:12

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From Our Pastor


A New Church Year Begins September 7. . .

I am anticipating a strong start to the new church year which begins on September 7. I thank God for His grace to us during these summer weeks. I am confident He has been at work and He is preparing us for a fruitful fall. So, I am asking you to make a commitment to engage at a high level the essentials of being a part of Field Street Baptist Church as the new church year awaits us. I am asking you to attend regularly Sunday morning Bible study and Sunday morning worship. I am asking you to give generously and faithfully. I am asking you to invite people to come to Field Street. I am asking you to pray for the ministry of the church, salvation of the lost, and the growth of the redeemed. I am asking you to serve in a ministry of some sort. We NEED YOU this fall. YOU can make a difference!


SMSPUpdate on Student Minister Search Process. . .

We are making some progress on our search for a Student Minister. We have made a number of initial contacts with candidates and have done some investigation. We have had a preliminary interview with one candidate. We are praying and asking God to guide us in the process. We still have considerable work to do. In the meantime, we ask you to pray for our staff and Personnel Committee as they work toward knowing the will of God in this matter. I am particularly thankful for our student ministry volunteers, who have served capably in this interim period. I am most grateful to God for His grace to us this summer within our student ministry. It has been an unusual, but especially fruitful summer with our students. We have seen God save several of our youth and have watched our students serve others and gel as a group. I believe the best days are still ahead for our student ministry. Join me in praying often for our young people and for the one who will come and lead them.


Congratulations, Matt Martin. . .

Congratulations to Matt Martin on the occasion of his 11th anniversary as Minister of Music. Matt continues to do a very good job in his oversight of our music ministry. Congratulations Matt, Caryn, Kate, Drew, and David. May the Lord continue to bless you and prosper your ministry.


Gospel of John Sermon Series. . .

The sermon series from the Gospel of John will begin on September 7. Thank you to so many who have taken the time to read through the gospel of John reading plans in preparation for this sermon series. I am asking God to bless richly our time together in worship as we gather around this portion of His sacred Word. Below are the sermon titles and texts for the Sundays in September:

          September 7--"The Word"     John 1:1-18

          September 14--"The Testimony of John"     John 1:19-28

          September 21--"The Lamb of God"     John 1:29-51

          September 28--"The Beginning of Signs"     John 2:1-11 


See you Sunday!


 John Hall, Pastor  

Music Ministry



Sunday, August 10-John Glover Preaching 

  8:30 a.m.               Sing Team

11:00 a.m.               Adult Choir


Sunday, August 17-Matthew McKeller Preaching

  8:30 a.m.              Praise Team

11:00 a.m.              Adult Choir

12:00 p.m.              Catch the Spirit 3


Sunday, August 24

  8:30 a.m.               Sing Team

11:00 a.m.               Adult Choir


Sunday, August 31

  8:30 a.m.              Cornerstone and Solid Rock

11:00 a.m.              Cornerstone and Solid Rock & Adult Choir 


Sunday, September 7

            8:30 a.m.              Praise Team

          11:00 a.m.              Adult Choir


Eleven Years                            

 What can I say-ay-ay! What a place to be. What a people to serve! What a God to worship!! What a gospel to tell!!! Our family thanks the Field Street family for partnering with us to impact Cleburne for the Kingdom of God! May He continue to bless Field Street as we strive to do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him! With love and blessing--sing-sing-sing!


CISD Appreciation Luncheon

Thursday, August 21, 2014

We are preparing to serve our employees of Cleburne ISD a back-to-school appreciation luncheon from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. If you are a member of our church and a teacher, but don't work for CISD you are also invited to attend. We look forward to serving CISD and giving them a small thank you for the service they provide our children and community.


Children's Choirs begin Wednesday, September 3  at 6:00 p.m.

Our purpose is to use music to lead children to grow in their knowledge and love of Jesus, and grow in their service to God and His church. When children learn songs of faith in which music is combined with the truth of God's Word, it helps them remember truth, apply truth, and express truth back to God in worship. FSBC Children's Choir Ministry helps our kids develop: Discipleship, Worship, Fellowship, Evangelism, and Missions. Music is a gift you can give your children that will last their entire lives. We hope to see your child involved this year! Registration for AWANA/Children's Choirs is August 27th from 6-7 p.m. in the Children's Building.


Cornerstone and SOLID ROCK

Both choirs will continue to pursue our goal of exalting Christ through praise and worship, equipping students to express their faith in God to a world in need and doing great things for the Kingdom by the power of the Spirit! We'll meet on Sundays:


5:30-6:15 p.m.

SOLID ROCK rehearsal/Cornerstone fellowship snack supper

6:15-7:00 p.m.

Cornerstone rehearsal/SOLID ROCK fellowship snack supper


We'll kick off the year with an all-night Worship session  Labor Day weekend on Sat-Sun! Be watching your mail for more details!



Our kick-off for the 24th presentation of the Living Christmas Tree Ministry is Wednesday, September 3. We will need every "body" we can get to fill the tree! I'm excited about the music, the ministry opportunity and think you will be too! See you Wednesday nights in the choir room at 7:05 p.m.

Our women's chorus begins another year of  rehearsals on Sunday night, September 7, at 5:00 p.m. in the choir room.  Ladies, Come sing with us!



FSBC Ringers

Begins rehearsals again on Monday, September 8, at 5:00 p.m. in Room 101



                                                    --Matt Martin

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Education Ministry 



Our Task Forces are hard at work and several events are being planned. You are invited to participate in our planning meetings. Our next meeting is on Sunday, September 7.


The Young Adult Teamhas already planned and carried out a picnic on July 2.  They have FSBC Family & Friends Fun Night scheduled at Splash Station on Sunday evening, August 10, at 6:30.  It's FREE and you can invite your friends to join you. Admission tickets are available outside our Media Center.


Marriage Enrichment Weekend is September 26-27 at the Hampton Inn-Cleburne.  Special guest is Sam Douglas.  Cost is $99. It may be the best weekend you spend with your spouse in a very long time. See a member of the Young Adult Task Force or call the church office for more information on how to register.


Backyard Bible Clubs Teamhas just concluded its sessions at the Cimarron Apartments.  What a wonderful opportunity to touch people for Christ.  They are exploring other opportunities for Being the Body of Christ in our community. They averaged 27 kids/helpers for the 4 Tuesdays they conducted the sessions.


Boomer Ministry Team is exploring lots of opportunities to reach and keep Boomers here in Cleburne.


Training Events   Team is putting the final touches on "Catch the Spirit 3" for August 17.


Children's Christmas Program Team has plans underway for the Children's Christmas Angel Breakfast. This team is working to make this a really special event for our church and community.


Daddy/Daughter Banquet Teamis busy planning how to help dads and daughters connect during an evening filled with fun, food, and entertainment.


AWANA Grand Prix Team has started planning the Grand Prix weekend and Sparky Drive -In Movie Night.  It will be great fun for the family.


Trunk or Treat Fall Festival--is closer than you think. The Team is revving up for a Fall Festival to beat all Fall Festivals in October.


Backyard Bible Clubs continuing to seek to minister to primarily children in our community who may not be able to come to our church.


International Mission Trip Task Force Team and Fund Raising Task Force Teams continue to work on mission opportunities.  For more information on their work, continue reading below.



Our church is focused on Missions--local, domestic and international. Don't miss out on the opportunity to pray, give, and go. Thanks again to our church for its faithful commitment to represent Christ literally all over the world.


AUGUST 15-25 (28), 2014--We have been invited to conduct a Youth Camp for the International Church in Prague, Czech Republic. The camp will be near a city called Brno, Czech Republic. We will lead studies, lead recreation, build relationships, visit with students about decisions they make, and serve as sponsors in the dorms.


We will make a side trip (August 26-28) to the Christian Ministry Center in Lwowic Slaski, Poland one of the sites we originally visited because of the close proximity to the camp.


MARCH 8-16, 2015 (CISD AND HOWARD PAYNE UNIVERSITY SPRING BREAK)--We are going back to Jamaica to work with the Won by One to Jamaica Ministry to build houses, work in their green houses, build relationships with Jamaicans, work in the schools, and work in the infirmary.


Please call me at 817-645-4376  (office) or 817-846-7886 (cell) if you have any questions. 


I encourage you to pray about going, no matter your age or experience. Not only will you deliver blessings TO those with whom you'll minister, but you will receive blessings from the Lord THROUGH those with whom you share. You may not be able to go on any international trip we plan, but you can still help:


1.  Please pray for our teams, for the safety of those who are going, and for their effectiveness in ministry.


2.  You can GIVE to these ministries over and above your regular tithe. Just put your gift in an offering envelope and mark it for Mission Trip.


3.  IMPORTANT: You can collect items for us to take to Jamaica or Poland. PARTICULARLY, Poland. We are already doing this, but you can participate. See your Bible Fellowship Leader for a list of items to be collected and put in suitcases for our trip. Polish people need heavier clothing. Just drop them by the church office or call and we'll come get them. This is truly a church-wide experience. We can't express enough gratitude to you for your investment.



Decide that you are going to pray for our First Responders here in Cleburne and Johnson County.  Please pick up a "Silent Partners" brochure, fill out the form, and turn it in to the office. We will send you a 'Prayer Tent' to place on your table or desk to remind you to pray every day for your assigned prayer partner--law enforcement officer or fireman. Once a month we will send you a reminder to write an affirmation/prayer card to your person which we will deliver. We receive expressions of gratitude from many of our First Responders for whom we are praying.



We have completed 10 groups in the past year, and we will start "Next Steps" for those who have already completed the first set of sessions.  Email Chuck  cgartman@fieldstreet.com  or call church office:  817-645-4376  or Cell: 817-846-7886 if you have interest, questions, or desire more details about the various aspects of our ministry.




 Sunday, August 17 @ Noon



See you in Bible Fellowship THIS Sunday!


--Chuck Gartman

Minister of Education/Leadership Development


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Children's Ministry
I can hardly believe that summer is quickly drawing to a close. Thank you, Church Family, for your support for our Next Level Kids Camp. A big thank you to Lee Howington, Willie Huskisson, Don & Rachel Broyles and Drake Edmiston for volunteering your time as our sponsors.

Also in July, our preteens took a day trip to Mission  Waco to host a Fun Day at the Meyer Center and to sort school supplies.       What a joy it was to serve alongside these preteens!

During the month of July, FSBC hosted a BACKYARD BIBLE CLUB at Cimmaron Springs Apartments located at 1302 E. Kilpatrick in Cleburne. Our highest attended day was 17 children! During August we will minister to children at Gateway Learning Center. If you have an interest in serving in our BBC ministry, please contact Rick Deem or Jennifer Howington.

Enrollment for 2014-2015
Contact Jeana LeBlanc
at 817-645-4376
Days: Tuesday/Thursday
Tuition: $155/month
 (plus $60 one-time registration fee and $25 twice a year supply fee)
Remember Bible Fellowship leaders, to mark your calendar for Sunday, August 17, for "Catch the Spirit 3" from noon--2:30 p.m. Our speaker this year is Jerry Vogel from Lifeway. Please call the church office at 817.645.4376 to make your reservations for lunch. Childcare will be provided upon request prior to that Sunday.  Thank you for your faithful service!

AWANA & Children's Choir Kick-Off and Registration
(3 years to 6th Grade)
Wednesday, August 27   6:00 to 7:00 PM
1st & 2nd floor Lobbies--Children's Building
This is the first opportunity you have to enroll your child in children's choir and our AWANA program.  You may pick up parent handbooks AND  purchase books and vests/shirts.
AWANA classes and Children's Choirs will have their first meeting on Wednesday, September 3
Dates to Remember:
Preteen Retreat--September 19-20--Rick & Ann Deem's home
Trunk or Treat--October 29--6:30 to 8:00 p.m.
Christmas Angel Breakfast--December 13 & 14--9:30 - 11:00 a.m.
Thank you for your support and participation in our preschool/children's ministry. What a joy it is to serve our Lord and Savior at Field Street Baptist Church. 


--Jennifer Howington
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Student Ministry



When: Each Sunday, 9:45 a.m.

Where: 3rd Floor--Youth Department



August 10--FSBC Family and Friend Fun Night at Splash Station

                     6:30 - 8:30 p.m.----Bring a friend


August 13--End of Summer Bash at the Cain's

                      6:00 - 8:00 p.m.


September3--Wednesday Night Student Activities Resume


September 7--Sunday night Student Choirs Resume


 Catch the Spirit 3"--12:00 -2:30 PM is when we will host our training session for all Bible Fellowship Leaderships to prepare for the new Sunday school year. Bruce Edwards, the Youth Ministry Specialist for the Tennessee Baptist Convention, will be our guest conference leader. Adults who work with students or who are considering working with students should be in attendance in this meeting.


Continue Praying for the Staff and Personnel Committee as they seek God's leadership and direction in the search for a Student Minister. Click here for more information.


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Senior Adult Ministry 


I Just Know We're about to Hear. . . "Gettin' ready for some football!" As I was thinking about this article for the eFocus, I thought a slight change might be in order and maybe we could hear. . . "Getting' ready for a great fall!" And, I certainly believe it is. . on its way!


Coming TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2--Joyful Sound Retreat. We'll use the morning and part of the afternoon to introduce the new music for the fall. It will include a wonderful lunch as well as a time for work and fellowship. For some of you who have been waiting for a special time to get involved in our senior adult choir--THIS IS IT! Put it down and plan to join us!


senior adults Beginning MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 8 and going through Monday, October 6, will be the first of two MABS (Monday Afternoon Bible Studies) five-week studies. The first is entitled: "The Greatest Stories Ever Told" and will be a study in Matthew of the Lord's parables specifically relating to the Kingdom of God.


Coming TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9-- from 9:30-10:30 AM, our first regular Joyful Sound rehearsal in the choir room. And then, at 10:45 AM, we will have our first YOUNG AT HEART meeting in the Family Life Center. We always focus on our own ministries for the first YAH meeting this year Carol Roberson will be sharing with us about the "Threads of Love."


  --John Glover

Community Missions/



  Serving opportunities   


Kitchen Remodel

Continues - August 11-15

First, I want to say THANK YOU to Mark Smith and his men for getting us to this point!! They have put in many hard days getting us to this final week of remodel.

Next week, we will be moving the equipment back into place and doing some 'finish work' including painting, installing equipment, etc. We will be working 9:00am - 4:00pm, August 11-15. Come and join us any or all days! Contact Jerry Melson or Mark Smith for more information.



Begins September 7

5:00 - 7:00

GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through some of life's most difficult experiences. You don't have to go through the grieving process alone. This is a 13-week study and will be a great support to those who are in need.


Spirit of Sharing Volunteers

Our Spirit of Sharing Ministry is in need of volunteers to pick up food at our local grocery stores. Several stores donate food and we have to pick it up. A typical "run" takes as little as 30 minutes. If you would be interested and willing to spend 30 minutes, one hour, or more per week, please contact Jerry at jerrym@fieldstreet.com, or you can call Karen Strayer at SOS, 817-645-3342, between 10:00 and 2:00.


 --Jerry Melson


Christian Women's Job Corps



Hands and Feet

Fall Semester Enrollment

Our Fall 2014 semester begins Tuesday, September 2, 2014. Women 18 or older are eligible to attend. They must be alcohol and drug free, have a high school diploma or GED, and provide their own transportation and child care. If you know of someone who needs to attend, call the CWJC office at 817-645-9979 and leave a message or see Becky Miles.

  • The Job Corps meets from 8:30-noon Monday-Thursday. Classes include Bible study, resume writing, career exploration, professional ethics, interview skills, dressing for success, personal hygiene, health and wellness, self-defense, money management and others.
  • We have the following needs for the fall semester:

disposable plates, cups and tableware;

paper towels; toilet tissue; napkins

bottle water; breakfast bars; yogurt;

antiseptic wipes, Kleenex;

colored copy paper; hole-punch, stapler

  • Office volunteers are needed to answer phones, make copies, and greet visitors.
  •  Monetary donations are needed for utilities, computer supplies, and other incidentals. If you can donate time or funding, please call the office or see Becky Miles or Jerry Melson.
  • Available lunch dates are September 11 or 18; October 2, 9, 16, 23, or 30; and November 6 or 13. The dates will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • The most important need we have is prayer. Please commit to pray for the Job Corps staff, Advisory Council, faculty, and students. God will transform the lives of the women who attend and their families. Thank you for your continued support.