St. Paul Summit Avenue Walking Tour
Saturday, Sept. 17
St. Croix Boat Cruise
Thursday, Sept. 22
Pine Tree Apple Orchard Family Day
Saturday, Oct. 15
St. Louis Park Networking Event
Tuesday, Oct. 18
Tin Whiskers Brewery Tour and Tasting Event Monday, Oct. 31
Cheers Pablo Painting Event
Friday, Nov. 4
Twin Cities Speaker Series featuring Vicky Emerson
Tuesday, Nov. 29
Irving Berlins White Christmas Musical
Saturday, Dec. 10

With your support, the Rising to Distinction campaign has reached its $20 million goal early!
Mark your calendar for a campaign celebration on Friday, Sept. 23. --------
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In This Issue/August 2016
Professor shares cutting-edge cancer research
UWRF biology Professor Tim Lyden and his Duluth industrial partner co-presented cutting-edge 3D modeling cancer research at the first White House sponsored national Cancer Moonshot Summit regional event at the UM-Duluth Medical School June 29. Read more.
Teacher and advocate for agriculture Gena Lilienthal said "My dad always says that agriculture is not a job or a career; it is a way of life. I love this way of life." Read more on page 8. Story credit to Dana Miller, River Valley Woman. Photo credit to Alika Faythe Hartmann, Despres Photography.
Homecoming/Family Weekend is Sept. 22-25
Homecoming/Family Weekend begins Thursday, Sept. 22, with activities planned all weekend long to connect alumni, students, and families. Read more.
The College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences has reinstated its Food Science and Technology program that was suspended several years ago. Students will be accepted into the program beginning this fall.
UWRF has finalized details establishing an Experience Puebla exchange program at the Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla (UPAEP), a private university that offers 42 undergraduate programs in Puebla, Mexico. Read more.