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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                           CONTACT: Bridgitt Zielke

July 8, 2016                                                                                                  (920)526-3271 



     Greenbush - On Sunday, July 24, at 1:30 p.m., visitors to the Wade House historic site will be transported back in time to witness what the sport of base ball was like during and just after the Civil War. Guests are invited to cheer on the Wade House Red Jackets historic base ball team as they defend their home turf against Old World Wisconsin's Eagle Diamonds. As part of the experience, visitors will be encouraged to join the fun. Guests will get to field, hit and learn how to play base ball by the rules of 1860s.  
     The mid-nineteenth century game of base ball was considerably different than today's game. In the late 1800s, most players used their
In the late 1800s, there was no strike zone in the game of base ball.
bare hands, rather than gloves. Pitchers, or "hurlers", threw the ball underhanded to the batter, or "striker." There was no strike zone. Foul balls did not count as strikes, and balls caught on the first bound were out.
     Wade House historic site promotes living history by bringing the 19th century to life in its sponsorship of the Wade House Red Jackets base ball team in a vintage league that re-enacts how base ball was played in the 1860s.  The Wade House Red Jackets, along with other clubs that they compete against from May through September, use the rules, equipment, costumes and manners of the 1860s.  The vintage game emphasizes honor, team play, respectful conduct and community pride. 
     Food and beverages will be available at the Butternut Café before and after the game.  Water and soda will be available at the field during the game. Bleacher seating is available, but guests are welcome to bring chairs and blankets as well.
     "Historic Base Ball" will take place at the Wade House Historic Site in Greenbush, WI. Visitors will begin the special experience at the new Wade House Visitor Center and Wesley W. Jung Carriage Museum located at W7965 State Highway 23. Admission is as follows: adults - $11; students/seniors - $9.25; Children (5-17) - $5.50; family (up to two adults and two or more dependent children 5-17) - $30.
     Wade House Historic Site is one of 12 historic sites and museums owned and operated by the Wisconsin Historical Society. For more information, please call (920)526-3271 or visit: wadehouse.org
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With the unkempt field, underhand pitching and no gloves, the scores of vintage base ball matches can be extremely high.