Board of Directors
John Chavez
New Mexico Angels
Vice President
Marc Bertram
Hotel Parq Central
Michael Armijo
Compass Bank
Lauren Greene
The Grove Café & Market
Lisa Adkins
Fat Pipe ABQ
Bill Bice
ABQid, Verge Fund Daniel Blackwood The Evolution Group Rosa Ciddio Rebel Workout
Vince DiGregory
Standard Diner
Moises Gonzalez
MarAbi Productions, Inc.
Terry Keene
Artichoke Café
Jim Maddox
Maddox Properties
David Mahlman
Mahlman Studio Architects Doug Majewski Design Group Architects
Randi McGinn
McGinn, Carpenter,
Montoya and Love, P.A. Tim McGivern EDo Spaces
Bevin Owens
Compass Companies
Board of Directors
Bonnie Anderson Vice President
Moises Gonzalez Secretary
Zoey Fink Treasurer
Ann Carson Members
Joe Boyd Steve Grant Kathy Grassel Pam Leverick Tom Pantano & Marie Collinson Lee Spittler Ben Sturge Karla Thornton Salley Trefethen
Innovate ABQ Construction - a New EDo Era
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| Following a groundbreaking ceremony on Tuesday, July 12th, site clearance and demolition of the north wing of the 1977 former First Baptist Church addition began the next day. Soon to be rising from the property is a six-story building containing the UNM Innovation Academy, the UNM Science and Technology Center (STC.UNM), a Nusenda Credit Union, and 155 two-bedroom apartments for Innovation Academy students. Scheduled completion is late Summer 2017. Road work to eliminate the dangerous and pedestrian-hostile curve at First & Central has also begun. This construction marks the beginning of a new era for our neighborhood. There have been no new projects in EDo/Huning Highlands since the completion of BelVedere, the Manual Arts Building, and the Hotel Parq Central over 7 years ago. All of Albuquerque hopes Innovate ABQ will be a success for our neighborhood and for our economy. We are told the second phase of Innovate will involve the renovation of the 1937 former church sanctuary, the 1950 office and classroom building, and the remaining section of the 1977 addition. Put another way, those buildings will be returned to their former glory but with new uses.
Complete Streets for EDo and Huning Highlands
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With the start of construction at Innovate ABQ, the need for streets to better accommodate pedestrians, cyclists, and transit riders has never been greater. The Complete Streets recommendations from a March 10, 2016 charrette at the Special Collections Library were released in April in this publication. Our two neighborhood associations hired Peter Swift, a traffic engineer from Boulder, CO, to represent us in June 30th meetings with the City's Department of Municipal Development (DMD) and the City's Transit Agency, ABQ Ride. The purpose of those meetings was to discuss firm implementation times for these recommendations. We thank City Councilor Isaac Benton and his staff for sponsoring and attending these meetings. Further updates to be provided. Nothing is more important to the success of EDo, Huning Highlands, and Innovate ABQ than streets that put the pedestrian and cyclist first, yet continue to accommodate motor vehicles operating at the speed limits.
Meanwhile, across our neighborhood and throughout the City we hear, there is a significant increase in sociopathic driver behavior in the form of speeding and racing at twice or even three times our 30 mph speed limits. Neighborhood representatives met with the Albuquerque Police Department (APD) requesting routine but random selective enforcement of speed limits. We were informed that personnel were unavailable for such operations. We have now requested in a letter to APD that all traffic signals in the area be operated as a four-way flashing red light from 10:00 PM to 6:00 AM, as a way of discouraging this behavior. To date, we have not received a reply from our City government. This lawless behavior must stop, and it's the job of our elected officials to stop it!
AAA Reports 80% of Drivers Express Road Rage
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Research from the world's largest driving advocate finds nearly 80% of drivers expressed significant anger, aggression, or road rage behind the wheel at least once in the past year. Findings further suggest that approximately 8 million drivers expressed extreme road rage, including purposely ramming another vehicle or getting out of the car to confront another driver. We see it every day in our neighborhood. Completing our streets is the proper response of responsible citizens and their elected leaders!
Fast Company: 7 Reasons European Cities Will Beat US Cities As Innovation Hubs
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From its " 7 minute read - world changing ideas," the publication Fast Company lists as reason #1 "better designed cities." The article states "the 'density collision' among artists, entrepreneurs, makers, and technologists is a big part of what is driving entrepreneurship to urban areas. European cities do better on making this a reality." Albuquerque started life as a Spanish village, and there is no reason we can't channel the success of Barcelona, for example, in trying to build our own success. Do we want Innovate ABQ to be a success? Yes we do! How? Complete the streets around it, and put pedestrians first!
Transform Your Neighborhood Through Cooperative Investment
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Strong Towns is an excellent resource for building better neighborhoods. It is especially thoughtful about converting auto-centric infrastructure investments into people-centric ones. We found this article inspiring and recommend it to you. There is nothing EDo and Huning Highlands need more than a cooperative grocery store. Who's ready to lead the effort?
Whole Hog Cafe Opens in EDo
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EDo continues its city-wide leadership in great restaurant choices with the addition of Bo and Sara Barnwell's Whole Hog Cafe, now open at 725 Central NE, just west and across the street from Hotel Parq Central. This is their third location, with others in Santa Fe and on Montgomery NE in Albuquerque. Their barbecue is Memphis-style, being smoked pork with traditional southern picnic sides. Welcome Bo and Sara!