Editor Rob Dickson 
Publisher Lara Simon
Board of Directors
John Chavez
     New Mexico Angels
Vice President
Marc Bertram
     Hotel Parq Central
Michael Armijo
     Compass Bank 
Lauren Greene
     The Grove Caf� & Market
Lisa Adkins
     Fat Pipe ABQ
Bill Bice
     ABQid, Verge Fund
Daniel Blackwood
     The Evolution Group
Rosa Ciddio
     Rebel Workout 
Vince DiGregory
     Standard Diner 
Moises Gonzalez
     MarAbi Productions, Inc.
Terry Keene
     Artichoke Caf�
Jim Maddox
     Maddox Properties
David Mahlman
     Mahlman Studio Architects
Doug Majewski
     Design Group Architects 
Randi McGinn
     McGinn, Carpenter,    
     Montoya and Love, P.A.
Tim McGivern
    EDo Spaces 
Bevin Owens
     Compass Companies
Board of Directors
Bonnie Anderson
Vice President
Moises Gonzalez
Zoey Fink
Ann Carson  
Joe Boyd
Steve Grant
Kathy Grassel
Pam Leverick
Elaine McGivern
Lee Spittler
Ben Sturge
Karla Thornton  
Salley Trefethen
June 1, 2016
Fittest Cities Are Safer for Walking and Biking
     Leading in the "well, duh!" category is another study that scientifically confirms what common sense already tells us.
     Not only are walkable urban places preferred by a significant slice of the free market, they are also healthier for us. So, why aren't there more of them? Because traffic engineers at the local, state, and federal levels continue their monomaniacal fixation on taking care of motor vehicles, the pedestrian and cyclist be damned!  
     This "street fight" is going on right now in EDo and Huning Highlands, as we continue to fight for complete streets that balance the needs of those walking, cycling, and riding transit with the needs of those behind the wheel. It's a matter of safety, fairness, and economic success that we must and we will win this fight! Streets are public space, and that space doesn't just belong to motor vehicles!
"Street Fight" by Janette Sadik-Khan
     Speaking of street fights, just out and a great read is the book "Street Fight" by New York City's transportation director under Mayor Michael Bloomberg. Janette Sadik-Khan managed the seemingly impossible, and transformed the streets of this great, tough city into dynamic spaces safe for pedestrians and cyclists. Simply painting a part of the street to make it into a plaza or bus lane not only made the street safer, but lessened congestion, increased foot traffic, and improved the bottom line of local businesses.
     Sound familiar? Jeff Speck recommended this approach for Albuquerque's Downtown and EDo in September 2014, and yet we've seen nothing from the Berry Administration. What are they waiting for?  Given that Albuquerque is an economic laggard, we're scratching our heads over this one. 
Simplest Way to Great Streets - Copy the Ones That Work
     Why do we have to travel to walk a street that feels like it was made for pedestrians, lined with great places to shop, work, be entertained, live, and bump into friends old and new?
     No one understands the connection of great streets with economic and social vitality, better than Jeff Speck. His latest article, not surprisingly, is both entertaining and inspiring. It's part of the "City Fixer" series from The Atlantic "City Lab."  We recommend it to you. 
     We continue our 13-year battle to make EDo and Huning Highlands Albuquerque's first "pedestrian first" and "park once and walk" neighborhood.
Gatos y Galletas, aka "The Cat Cafe"
     Newly open at 412 Central SE, this delightful place provides tasty food and beverage with the opportunity to visit with felines seeking adoption. For those not wishing play time with the kitties, there is seating inside and in a beautiful courtyard sans chats. Please support this great new local business, the antithesis of a chain restaurant and better for you!
U.S. DOT Blows Chance to Reform the City-Killing, Planet-Broiling Status Quo
     The Obama administration purportedly wants to use the lever of transportation policy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx recently said he'd like to reverse the damage highways caused in urban neighborhoods, but you'd never know that by looking at U.S. DOT's latest policy prescription.
     "There's nothing with any teeth here. Instead - in a 425-page proposed rule - there are just six pages (p. 101-106) addressing greenhouse gas emissions that read like a bad book report and a 'dog-ate-my-homework' excuse for doing nothing now. Instead, DOT offers up a broad set of questions asking others for advice on how they might do something, in some future rulemaking, to address climate change," writes Joe Cortright at City Observatory.
     The good news is that you have the opportunity to ask the Obama Administration to do more!  Here's the full article, including a link to make comments about the proposed regulations. 
We Endorse Adrian Pedroza for District 2 County Commissioner
     The primary is Tuesday, June 7th. This publication opposes any public investment in the proposed Santolina project on the far, far west side. This is just more of the same subsidized sprawl that has ruined our landscape and impoverished our community for decades. If sprawl is so great for us financially - as we have been hearing for years - why is Albuquerque one of the poorest large cities in the nation? "Sprawl Costs Us All."  Ya basta!
     Adrian is the only one of the three Democratic Primary candidates who has taken $0 from development interests, and he opposes Santolina. Robert Chavez and Michael Quezada, the other two candidates, have accepted contributions from development interests.  As such, we endorse Mr. Padroza and recommend you vote for him. 

EDo Spaces | 401 Central Ave. NE, Suite D | Albuquerque | NM | 87102