Editor Rob Dickson 
Publisher Lara Simon
Board of Directors
John Chavez
     New Mexico Angels
Vice President
Marc Bertram
     Hotel Parq Central
Michael Armijo
     Compass Bank 
Lauren Greene
     The Grove Café & Market
Lisa Adkins
     Fat Pipe ABQ
Bill Bice
     ABQid, Verge Fund
Daniel Blackwood
     The Evolution Group
Rosa Ciddio
     Rebel Workout 
Vince DiGregory
     Standard Diner 
Moises Gonzalez
     MarAbi Productions, Inc.
Terry Keene
     Artichoke Café
Jim Maddox
     Maddox Properties
David Mahlman
     Mahlman Studio Architects
Doug Majewski
     Design Group Architects
Jessica Eaves Matthews
Randi McGinn
     McGinn, Carpenter,    
     Montoya and Love, P.A.
Tim McGivern
    EDo Spaces 
Bevin Owens
     Compass Companies
Board of Directors
Bonnie Anderson
Vice President
Moises Gonzalez
Zoey Fink
Ann Carson  
Joe Boyd
Steve Grant
Kathy Grassel
Pam Leverick
Elaine McGivern
Lee Spittler
Ben Sturge
Karla Thornton  
Salley Trefethen
April 13, 2016
Complete Streets = Economic Development Final Report
Walkable urban places are the key to successful neighborhoods and innovation centers. We've been hearing this for years, and been watching other cities be successful at doing it. Now it's Albuquerque's time to step up and get smart. The Complete Streets = Economic Development Final Report shows how to do it right. It is backed by the recommendations of Jeff Speck and by the requirements of our Complete Streets Ordinance.  

Many of the recommendations involve painting the street differently to achieve two goals - first, to balance the needs of pedestrians, cyclists, transit riders, and drivers. Second, to bring the design speed of the street down to the posted speed. While Central and Broadway have speed limits of 30 mph, their design speed is 45-55 mph, which is dangerous and bad for business and innovation.

We thank everyone who participated in the charrette process that resulted in this report. Success is within our grasp - will we keeping talking for another decade, or will we act?

The report is an easy half hour to one hour read. We hope you will read it, and advocate for it with our Mayor and City Council.
Innovate ABQ First New Building Announced
Albuquerque Business First reports that the Innovate ABQ development team of Signet Development, Goodman Realty, Dekker/Perich/Sabatini, Jaynes Corporation plans to break ground soon on a six-story mixed-use building on the site of the former First Baptist Church at Central & Broadway.  

Their report states "a $35 million, 159,000 square foot building will bring student housing, a gym, cafe, bank, and new businesses to the corner of Central and Broadway."

As reported, the building will include 155 two-bedroom apartments geared toward UNM students at the Innovation Academy. Tenants in the building will include STC.UNM, the Innovation Academy, and Nusenda Credit Union. Word on the street is to have the building ready for a Fall 2017 opening.  

This will be the first new construction in EDo since BelVedere broke ground in November 2006. 

EDo Spaces | 401 Central Ave. NE, Suite D | Albuquerque | NM | 87102