Editor Rob Dickson 
Publisher Lara Simon
Board of Directors
John Chavez
     New Mexico Angels
Vice President
Marc Bertram
     Hotel Parq Central
Michael Armijo
     Compass Bank 
Lauren Greene
     The Grove Café & Market
Lisa Adkins
     Fat Pipe ABQ
Bill Bice
     ABQid, Verge Fund
Daniel Blackwood
     The Evolution Group
Rosa Ciddio
     Rebel Workout 
Vince DiGregory
     Standard Diner 
Moises Gonzalez
     MarAbi Productions, Inc.
Terry Keene
     Artichoke Café
Jim Maddox
     Maddox Properties
David Mahlman
     Mahlman Studio Architects
Doug Majewski
     Design Group Architects
Jessica Eaves Matthews
Randi McGinn
     McGinn, Carpenter,    
     Montoya and Love, P.A.
Tim McGivern
    EDo Spaces 
Bevin Owens
     Compass Companies
Board of Directors
Bonnie Anderson
Vice President
Moises Gonzales
Kathy Grassel
Ann Carson  
Greg Bloom
Joe Boyd
Zoey Fink 
Steve Grant
Elaine McGivern
Greg & Joni Neutra
Lee Spittler
Karla Thornton  
Salley Trefethen
March 8, 2016
Complete Streets Charrette This Thursday
Complete Streets balance the needs of pedestrians, cyclists, and transit riders, with the needs of motor vehicle drivers. No one method of getting around is allowed to dominate the others. Today, the motor vehicle dominates our neighborhood streets - Central, Broadway, Lead, Coal, Tijeras, Martin Luther King. 

Walkable urban neighborhoods with complete streets foster innovation. Innovation fosters jobs and wealth creation. This COULD be Albuquerque's future, starting in EDo and in Downtown.

Vehicle-only places do not foster innovation. They do not foster economic development. This is Albuquerque today. Time for change.

Please join charrette sponsors EDo Neighborhood Association and Huning Highland Historic District Association this Thursday, March 10th, at Botts Hall, Special Collections Library, 423 Central Avenue SE to help design this better future. Here is the schedule - feel free to come and go as you wish:

9:00-9:30 AM -- Introduction and Agenda
9:30-10:30 AM -- Walk Central Avenue and Broadway Boulevard (will establish clearly the need for complete streets for economic development)
10:30 AM - Noon  -- Begin individual property owner discussions with design team.
11:00-11:30 AM  -- Requested changes to Broadway, Copper, and Tijeras
11:30 AM - Noon --  Construction scheduling, signage, business assistance
Noon-1:00 PM -- Lunch break, design team continues working
1:00-1:30 PM -- Bus operations and bus shelters on Central and Broadway other than ART
1:30-2:00 PM -- New test striping on Lead and Coal to reduce design speed to 30 mph
2:00-2:30 PM -- Signalization changes for complete streets
2:30-3:00 PM -- Pocket park at Central & Edith Library site
3:00-3:30 PM -- Requested changes to ART design
3:30-4:00 PM -- Modifications to neighborhood parking permit program
4:00-4:30 PM -- Infrastructure upgrades, underpasses, MLK plans

FINAL PRESENTATION of the day's work will be 4:30-5:00 PM.  

We hope to see you there!
"Complete Streets = Economic Development" Presentation
An enthusiastic crowd enjoyed the hospitality of the Hotel Parq Central last Thursday, March 3rd to discuss this opportunity. City Councilor Isaac Benton set the positive tone for the meeting in discussing the City's adopted Complete Streets Ordinance, and the resolution that adopted most of Jeff Speck's Downtown Walkability Recommendations. The presentation included the following videos that are fantastic models for our own neighborhood and city. We hope you will invest about 43 minutes watching them if you couldn't attend.  
  1. Jeff Speck on the Walkable City and its economic, health, and sustainability advantage (17 minutes)
  2. The Complete Streets effort in New York City and its achievements (11 minutes)
  3. The Complete Streets effort in Charlotte NC and its impact on real estate development and values (4 minutes)
  4. Lancaster, CA's Main Street renovation and its incredible economic and community success (4 minutes)

EDo Spaces | 401 Central Ave. NE, Suite D | Albuquerque | NM | 87102