October 2015
In This Issue
EDo News & Views
Editor Rob Dickson
Publisher Lara Simon
EDo Neighborhood Association
Board of Directors


Doug Majewski

     Design Group Architects

Vice President

Marc Bertram

     Hotel Parq Central


John Chavez

     New Mexico Angels


Michael Armijo

     Southwest Securities


Lisa Adkins

     Fat Pipe ABQ

Bill Bice

     ABQid, Verge Fund

Vince DiGregory

     Standard Diner 

Moises Gonzalez

     MarAbi Productions, Inc.

Lauren Greene

     The Grove Caf� & Market

Terry Keene

     Artichoke Caf�

Jim Maddox

     Maddox Properties

David Mahlman

     Mahlman Studio Architects

Randi McGinn

     McGinn, Carpenter,    

     Montoya and Love, P.A.

Bevin Owens

     Compass Companies

Huning Highland Neighborhood Association
Board of Directors
Bonnie Anderson
Vice President
Moises Gonzales
Kathy Grassel
Ann Carson  
Greg Bloom
Joe Boyd
Zoey Fink 
Steve Grant
Elaine McGivern
Greg & Joni Neutra
Lee Spittler
Karla Thornton  
Salley Trefethen
Update on Albuquerque Rapid Transit (ART)
An example BRT design from San Francisco
      The Boards of EDo and Huning Highland have conditionally supported ART, their main condition being that the new buses would work in mixed-traffic lanes. They would not have dedicated lanes on Central through our neighborhood. Dedicated lanes would increase bus speeds, and take away valuable sidewalk and parking spaces from the 3-lane Central envisioned by the EDo Master Plan.  
     We continue to fight for a 3-lane Central, as most recently recommended by Jeff Speck in his 2014 Downtown Walkability Analysis.  
     ABQ Ride, our transit department, consulted with Mr. Speck on their ART design for EDo. We thank them for that. He has made some excellent recommendations to improve the design. We thank him for that. The EDo and Huning Highland Boards have additional recommendations to make Central and ART truly great.
     We believe that ART needs to create and serve pedestrian-first neighborhoods, districts, and corridors. If it doesn't make Albuquerque more pedestrian-friendly, who will ride it? 
     The City has applied for $80 M in Federal funding for the ART project, which runs for about 10 miles on Central Avenue.  A decision is expected early in 2016.   
Innovate ABQ Development Team Selected
    The Board of Innovate ABQ has selected the team of Signet Development of Jacksonville FL, along with locals Goodman Realty Group and Dekker/Perich/Sabatini Architects, to renovate the 4-block former First Baptist Church site in EDo, at Broadway & Central.
     Innovate ABQ is a collaboration among UNM, STC.UNM, the City, County, and Nusenda Credit Union. The goals of Innovate ABQ can be found in their Development Framework.
     The parties are in a 90-day due diligence period related to a potential development agreement. All of us in EDo and Huning Highlands are hoping to see construction on the site in 2016, and support the idea of renovating all existing buildings to preserve a sense of history, continuity, and human scale.
     In addition, we would hope that this site becomes an Innovation Center, as outlined in "The Metropolitan Revolution" from 2013.  This means no dormitories and no university offices please!
EDo Annual Meeting & Party
     If you didn't attend our September 10th event in the courtyard of The Lofts at Albuquerque High, you missed some great company, food, and beverage on a perfect Summer evening. Many thanks to the Artichoke Cafe, Grove Cafe, Pizzeria Farina, and Standard Diner for the tasty treats, and The Lofts and BelVedere Urban Courtyard Living for the refreshments.  
     President Doug Majewski briefly outlined the accomplishments and goals of the past year and the one to come.  
     The following individuals were nominated for one year Board terms - Lisa Adkins, Michael Armijo, Marc Bertram, Bill Bice, John Chavez, Vince DiGregory, Moises Gonzalez, Lauren Greene, Terry Keene, Mim Maddox, David Mahlman, Doug Majewski, Randi McGinn, and Bevin Owens.  We thank them for their volunteer contribution to making EDo great!
Broadway & MLK, a deathtrap

      Two cyclists were killed at this intersection in late August. This is unacceptable. The EDo Neighborhood Board has expressed their concerns and recommendations for safety improvements to the Mayor and City Council. Channel 4 reported on the problem, seen in the video here.  
     The neighborhood is working to implement the recommendations in the letter. Your support of these efforts with the Mayor and City Council is appreciated. 
"An Evening for Vietnam" at Kimo Theater, October 10th
    Join local filmmaker Moises Gonzalez, musician Terry Allen, and special guest Bukka Allen at 7:00 PM on Saturday, October 10th at the Kimo Theater.  
     Great film, great music, great cause. A fund raiser for Two Bricks Music Schools in Vietnam. Tickets available at and