August 2013
Brought to you by the team at EDo News & Views

"Physical solutions by themselves will not solve social and economic problems, but neither can economic vitality, community stability, and environmental health be sustained without a coherent and supportive physical framework."
- The Charter for the New Urbanism
In This Issue
Crowdsourcing with Jeff Speck of "Walkable City"

Why a walkable city?" was the theme of a packed house presentation by Jeff Speck at the Hotel Parq Central on August 14th.  "Economy, environment, health, and society" were the answers.  Is Albuquerque a walkable city?  No.  Could that hurt us in many ways, in both the short-term and long-term?  You bet it can.  Next step?  Let's bring Jeff back to answer "How a walkable city?"  Smart cities are already doing it!

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"City Walk" on PBS

City Walk is a unique six-part series that reveals the way walking is transforming cities across America.  30-minute episodes highlight pedestrian life in Atlanta, Boston, Los Angeles, New York, Portland, and Washington DC, and its impact on the character of each city.  

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More People, Less Traffic - It Can Be Done!

More citizens moving into your neighborhood or your city doesn't have to mean more cars.  Vancouver, BC proves it.  It's all about making wise decisions, and creating a city where walking, cycling, and riding public transportation is easy, fun, and convenient.

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"Might Your City Be the Next Detroit?"

What happens to city budgets when growth is land-hungry, low-density, single-use sprawl, that generates a weak return on huge public development costs?  They run deficits!  Peter Katz explains how pedestrian and transit-friendly complete neighborhoods outperform suburban sprawl economically, fiscally, and socially. 

Innovation Districts

Innovate ABQ is a great idea whose time has come.  We congratulate UNM, the City, the County, and MRCOG for teaming up to purchase the First Baptist Church site on the border of Downtown and EDo, at Broadway & Central.  Here's the Urban Land Institute take on similar efforts around the country.  

Americans Want Walkable Places

The aging Baby Boomers and the up-and-coming Millenials are bumping into each other, as they both rush to find walkable neighborhoods and cities.  Smart cities, developers, builders, and wise elected officials are taking note of these 160 million Americans, and their market preferences.  The Wall Street Journal reports.

Walking in Hollywood

America's most limo-obsessed culture ditches the wheels for strolling.  A great story from the New York Times.

A Tale of Two Subsidies

Over the past half-century, few ideals have loomed larger in the American mythos than the "security of owning a home" and the "freedom of the open road."  In service to these ideals, We The People have dole out trillions of dollars in subsidies, defined as financial takings from people who don't subscribe to those ideals.  Time to stop?  Better Institutions thinks so.