

July 2013 

In This Issue
Jeff Speck August 14th
Drive-Through Denied
First Baptist Church
Library Events
New Trees
PechaKucha Friday

EDo News & Views 


Rob Dickson


Lara Simon

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EDo Neighborhood Association

Board of Directors


David Mahlman Mahlman Studio Architects


Vice President

Doug Majewski

Design Group



Marc Bertram

Hotel Parq Central



Michael Wewerka

Wewerka Enterprises


Michael Armijo

Southwest Securities


John Chavez

New Mexico Angels


Moises Gonzalez

Huning Highlands


Lauren Greene

The Grove Café & Market


Sarah Hartford

Hartford Square Cafe 


Terry Keene

Artichoke Café


Jim Maddox

Maddox Properties


Randi McGinn

McGinn, Carpenter, Montoya and Love, P.A.


Bevin Owens

Compass Companies

Huning Highland Neighborhood Association

Board of Directors


Bonnie Anderson 


Vice President

Moises Gonzales



Kathy Grassel



Ann Carson  


Jesse Arneson

Greg Bloom

Ryan Bromberg

Zoey Fink 

Phoenix Forrester  

Steve Grant

Elaine McGivern 

Lee Spittler

Karla Thornton   

Jeff Speck at Hotel Parq Central, August 14th
Jeff Speck

     Please mark your calendars and plan to meet the renowned author of "Walkable City" at 5:30 PM on Wednesday, August 14th at EDo's Hotel Parq Central, 806 Central SE.
     The message of "Walkable City" is clear - cities composed of walkable, complete, and convenient neighborhoods (where driving is optional) will thrive economically. Drive-only cities will fail to attract or retain talented people. Jeff will tell you why.
     The event is free (cash bar) and open to the public, sponsored by the proposed N.M. Chapter of Congress for the New Urbanism (CNU). CNU membership applications and copies of "Walkable City" will be available at the event, and Jeff will gladly sign your copy. 
Subway Drive-Through Denied

     The Zoning Hearing Examiner (ZHE) for the City of Albuquerque has denied Subway's application for a drive-through at 501 Central NE, the former Pop N' Taco location.  
     The EDo Neighborhood Association and Huning Highland Historic District Association Boards both unanimously opposed the application.  Click here to read the ZHE decision.
     Subway has appealed the decision to the Zoning Board of Appeals.  They will hear the case on August 27th at 600 2nd Street NW, Basement Hearing Room. The public is welcome to attend. 
Central Avenue Complete Street Master Plan

     All businesses and residents of EDo and Huning Highlands anxiously await the recommendations of Gateway Planning Group and Nelson/Nygard Transportation Engineers for Central Avenue from First Street Downtown to Girard in Nob Hill.
     The neighborhood supports a 3-lane Central from First to I-25, with a continuous center turn lane flanked by a travel lane in each direction, on-street parking at widened sidewalks, and colored bike lanes. This same condition for Central has been tested from 8th Street west to San Pasquale over the past 2 years. It has slowed traffic, increased cycling and pedestrian trips, spurred a number of redevelopment projects like Vinaigrette and Aveda, and has not impeded transit operations.  
     Slower traffic not only means more safety, it's better for business.  And it's a proven fact all over the country - the highest property values on are the most beautiful and pedestrian-friendly streets. 
First Baptist Church Property

   As reported by the Albuquerque Journal, UNM holds an option to purchase the vacant First Baptist Church property at Broadway & Central, almost 4 city blocks. With some City funding assistance, the site is being considered for an incubator business facility where basic university research is the raw material for new products and services from private companies. This approach is prevalent with many state universities across the country.
     EDo supports this kind of partnership to bring redevelopment and jobs to Downtown. We have communicated our hope to the University and to the City that any project would maintain the street and block pattern of Downtown and EDo, and would be a mixed-use project that would include residential development.
     We think a vibrant neighborhood approach to the site is in everyone's best interests. There are too many dead institutional zones in our city. 
Special Collections Library

  Kudos and hats off to Eileen O'Connell and her staff at our wonderful City library at 423 Central NE. In case you've been missing it, the library sponsors a number of very interesting - and free - educational community events.  
     Check it out for yourself at  Upcoming events include an all day Civil War in New Mexico program on July 20th (starting at 9:45 AM), and A Midsummer Night's Dream presentation on July 27th at 10:30 AM.  
     Thank you Eileen and team!
Tree Planting Ceremony This Friday at Lead & Arno

     The final tree of the Re-Tree Plan for Lead and Coal between I-25 and Broadway will be planted in a ceremony this Friday at 9:30 am at Lead and Arno.
     A $4,000 grant secured by Huning Highlands Neighbors Greg Bloom and David Day and EDo resident Elaine McGivern, helped fund the City project. Thanks, neighbors!
PechaKucha This Friday

     Join the UNM School of Architecture and Planning this Friday, July 19th at 5:20 pm at ABQ UNM City Lab for refreshments and PechaKucha presentations from faculty speakers Mark Childs on Route 66, Jorge Colon on his recent experience in Brazil, and Ellen Babcock on the Friends of Orphan Signs project.
     PechaKucha Nights are informal, fun gatherings for creative people to share their ideas, projects, thoughts, etc, with each speaker showing 20 images, each for 20 seconds.