EDo News & Views
Rob Dickson
Lara Simon
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EDo Neighborhood Association
Board of Directors
David Mahlman Mahlman Studio Architects
Vice President
Doug Majewski
Design Group
Marc Bertram
Hotel Parq Central
Michael Wewerka
Wewerka Enterprises
Michael Armijo
Southwest Securities
John Chavez
New Mexico Angels
Moises Gonzalez
Huning Highlands
Lauren Greene
The Grove Café & Market
Sarah Hartford
Hartford Square Cafe
Terry Keene
Artichoke Café
Jim Maddox
Maddox Properties
Randi McGinn
McGinn, Carpenter, Montoya and Love, P.A.
Bevin Owens
Compass Companies
Huning Highland Neighborhood Association
Board of Directors
President Bonnie Anderson Vice President Moises Gonzales Secretary Kathy Grassel Treasurer Ann Carson Jesse Arneson Greg Bloom Ryan Bromberg Zoey Fink Phoenix Forrester Steve Grant Elaine McGivern Lee Spittler Karla Thornton |
"Walkable City"
Jeff Speck, noted practitioner of new urban design and accomplished author, has published THE economic development success manual for cities in this concise, practical, inspiring and often humorous new book, "Walkable City." His message is clear - cities composed of walkable neighborhoods, districts, and corridors (which will support cycling, transit, and motor vehicles equally well) are going to be successful. Cities not so composed will not attract talented people, and will lose the ones they have. It's not hard to put the pedestrian first in our thinking - and it's not expensive compared to gold-plated road widenings and freeway intersections that just create more vehicle traffic. But it does require change, and that's where you come in, dear readers. Your assignment? Read this book and Jeff's 10 Step Program to a Walkable City. Tell others about it. Let's visualize a very different kind of Albuquerque - someday. EDo is pushing hard to be that kind of place!
Central Avenue Complete Street Master Plan
The City's consultant team met with the public in late February. Their recommendations are due very soon. The goals of the study include improving safety, increasing options to walk and ride transit, and inspiring property redevelopment through a beautiful and functional public street. Think we might see some of Jeff Speck's 10 Steps to a Walkable City in those recommendations? We hope so! We will need your strong support at the right time to make Central Avenue a Main Street we all love, not the bedraggled automobile slum it is today in most places.
Rapid Ride Stop Improvements
EDo and Huning Highlands have "passed our test." Ridership has been very favorable, and our Rapid Ride stops will become permanent. This means new red bus shelters located in wider sidewalks. The eastbound stop will be move 1 block east. The westbound stop will remain in front of the Special Collections Library. We hope to see these improvements completed this Summer. Our thanks to ABQ Ride and City Councilor Isaac Benton for their efforts.
"Urban Real Estate Development"
Editor Rob Dickson will teach this 3-hour class at UNM from June 3rd through 7th (40 hours), through the Architecture & Planning School. The class has no prerequisites, and is open to all. It will be based upon the "Best Practices Guide" from Congress for the New Urbanism, and Rob's 20+ year development experience. Rob is also a CPA and an attorney. For more information, please e-mail Rob@AbqHigh.com.
Oppose Drive-Throughs
Subway is requesting a conditional use drive-through for the former Pop N Taco site at Central & Edith. Both the EDo Neighborhood Association Board and the Huning Highland Historic District Association Board unanimously oppose this use. What both neighborhood associations support would be a 3-story building with a sit-down Subway restaurant (and perhaps other shops) on the ground floor, with other uses (such as apartments) above. The EDo zoning allows for this use of the property. The application is in process with the Zoning Hearing Examiner, and will likely end up at City Council on appeal.
515 Central Avenue NE
Construction is almost complete on the new Maddox Realtors building renovation, and may we say it looks fantastic! Congratulations and thanks to Jim and Damon Maddox, and to David Day their design professional, on a great improvement to the neighborhood.
Speaking of improvements to the neighborhood, the "Holy Cow" boys are bringing EDo a new restaurant, Gravy, at the soon-to-be-renovated former Milton's site. Gravy will offer "chef-driven classic Americana," 7 days a week for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Beer and wine will be served. They plan to be open at the end of May.
BelVedere Retail Update
300 Broadway NE will be a lot busier very soon! Hartford Square Cafe is under construction and eyeing a late-May opening. Open from 6:30 am to 5 pm for dining in and until 6:30 for take-out, the Cafe will have indoor and patio seating. We wish them luck! Revelry Salon, now open for over 3 years, is doubling their size prior to July 1st. We salute their success! We also welcome Safeguard Business Systems as a new tenant. Please support these local businesses, and thank you!
Albuquerque Baths
Just north of EDo and BelVedere, at 1218 Broadway NE, is this beautiful family-owned baths and spa. Designed by former EDo Board member Christian Harper, this tranquil and relaxing setting is 9 blocks away and very affordable. Please check them out - we did!