July 2015 Newsletter    
Self-Care in the Summer
Our TCR garden in bloom
Along with holidays and school breaks, summer is a busy season for weddings, vacations, and celebrations of all kinds. The days are long and filled with sunshine, and there can be an overwhelming sense that you should feel happy and at peace. 


But for those who are grieving, summer can also be a time that brings up feelings of loss.


Just as children will grieve the loss of someone close to them in different ways as they grow older, the summer months may bring changes to your grief process.


There might be summer traditions you want to keep, such as visiting a special place you shared together or sampling their favorite ice cream, but you might also want to start new traditions as a family. 


There is no one way or right way to cope with grief in the summer, or at any time of the year.


Join the conversation


Do you have any special summer traditions? 


What are some activities you might do before the end of this summer that make you feel connected to the person who died? 


We would love to hear your thoughts on our Facebook page.

"Memories That Move Us"
Join us for TCR's Annual Memories Walk

Sunday, October 25th
10:30 am at Arlington Town Hall

Our community of families, volunteers, staff, and supporters gathers together each year to walk
in memory of loved ones and to
support the essential programs
of The Children's Room.

Anyone is welcome to join in this inspirational, family-friendly event!

Create your own personalized fundraising page when you register. Fundraising for the Walk is easy to do and a great way to share the mission of The Children's Room with family, friends, and colleagues.

NOTE: For friends of TCR who have walked with us in previous years, please be sure to note the adjustments to our date and time! This year, our Annual Memories Walk will be held during the third week of October, and we will begin our Walk a bit earlier in the day as well. Please plan accordingly. We look forward to walking alongside you again!

Thank you for your visit, En Ka!

Recently we were delighted to welcome a group of board members from the En Ka Society for a tour. This community service organization, based in Winchester, Massachusetts, has been a longtime supporter of our work, so we were grateful
for the opportunity to show them our big, beautiful house
in Arlington.

Interested in coming for a guided tour? Upcoming tours are scheduled for Wednesday, August 5, at 10 am, and Tuesday, August 25, at 7 pm.

Contact us at tours@childrensroom.org to join a scheduled tour, or we can work with you to fit your group's schedule. We'd love to show you and your friends around!

A Legendary Night 

On June 18, Centerpoint Advisors hosted a very special fundraising event featuring Boston sports journalism legend,
Bob Ryan. From the evening's proceeds, Centerpoint generously made a donation to TCR in Mr. Ryan's name.

At the private event, Mr. Ryan provided an inside look at his bestseller, 
Scribe: My Life In Sports
followed by a Q&A session and book signing.

TCR Board Chair Neil Fisher, pictured at right, was thrilled to attend and to personally thank Mr. Ryan and our friends from Centerpoint Advisors who were in attendance.

Thank you, Centerpoint Advisors and Mr. Ryan, for your support of The Children's Room!

TCR Staff Members Shine at National Symposium 
In June, six TCR staff members attended the annual symposium of the National Alliance for Grieving Children.

Four TCR Program Staff members were honored to present in-depth panel sessions there. 

We're deeply grateful for this opportunity to share our knowledge and experience with other experts in our field from across the US and Canada, and to learn from them in turn. 

Read more about our staff's involvement at the NAGC symposium and about their presentations there by

TCR staff at the
2015 NAGC Symposium
Row 1 (left to right): Colleen Shannon, Donna Smith Sharff, Nancy Frumer Styron; Row 2: Deborah Rivlin, Christine Lambright; Top: Laurie Moskowitz-Corrois 

In an interactive, activity-based workshop led by Laurie Moskowitz-Corrois and Colleen Shannon, fellow professionals at the NAGC symposium learn about Monthly Family Night,
a program developed by
and unique to TCR.

Our Next Volunteer Training Begins on Friday, September 11
Volunteer facilitators' caring presence and willingness to be with the children and families in the midst of their grief is the cornerstone of the support we offer at TCR.

Applications are being accepted for our Fall 2015 Volunteer Facilitator Training, which starts Friday, September 11th.

Application is required to attend, and completion of training does not guarantee group placement.

All applicants with interest in volunteering in our family peer support groups must complete the mandatory training.

Amazon Smile
You can support TCR just by shopping on Amazon!

A portion of your eligible purchases will be donated to TCR when you shop through smile.amazon.com.

Hope Grows Here
Our Heartfelt Thanks

Thank you for your support, and thanks to the following people 
for some special, recent donations:

  • A special thank you to our friend Judith Kneen, who recently donated many wonderful objects for expressive, therapeutic play in our sand trays! 
  • Thank you to the Cummings Foundation! They recently finalized their $100,000 grant to TCR, which we received in 2013 through their #100For100K program. Over the past three years, this grant has allowed TCR to enhance and enrich its programming. Thank you!
  • Thank you once again to our Presenting and Leading Sponsors, who made our 2015 Circle of Hope Breakfast such a success! 

Each generous Circle of Hope Breakfast Presenting and Leading Sponsor received a framed piece of TCR art in appreciation of their support. 


The Children's Room has partnered with Donate for Charity to make it fast and easy to donate your old vehicle to TCR. Your vehicle will be picked up - free of charge! - from anywhere and TCR will receive a donation in the amount of the vehicle's value.
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1210 Massachusetts Avenue, Arlington, MA 02476


Phone: 781-641-4741   

Fax: 781-641-0012   

