February 2015 Newsletter    


Announcing Major Gift from Robert Kraft, Patriots Owner
We have some exciting news! 

Robert Kraft, owner of the New England Patriots, 
recently surprised The Children's Room with a pledge of $100,000 
the largest gift from an individual donor in TCR's history. 

His generous donation will help support the expansion of TCR's programming for teens who have experienced the death of a close family member. We'll be sharing more details about this catalyst gift soon, as well as TCR's strategic plans to serve even more grieving teens in Greater Boston. 

We are extremely grateful to Robert Kraft for his generosity and affirmation of our work, as well as all of TCR's donors and supporters who have helped make The Children's Room the strong, vital organization it is today.


TCR Training Professionals in Japan:
Supporting Children Survivors of Natural Disaster
In March 2011, one of the most powerful earthquakes in recorded history hit the coast of Japan, triggering a tsunami with waves reaching over 100 feet high and traveling as far as 6 miles inland.

Nearly 19,000 people died, with many more seriously injured or missing. Over 2,500 children had one or both of their parents die in the disaster, leading to a national effort to create support systems to help the grieving families left behind.

Donna Smith Sharff with Yoshiji Hayashida, Director of the Rainbow House in Sendai
At the invitation of Japan's Miyagi prefecture (the area hardest hit), Donna Smith Sharff, TCR's Executive Director, traveled to Japan in December to train mental health professionals and caregivers on how to support grieving children and teens.

The disaster relief committee in Miyagi covered all expenses and made arrangements for Donna to present at several conferences across the affected region - including Miyagi's capital of Sendai and the Ishinomaki and Kesennuma prefectures - training a total of 230 professionals.

During her travels, Donna also visited one of Japan's grief centers for families, the Rainbow House in Sendai

While touring the center, she asked Director Yoshiji Hayashida what children say their favorite thing is about coming to Rainbow House.   Continue reading...


TCR Teens Attend BU Hockey Game
Teens who have had a parent or sibling die often feel alone in their grief, like no one understands what they are going through.

The Children's Room offers opportunities for grieving teens to share their experiences with each other in a supportive and caring community, through peer support groups and special teen events.

In November, teens from different TCR programs across Greater Boston gathered together at Boston University to watch the BU Terriers compete against the Maine Black Bears.

Many thanks to BU Hockey and The Sports Hub (98.5 FM) for teaming up to provide this Teen Hockey Night experience, including tickets for the game, on-air promotional support to raise awareness of TCR's services, and a "Chuck a Puck" fundraiser that raised $1,800 for The Children's Room.


Workshop: Crisis Response Planning
The best time to decide how to respond to a crisis is before one happens. This interactive workshop will focus on creating a 'crisis' or 'caring' team and a plan of action. 

Empower your community and create a physically and emotionally safe environment that provides support to children and adults facing a crisis involving loss.

Monday, April 13
9am - 4pm

To sign up for this workshop, please contact us at education@childrensroom.org or 781-641-4741.
Meet TCR's 2015 Boston Marathon Team!
miles & memories logo
Despite the record snow and cold weather, the 6 runners of our Miles & Memories Marathon Team are working hard to train for the big day.

Over the 2 months between now and Marathon Monday, we will be introducing you to these wonderful and inspiring people who will run the Boston Marathon to raise support for grieving families.

2015 Marathon runner
Kate is running in memory of her son's father.

"Centers of support, like the Children's Room, are so critical to families like ours.  The Children's Room offers its services free of charge in a warm, welcoming, loving environment."

2015 Marathon runner
Lauren is running in memory of her dad, who died when she was 4 years old.

"As a previous attendee of The Children's Room, I know firsthand as to how important these programs are for young children and their families... I cannot imagine how different my life would be now if I hadn't have gone to The Children's Room when I was younger."

Learn more about what inspires them to run 26.2 miles to support grieving children, teens, and families and help them reach their fundraising goals.

Are you a qualified 2015 Boston Marathon runner who would like to join our fundraising cause? We would love to have you join our team! Contact us at marathon@childrensroom.org if you are interested or have questions.

John Hancock logo

Thank you to the John Hancock Marathon Non-Profit Program for granting us bibs for the 2015 Boston Marathon.
TCR Partners with
Robbins Library
The Children's Room is co-sponsoring a free event next month at Arlington's public library. 

TCR will share information on how grief impacts children, teens, and families as well as practical strategies on how you can support those who are grieving. 

You will also hear real examples of how TCR's educational and support services have impacted schools and families in Greater Boston.

Wednesday, March 25
7pm - 9pm

Robbins Library
700 Mass. Ave., Arlington
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The subject of families and grief is a major theme in the 2015
"Arlington Reads Together" book, My Sister Lives on the Mantelpiece by Annabel Pitcher.

During the month of March, Robbins Library will be hosting a series of events relating to the book and its themes.

This event is free and open to all. No RSVPs required.
Office Manager Position at TCR
TCR is accepting applications for an Office Manager to assist with the oversight and management of our day-to-day, administrative operations.

Grief in the News
WBUR radio show "On Point" with Tom Ashbrook, aired 1/2/15. 

"Grief and comeback. It's a universal story. Part of mine now. Maybe yours. We'll look for wisdom."

NPR article published 1/13/15.

A new web resource produced by the Coalition to Support Grieving Students, a group including 10 national organizations that represent teachers, school administrators, and support staff.
Amazon Smile
You can support TCR just by shopping on Amazon!
A portion of your eligible purchases will be donated to TCR when you shop through smile.amazon.com.

Our Heartfelt Thanks
Arlington Soccer for Social Change match, the Sunday after Thanksgiving
Thank you for your support, and thanks to the following people for some special, recent donations:

Arlington Soccer for Social Change
For the 7th year, this soccer match has raised money to support The Children's Room. Many thanks to the participating teams, the Arlington Fossils and the Arlington Pond Dawgz!

Accelerated Fitness of Lexington, MA
Thank you to Rich Ruffing and his fitness studio for hosting a December "Bootcamp for a Cause" to benefit The Children's Room, which raised over $1,400!

The Children's Room has partnered with Donate for Charity to make it fast and easy to donate your old vehicle to TCR. Your vehicle will be picked up - free of charge! - from anywhere and TCR will receive a donation in the amount of the vehicle's value.
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1210 Massachusetts Avenue, Arlington, MA 02476


Phone: 781-641-4741   

Fax: 781-641-0012   

