Stay Connected to the Healthy Schools Movement in BC
There are plenty of ways to stay connected to the healthy schools movement! Follow DASH on social media for all your healthy schools news and happenings.
School Grant Opportunities
To check out the following grant opportunities and many more, visit the Healthy Schools BC website here.
Healthy Schools BC School District Readiness Grant
Deadline: Jan 31, 2015
BC Student Healthy Living Network
Deadline: Feb. 6, 2015
Healthy Schools BC Northern Connections Grant
Deadline: Feb 15, 2015
Toyota Evergreen School Ground Greening Grant
Deadline: Feb. 27, 2015
Healthy Schools Network Grants
Deadline: Mar. 1, 2015
Science World's BC Green Games
Deadline: Mar. 1, 2015
BCTF Social Justice Grant
Deadline: Apr. 15, 2015
RBC-Evergreen Watershed Champions Award
Deadline: Apr. 17, 2015
Artists in the Classroom Grant
Deadline: May 28, 2015
Action Schools! BC Healthy Eating School Food Grant
BC Hydro Sponsorship
Breakfast Clubs of Canada
Computers for Schools BC
KidSport BC Program
McCreary Youth Action Grant
RBC After School Project Grants
Video of the Month:
Healthy Schools BC Community Leadership Workshop Video
The Healthy Schools BC Newsletter is brought to you by DASH BC. Our vision is that ALL students are healthy, engaged, and connected at school.
We are a non-profit society that inspires our partners and stakeholders to improve the health and learning of students in BC by promoting, supporting and facilitating a healthy schools approach. Visit our website for more information.
Seven Principles of Learning
Understanding the nature of learning and learning environments
What do we know about how people learn? How do young people's motivations and emotions influence their learning? Establishing a positive learning environment is essential for creating teaching and learning opportunities, and for enabling students to thrive at school and beyond. The Nature of Learning: Using Research to Inspire Practice explores the nature of learning and summarizes seven principles of learning to guide and inform teaching practice. Click here to read more.
Healthy Living Grants Available for the School Community!
Grants available for students, school districts and communities
Supporting Students to Become Health Champions
Seamus Damstrom is Northern Health's Community Health Star
Seamus Damstrom was a member of the 2013-2014 Healthy Living Youth Council (HLYC), a leadership committee of high school students across BC who led healthy schools work in their school communities with support from adult mentors and DASH BC. As a member of the HLYC, Seamus was supported in developing strong leadership skills and a passion for healthy living. This year, he has continued to promote school health and, as a result, he was named Northern Health's Community Health Star for December! We're so excited to see Seamus continuing to work to advance school health within his community. Click here to read Northern Health's feature article about Seamus, and click here to see his 2013-14 Student Inquiry Project.
New Grant Supports Active Students in BC
DASH BC leads project ensuring children stay connected and active in the summertime
At the beginning of December, DASH's Executive Director Kathy Cassels was on hand to receive a $25,000 grant from the RBC Learn to Play Project, a program that supports kids to learn the skills to be active for life. The RBC Learn to Play Project builds on DASH's work on After School Sport and Arts Initiative, which is funded by the Province of BC. With this grant, DASH will focus on reducing the barriers children face to participating in physical activity programs in the summertime. Click here to read more.
School Connectedness: Keeping That Resolution
Six strategies for fostering school connectedness
If one of your private New Year's resolutions this year was to become that educator or administrator - the one who transforms even the most challenging students' lives, and the one whose students, as they accept their Order of Canada/Nobel Prize/Oscar, recognize you as the pivotal figure in their development - take a deep breath. Read the full story here.
Kaleden Elementary
Meet the Healthy Active Cougars Squad!
Students at Kaleden Elementary formed a student health council called the Healthy Active Cougars (HAC) Squad. The HAC Squad met once a week at lunch hour, and brainstormed how they could make a great school even better. They came up with the phrase "You've been H.A.C.-ked!" and set out to educate their classmates on how to eat healthy and be active, and then catch them in the act! Click here to read the full story, or here to read the students' report!
Each month, we highlight healthy schools stories. Have a healthy school story to share? DASH wants to hear from you! Click here to view the Healthy Schools BC Stories Map to read more stories and submit your own.
Reconciliation Through Indigenous Education
A free online course for educators, beginning January 27th
Check Out What's Happening with Action Schools! BC
Student leadership, family newsletters, snowy day resources, and more!
Activate your school and engage families this winter with complimentary Action Schools! BC Student Leadership Training, snowy day physical activity resources, and family newsletters on Physical Literacy, Self-Regulation, Embracing Tradition, and more. Click here to read more.
Hosting a Dry Grad this Year?
Start planning now!
Will your school be organizing a dry grad event this year? Use the Life Starts Now! resource to coordinate an event that will recognize the success of your graduating students and send them on their way in a safe and celebratory style. Life Starts Now! contains details and tips on important topics such as finances, communications, fundraising, event management, activities, and food. Click here to read more!