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Healthy Schools BC Newsletter
January 2014
Stay Connected to the Healthy Schools Movement in BC
There are plenty of ways to stay connected to the healthy schools movement! Follow DASH on social media for all your healthy schools news and happenings.

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School Grant Opportunities

Vancouver Sun Run Children's Fund

Deadline Jan. 24, 2014 


GoodLife Kids Foundation Grant Program

Deadline Jan. 31, 2014


S'Cool Life Fund

Deadline Jan. 31, 2014


ViaSport Girls Only Grant

Deadline Feb. 9, 2014


ViaSport Local Sport Program Development Fund
Deadline Feb. 9, 2014   


Conservation Education Assistance Fund
Deadline Feb. 15, 2014


Vancouver Foundation Generation Green Grant
Deadline Feb. 21, 2014 


HSN Healthy Schools Grants

Ongoing until Mar. 1, 2014


To view an even bigger collection of healthy schools related grants, visit the Grants section of the Healthy Schools BC website here.


Save the Date!
The Annual Healthy Schools Leadership Symposium will be held on Monday, May 5th, 2014. For more information and updates, visit the DASH website in the coming month.

Have a Great Story?  We Want to Hear it!
We want to hear your healthy schools story! Teachers, students and community members across the province are working hard to create healthier schools. Sharing your stories can help, support and inspire others, and viewing stories from other schools can do the same for you. Check out the  
Video of the Month: Healthy Schools, Healthy Communities
"Healthy Schools, Healthy Communities: How You Can Make a Difference" is a new illustrated video developed by PARC (the Physical Activity Resource Centre) that is designed to support individuals and communities in working towards healthy schools


Click here to watch the video.


Submitting an Article for the Newsletter
How would you like to promote your organization's message to members of the health and education sectors across BC? To learn how to submit an article for the Healthy Schools BC Newsletter, please visit the Healthy Schools BC website  for submission dates and guidelines here.
The Healthy Schools BC Newsletter is brought to you by DASH BC. Our vision is that ALL learners in BC will realize their full potential as healthy learners who feel connected and engaged in their community. We are a non-profit society that inspires our partners and stakeholders to improve the health and learning of students in BC by promoting, supporting and facilitating a healthy schools approach. Visit our website for more information. 

#1055 - 409 Granville St.

Vancouver, BC

V6C 1T2


phone: 604-681-0600

fax: 604-681-0602


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Featured Articles

Building Confidence and Connection 

Overcoming barriers to participation in after school programs  


At the end of the school day at Harwin Community School in Prince George, you won't see many students rushing out the doors. Harwin students stay after school to participate in a variety of on-site programs including Frozen Warriors, a mural project, volleyball, floor hockey, and more.

Participation in after school programs enhances students' health, learning, and well being, and yet some students don't have access to these opportunities. In BC, the
After School Sport and Arts Initiative supports programming that reduces barriers preventing students from taking part.

To read Harwin's full story, and to learn more about the After School Sports and Arts Initiative, read more here.


Building Partnerships for Healthier Schools 

Hillcrest Middle School and Simon Fraser University   


Partnerships are a key component of creating healthier schools and they can occur in many different forms. One unique community partnership is between Hillcrest Middle School in Coquitlam and students in Health Sciences at Simon Fraser University. Continue reading here.

DASH Update

Healthy Living Grants Available 

Apply now! Applications accepted until March 1st, 2014 


Schools across the province have been applying for Healthy Schools Network (HSN) grants and other available resources to support their school's healthy living initiatives. Healthy Living grants are available now until March 1st, 2014 (or until funds run out). Read more about the HSN, grants, and current inquiry and activity projects here.

New! CSH Resource for Health Professionals 

Check out new best practice examples for healthy schools 


Looking for some ideas to apply a comprehensive school health (CSH) lens to your work? Check out the new CSH best practice examples for health professionalsClick here  to learn more about these exciting tools designed to support you in taking healthy school actions.    

Order the Resource Guide for Teaching & Learning

Engage in healthy living topics and activities with your students 


The Healthy Schools BC Resource Guide for Teaching and Learning provides classrooms and schools with a step-by-step process to address healthy living topics and goals. Request a print copy today! Click here to read more.

Teacher Resources

Need Help Planning Your School's Dry Grad? 

Provincial resource"Life Starts Now!" can help! 


Life Starts Now! describes dry grad planning from start to finish, incorporating ideas and suggestions for success from previous dry grad organizers, and information on specific BC legislation relevant to dry grad planning. To get started on your dry grad planning with Life Starts Now, read more here.  

Drug Education Isn't What It Used to Be, and That's a Good Thing! 

iMinds resource focuses on capabilities rather than deficits

Starting two years ago, Jen Gibson, a teacher at John Stubbs Memorial School, opted to take a more honest, engaging and evidence-based approach to addressing drug education with her students. With the help of iMinds, she chose an approach that has inquiry and project-based learning at its core and helps to foster the resiliency of the young people in her class. Read Jen's inspiring story here.


Love Our Bodies, Love Ourselves Campaign   

Promoting healthy body image with a province-wide challenge 


The Provincial Eating Disorders Awareness (PEDAW) Campaign is putting on the "Love Our Bodies, Love Ourselves" challenge. This province-wide photo challenge is in preparation for Eating Disorders Awareness Week in February. Click here to learn more about the challenge.


Action Schools! BC Update

New workshops for the new year! 


There are several new or updated workshops being offered in 2013/2014. Additions include the Fundamental Movement Skills Workshop, the Tai Chi Workshop and the Creating Movement Sentences Workshop, with updates to the Outdoor Traditional Playground Games Workshop and the Healthy Eating Student Leadership Training Workshop. Learn about these workshops here .

Introducing the Mike and Vicki Project 
Using local partnerships to address substance use in BC schools 


The Mike and Vicki Project was developed by the Interior Health Authority of BC and the Penticton South Okanagan Similkameen RCMP with Mind Festival Learning. The resource was created for youth, adults, and facilitators on the topic of substance use. Follow Mike and Vicki, two high school students, through a "choose-your-own-adventure" story as they plan their weekend and attend a party. Click here to learn more.  


Click the Image Below for More Photos from the After School Sports and Arts Initiative!  
