The Healthy Schools BC Newsletter is brought to you by DASH BC. Our vision is a society where student participation in a healthy school community is the norm, not the exception. We are a non-profit society that inspires our partners and stakeholders to improve the health and learning of students in BC by promoting, supporting and facilitating a healthy schools approach. Visit our website for more information.
School Grant Opportunities
Do you have a school grant opportunity you'd like to share with our readers? We want to hear from you! Please email us here with the grant information.
Want to Submit an Article for the Newsletter?
How would you like to promote your organization's message to members of the health and education sectors across BC? To learn how to submit an article for the Healthy Schools BC Newsletter, please visit the Healthy Schools BC portal for submission dates and guidelines here.
Feature Healthy Schools BC Resource:
The Healthy Schools BC Resource Guide For Teaching and Learning has been updated! The Resource Guide provides classrooms and schools with a step-by-step process to address healthy living topics and goals. Check out the Resource Guide here.
Resources for the Classroom: SD 23 'Got Health?' 2012-13 Celebration of Learning
Have a look at Central Okanagan School District (SD 23) student reflections on how they feel about being involved in the district's Got Health? initiative, which is a collection of student-led healthy schools inquiry projects. Click on the picture to watch the video!
Archived Healthy Schools Newsletters
Producing the Healthy Schools Newsletter regularly for over six years has created quite an archive of healthy schools history in BC! To view past newsletters full of helpful and relevant content, please visit the Healthy Schools BC portal here.

The New Healthy Schools BC Website Is Now Live!
Updated site includes new features to support healthy schools
This September marks the third year the Healthy Schools BC website has been helping the healthy schools community. Each September, we introduce updates and new features based on feedback from the education sector, health professionals and many other partners from the healthy schools community. Click here to read about some of the new and exciting features on the website.
Light Up the World Purple for Positive Mental Health
October 10th is World Mental Health Day. October 10th is also the day that BC teenager Amanda Todd took her own life after experiencing the effects of bullying. In honour of Amanda, and to raise awareness for the importance of positive mental health, communities around the world will be lighting up the globe purple on World Mental Health Day. Read the article here.
Welcome to the Healthy Schools Stories Map
New map brings together healthy schools stories from BC
Have you ever wondered what schools across the province are doing to support health and wellness? Maybe you have a story of your own you think other teachers would benefit from hearing? DASH is proud to introduce you to the Healthy Schools Stories Map. With the ability to view stories from schools all over BC and even share your own, it's never been easier to get inspired and make a contribution to your school's health. Read more.
The Countdown Is Over, iWalk Is Next Week!
Over 60,000 BC students are ready to get walking
International Walk to School Week (iWalk) is almost here! Happening Oct. 7th to 11th, schools all over BC are getting ready to participate in this movement to celebrate and support students walking to school. Read more here.
Let the Sharing Begin! Walk the Globe Is Underway
There's still time to get your school registered!
In only its second year, DASH initiative Walk the Globe is off to a great start. Over 100 classrooms from across the world have signed up to participate and it's not too late to get involved! Sign up and DASH will partner you with a classroom from another school in Canada, the U.S., Iceland, Africa or another country! Learn more.
Healthy Schools Network Grants Are Now Available!
Grants of $200-$500 support healthy schools

Healthy Schools Network grants are now available! Two grants, the Healthy Living Activity Grant and the Healthy Living Inquiry Grant, are available to support schools in their efforts to create healthier schools. Read more.
Drug Education Supports in the Classroom
Start a conversation about drug education with iMinds
"Drug education isn't what it used to be!" ...and that's a good thing! Starting two years ago, Jen Gibson, a teacher at John Stubbs Memorial School (Sooke School District #62), opted to take a more honest, engaging and evidence-based approach in addressing drug education with her students. This approach uses inquiry or project-based learning as its core and helps to foster the resiliency of the young people in her class. Click here to read about the key elements of her approach.
Are You Using Your WITS?
Providing positive mental health and anti-bullying supports
The WITS Programs bring together schools, families and communities to create responsive environments that help children deal with bullying and peer victimization and encourage adults to respond to children's requests for help. Read more here.
Action Schools! BC Student Leadership Training
Workshops and resources available for teachers
At My Best� to Help Students Feel Their Best
Curriculum supported toolkit available for free
At My Best� is a free comprehensive curriculum-supported toolkit for children in Kindergarten to Grade 3 to promote and develop children's overall wellness. At My Best� adopts a holistic approach to teaching children about health and wellbeing in three important areas: physical activity, healthy eating and emotional wellbeing. Read more here.
Do Bugs Need Drugs?
Teacher resources for Kindergarten to Grade 3
It's that time of year - back-to-school - and the common cold is back too. Do Bugs Need Drugs? is a community education program promoting handwashing and the wise use of antibiotics for the prevention of antibiotic resistance. Teacher resources are available for Kindergarten to Grade 3, in both English and French. Please click here for more information and to access elementary school teacher resources.