The Healthy Schools BC Newsletter is brought to you by DASH BC. Our vision is a society where student participation in a healthy school community is the norm, not the exception. We are a non-profit society that inspires our partners and stakeholders to improve the health and learning of students in BC by promoting, supporting and facilitating a healthy schools approach. Visit our website for more information.
School Grant Opportunities
Do you have a school grant opportunity you'd like to share with our readers? We want to hear from you! Please email us here with the grant information.
Want to Submit an Article for the Newsletter? |
How would you like to promote your organization's message to members of the health and education sectors across BC? To learn how to submit an article for the Healthy Schools BC Newsletter, please visit the Healthy Schools BC portal for submission dates and guidelines here.
Resources for the Classroom: First Peoples' Principles of Learning |
The First Peoples' Principles of Learning poster is now available for use in the classroom! These principles focus on the holistic nature of learning and the whole school approach to healthy learning. To access the poster, please click here. |
Kelty Mental Health Summer Institute |
Save the date! The 4th Annual Summer Institute is a two-day event that will bring together all members of the school community from districts across BC to exchange ideas about how to promote student mental health and well-being. Mark August 22nd - 23rd, 2013 on your calendar! |
Archived Healthy Schools Newsletters
Producing the Healthy Schools Newsletter regularly for over six years has created quite an archive of healthy schools history in BC! To view past newsletters full of helpful and relevant content, please visit the Healthy Schools BC portal here.

Thanks for Working with Us on Our Shared Vision
A message from DASH Executive Director Kathy Cassels
As another school year draws to a close,
I want to thank school communities for their thoughtful inquiries and activities towards improvements in student health and learning, and enhancing students' sense of belonging in school.
We've been inspired by the commitment shown by all of you, and especially our Healthy Schools Network leaders who encourage, coach and support others to design engaging learning environments while supporting students to own their own learning. To continue reading, please click here. |
Creating a Healthy Future for Our Children
A recap of DASH's 7th Annual Leadership Symposium
On Monday, May 6, 2013, we hosted our 7th Annual Healthy Schools Leadership Symposium at the SFU Harbour Centre in downtown Vancouver - and what an amazing day it was! Over 115 members of the healthy schools community attended the event from around the province, each of whom is committed to creating healthier schools and healthier learners. To read more about the Symposium, please click here.
Ideas for the Newsletter? Have Your Voice Heard!
Help us make the newsletter as useful as possible to you, our valued readers. Please take a brief survey for a chance to win prizes that support classroom learning. The survey can be found here.
Healthy Schools in Action
DASH in the Community
Two inspiring school stories from Ranch Park and Nala'atsi
Last month, DASH staff visited two Healthy Schools Network (HSN) schools to participate in healthy school events and see initiatives in action! DASH visited Ranch Park Elementary School in SD #43 for their Healthy Schools Conference, and the Nala'atsi Program - Aboriginal Education School in SD #71 for a day of sustainable healthy eating. Click here to read more about these school visits.
Healthy Schools Network Update
Another successful HSN year comes to an end
Thank you, everyone, for your participation in the Healthy Schools Network! It's been another exciting and inspiring year. We would like to remind you that year-end reports are due by June 7th, 2013. We will be sharing year-end stories at the end of the school year! To read the full HSN update, click here. |
Projecting Change Film Festival
Engaging and empowering youth through film
This year, DASH had the exciting opportunity to partner with the Projecting Change Film Festival to host Lower Mainland schools at their Youth Days, April 25th & 26th. Students were engaged in workshops that varied from exploring early entrepreneurship to reflecting on a showing of the American documentary "Bully" in a way that empowered students against bullying. To read more, click here. |
Healthy Living Youth Council
A year in review
As this was the Healthy Living Youth Council's (HLYC) pilot year, there was much to be done and much to be learned! Over the year, the HLYC created their vision and mission statement, implemented action projects in their schools, and reflected on their time together in an effort to set up next year's HLYC for even greater success. The HLYC has been busy this year! To read more about this exciting year, click here.
iWalk 2013 - Registration Now Open!
Weeklong event celebrates the benefits of walking to school
International Walk to School Week is coming to BC October 7th to 11th, so prepare your walking shoes! Hosted in partnership by DASH and HASTe BC, iWalk is a weeklong event that gives students, parents, school teachers and community leaders an opportunity to be part of a global event to celebrate the many benefits of walking to school. To register, click here. To read more about iWalk, click here.
Do Bugs Need Drugs?
Program promotes wise use of antibiotics
Do Bugs Need Drugs? is a community education program promoting hand-washing and the wise use of antibiotics for the prevention of antibiotic resistance. Teacher resources are available for Kindergarten to Grade 3, in both English and French. Please click here for more information and to access elementary school teacher resources.
Active Healthy Kids Canada Report Card
Inspiring children to engage in physical activity
The 9th annual Active Healthy Kids Canada Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth has been released. You can view the report card's short and long forms here. The Healthy Schools BC portal has a wide range of physical activity programs that can help get the students at your school more active. In particular, Action Schools! BC is a best practices model designed to assist schools in promoting healthy living while achieving academic outcomes.
Action Schools! BC
New! Top Ten Resources and Supports for 2013-2014
With summer quickly approaching, the Action Schools! BC Support Team is looking ahead to the next school year. Click here for the new list of complimentary resources and support available through Action Schools! BC in the 2013-2014 school year. Contact the Action Schools! BC Support Team at 1-800-565-7727 or info@actionschoolsbc.ca to book your school's Healthy Eating or Physical Activity workshop for teachers, the new Fundamental Movement Skills or Outdoor Traditional Games workshop for teachers, Student Leadership Training, Teacher Mentorship with a Trainer, and more.