Healthy Schools BC Newsletter
November 2012
Want to Submit an Article?
How would you like to promote your organization's message to members of the health and education sectors across BC? To learn how to submit an article for the Healthy Schools BC Newsletter, please visit the Healthy Schools BC Portal for submission dates and guidelines.
In This Issue


Get Moving, Just for the Fun of It! 


We All Walked for iWalk!


Healthy Schools Network Update


Action Schools! BC Offers Teacher Mentorship


Introducing WITS: An Evidence-Based Program  

to Help Children Deal  

with Bullying


Health Promoting Schools Grant Opportunity


Get Cooking in the Classroom with Project CHEF


Sip Smart Helps Kids  

Make Healthy Drink Choices


Help Kids Walk Away  

from the Screen and into Activity! 


Grant Opportunities

Health Promoting Schools School Grant


$500.00 to $1000.00


Please click here for more information.

Featured Partner:
BC Cancer Agency

The BC Cancer Agency's Prevention Programs work closely with BC schools through a team of Prevention Educational Leaders (PELs). The PELs focus on five preventable risk factors for cancer, including tobacco, obesity, inactivity, poor nutrition and sun exposure.  

To learn how your school can get involved with the BC Cancer Agency, please visit their website here.


BC Cancer

Featured Program:
Life Starts Now -
Dry Grad Guidebook
Life Starts Now! describes dry grad planning from start to finish, incorporating ideas and suggestions for success from previous dry grad organizers, and information on specific BC legislation relevant to dry grad planning. Please click here to learn more.

Life Starts Now  
CSH in Action: The Healthy Schools BC Learning Framework

The Healthy Schools BC Learning Framework outlines the steps involved in creating a healthy school through phases of a cyclical process. The framework draws together and connects processes, resources and enhanced supports for implementing a CSH approach in BC schools, and is useful for educators and health authority staff.

Please click here to view the framework, and here to view the video.



Healthy Happenings

Single Day Events:


Nov. 12  

World Pneumonia Day 

Nov. 14  

World Diabetes Day 

Nov. 16 

World Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Day 

Nov. 20  

National Child Day 

Nov. 25

International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women 


Week Long Events:


Oct. 29 - Nov. 2

Canadian Patient Safety Week 

Nov. 6 - 12

National Pain Awareness Week 

Nov. 6 - 12

National Senior Safety Week 

Nov. 24 - 30

National Home Fire Safety Week 


November is Also:


Amaryllis Month (Huntington Society) 

Crohn's and Colitis Awareness Month 

C.P.R. Awareness Month 

Diabetes Month 

Lung Cancer Awareness Month 

Movember Canada: Prostate Cancer Awareness Month 

Osteoporosis Month 

Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month 

Have a Great Story?
Send Us Your Article
To learn how to submit an article for the Healthy Schools BC Newsletter, please visit the Healthy Schools BC Portal here for submission dates and guidelines. 
Contact DASH

#1055 - 409 Granville St.

Vancouver, BC

V6C 1T2





phone: 604-681-0600

fax: 604-681-0602


Like us on FacebookFollow us on Twitter View our videos on YouTubeView our profile on LinkedIn 


Here's What BC
Schools Were Doing
During iWalk Week!

Eagle View
Scott Creek
Cayoosh with glasses
To view more pictures of BC Schools during iWalk 2012, please visit the DASH Facebook page
Our vision is a society where student participation in a healthy school community is the norm, not the exception. We are a non-profit society that inspires our partners and stakeholders to DASH improve the health and learning of students in BC by promoting, supporting and facilitating a healthy schools approach. Visit our website for more information.
Featured Article
BringBackPlayGet Moving, Just for the Fun of It!
ParticipACTION brings the fun back to unstructured play with Bring Back Play 


Remember all of those fun games you played as kids, like Kick the Can, Hide and Seek, and Tag? These games involved very few rules, little supervision and could be played anytime, anywhere. All you needed was a healthy imagination and a desire to have fun and move! Well, ParticipACTION is bringing the fun back to unstructured play with their new social change marketing campaign, Bring Back Play.


Bring Back Play encourages parents to increase their children's physical activity levels by bringing back the fun games and unstructured active play that used to be a part of every childhood.

To learn how you or your school can get involved with Bring Back Play, please click here to read the entire article.

Bring Back Play Kids and Balls
DASH Update
iWalkWe All Walked for iWalk! 

iWalk 2012 a huge success in BC schools


Schools across BC celebrated iWalk in many ways. Walking challenges, classroom walks and walking school buses were only some of the activities taking place around the province from October 8th to 12th. Below are a few examples of what BC was up to during iWalk week:

  • Burnaby's Confederation Park Elementary received a visit from Alpha Secondary's Fitness Leadership Team during iWalk to engage the elementary kids in active games including the Great Wall of China and Toilet Tag! The partnership idea came from Josh Ogilvie, Alpha's Department Head of Physical Education and the Fitness and Leadership Program, and is a partnership model that is gaining recognition across the province.

To read about more iWalk celebrations from BC Schools, read the entire article here. For pictures and video of iWalk 2012, please visit the DASH Facebook page here

Josh Ogilvie and the Alpha Senior Secondary Fitness Leadership Team strike a pose with members of the DASH team at Confederation Park Elementary.
HSNHealthy Schools Network Update
Inquiry submission forms are now available


Are you interested in participating in the Healthy Schools Network (HSN) this year? Membership in the HSN provides access to a network of educators dedicated to promoting the importance of health in their school communities and sharing their learning, efforts and experiences with others. If you would like to participate, we are excited to announce that the inquiry submission forms are now available! You can access the submission form here or by signing in to the member section on the Healthy Schools Network website. Completed inquiry question submission forms can be emailed to DASH here, by Friday December 7th, 2012


To read the entire article, please click here.


HSN Leaders 
HSN Leaders and DASH at a meeting in Vancouver
ActionSchoolsAction Schools! BC Offers Teacher Mentorship
Regional trainers support DPA, healthy eating and more


Action Schools! BC Regional Trainers are available to come into your school to mentor teachers in classroom Daily Physical Activity (DPA) and implementation of healthy eating activities in the classroom.  The trainer rotates through classrooms and mentors teachers on selected topics andAS!BC activities, including dance, skipping, yoga, chair aerobics, stretching, juggling, healthy eating and more. To learn more about having a Regional Trainer visit your school, please read the rest of the article here 

Teacher Resources
WITSIntroducing WITS: An Evidence-Based Program to Help Children Deal With Bullying 

Walk Away, Ignore, Talk it Out, Seek Help  


WITS co-creator Tom Woods visits Macaulay Elementary School (Esquimalt, BC).

The evidence-based WITS and WITS LEADS programs bring together schools, families and communities to help elementary school children deal with bullying and peer victimization, and encourage adults to respond to children's requests for help.


Both programs use a literature-based curriculum, integrated with provincial/territorial learning objectives, to bring the WITS message into schools. Almost all of the WITS Program resources are available free of charge. You can download the full resource guide, as well as individual lesson plans, complete online training, watch videos and print off posters and pamphlets on the WITS website here.

PHEGrantHealth Promoting Schools Grant Opportunity

Have a healthy idea for your school and need funding?


Given the clear link between health and education, many school authorities are developing and implementing policy regarding the health and well-being of their students and staffIf your school believes in the philosophy of Health Promoting Schools (HPS) and would derive value from implementing HPS initiatives, Physical and Healthy Education Canada (PHE Canada) may support your efforts with a funding grant. The deadline for grant application submissions is December 7th, 2012.


To learn more health promoting schools, and about grant criteria and how to apply, please visit the PHE website here.

PHE Kids Smiling

CHEFGet Cooking in the Classroom with Project CHEF 

Experienced Chefs teach kids about healthy food and eating


Project CHEF is back in the classroom kitchens for the 2012 - 2013 school year. Project CHEF: Cook Healthy Edible Food is a curriculum-based, hands-on school program aimed at children from Kindergarten to Grade 7. This Vancouver program teaches children about healthy food: where it comes from, what it tastes like, how to prepare it, and how to enjoy sharing it around a table. 


Project ChefProject CHEF visits schools for at least a one week period, teaching a series of five lessons to two classes per day. To learn more about having Project Chef visit your school, read the entire article here

SipSmartSip Smart Helps Kids Make Healthy Drink Choices

Free resources now available in 4 languages!


Sip Smart

Sip Smart! BC is a fun and interactive curriculum-aligned program that teaches children from Grades 4 to 6 what they need to know to make healthy drink choices - and families are an important part of this learning process!


Print versions of the Sip Smart! BC booklets for families are free and are now available in Chinese, Punjabi and French as well as English. Contact the Heart and Stroke Foundation here to order a set for your students and their families.


You will always be able to download all teaching resources for FREE from the website here. Alternatively, you can receive your Sip Smart! BC™ Teacher Resource Guide, poster and drink cut-outs by attending an Action Schools! BC Classroom Healthy Eating Workshop.

ScreenSmartHelp Kids Walk Away from the Screen and into Activity!

Screen Smart now listed on the Public Health Agency of Canada's Best Pratices Portal


Screen SmartScreen Smart is a school-based program designed for children in Grades K - 7. It aims to increase awareness among students and their families of how much time students spend in front of screens, and to reduce students' recreational screen time to less than two hours per day. Reducing inactive screen time has many benefits including better school performance and improved well-being.


The program is now one of 400+ interventions currently listed in the "Canadian Best Practices Portal" as an innovative practice that has demonstrated positive results from a high quality evaluation. Please visit the screen smart website here to download materials free of charge. To read the entire article, please click here.
