Healthy Schools BC Newsletter
December 2012
Our vision is a society where student participation in a healthy school community is the norm, not the exception. We are a non-profit society that inspires our partners and stakeholders to  improve the health and learning of students in BC by promoting, supporting and facilitating a healthy schools approach. Visit our website for more information.

In This Issue

DASH Introduces the Healthy Living Youth Council


Power Up! With Students at Ranch Park School


DASH at the 2012 Educational Leadership Conference

Share Your Healthy Schools Story to Win!


A Successful First Year: Walk the Globe in Review


Healthy Schools Network Update


The 2013 Milk Calender Is Here!  


Integrating Aboriginal Content Into the Classroom 


How Healthy Is Your Holiday Beverage?


Action Schools! BC Healthy Together Newsletters


Happy Holidays From DASH! 


Want to Submit an Article?
How would you like to promote your organization's message to members of the health and education sectors across BC? To learn how to submit an article for the Healthy Schools BC Newsletter, please visit the Healthy Schools BC Portal for submission dates and guidelines.

Grant Opportunities

PHE Health Promoting Schools Grant




Extended! Deadline December 21st


WWF Canada CommUnity School Grants Program


$200,000 each year for Canadian elementary and secondary schools


Next intake spring 2013


Toyota Evergreen Learning Grounds School Ground Greening Grants




Next intake March 1st, 2013





Featured Partner: Fraser Health Authority
Health promotion is the process of helping people to make healthy lifestyle choices and motivating them to become better managers of their own health.  School-based or school-linked health promotion is increasingly recognized as an effective way to coordinate efforts that promote health and prevent disease or other problems. To learn more about how the Fraser Health Authority can support your school health initiatives, please visit their website here


Featured Program: Premier's Sport Awards Program
For more than 30 years the p.s.a.p. ...has provided teachers and community instructors with sport skill development resources to help teach children and youth their basic sport skills. To get your school involved with p.s.a.p., please click here.    

Archived Healthy Schools Newsletters

Producing the Healthy Schools Newsletter regularly for over six years has created quite an archive of healthy schools history in BC! To view past newsletters full of helpful and relevant content, please visit the Healthy Schools BC portal here.


Newsletter Pic 

How Do I Know if My School is a Healthy School?
Are you looking for a healthy schools activity that highlights what is currently happening in your school in order to identify strengths and areas of opportunity? 

DASH has created a simple to use tool called the
"CSH  4 Pillar Activity"
that will
quickly show where school efforts are focused, and where they are not.  The 4 Pillar Activity is a great resource to bring to school meetings with fellow teachers or administrators before creating a healthy schools action plan.

To view the CSH 4 Pillar Activity, please visit the portal here for more information. For extra support on the 4 pillars of CSH, please visit the portal here.

Healthy Happenings

Dec. 1   

World AIDS Day


Dec. 3  

International Day of Persons with Disabilities 


Dec. 6    

National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women in Canada



Human Rights Day


Dec. 21
PHE Grant Deadline

Dec. 25  



Have a Great Story?
Send Us Your Article
To learn how to submit an article for the Healthy Schools BC Newsletter, please visit the Healthy Schools BC Portal here for submission dates and guidelines.

Contact DASH

#1055 - 409 Granville St.

Vancouver, BC

V6C 1T2





phone: 604-681-0600

fax: 604-681-0602


Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter View our videos on YouTube View our profile on LinkedIn  

Featured Article
hlycDASH Introduces the 1st Healthy Living Youth
Council of B.C. 
Council provides a "for youth, by youth" model of engaging students in healthy living     

On November 23rd and 24th, 17 high school students from across British Columbia met as the province's first ever Healthy Living Youth Council (HLYC).  The members of the council will be the driving force behind the realization of a "for youth, by youth" model of engaging students in their healthy living education.  


The HLYC is part of the Healthy Schools BC youth engagement strategy and is coordinated through DASH BC.  The HLYC is a committee of students from all types of secondary schools and regions of the province including the Interior, Northern BC, Vancouver Island, and the Lower Mainland.  To kick off the year, HLYC members, parents, teachers, and DASH youth engagement facilitators gathered in Vancouver for two action-packed days - they mapped out priorities and goals, got to know each other, and had fun along the way!  To read the entire article, please click here. 


Members of the Healthy Living Youth Council pose with representatives from DASH and the Ministry of Education at the Four Seasons Hotel in Vancouver

Healthy Schools in Action
powerPower Up! With Students at Ranch Park School
Ranch Park introduces physical activity into each day 

Welcome to the new "Healthy Schools in Action" section of the newsletter. In this section, DASH is highlighting teachers who are making a difference in the healthy schools community in BC.  This month, we'd like to introduce Don Hutchinson. Don is the principal at Ranch Park Elementary in Coquitlam; he is also chair of the Council of Provinces and Territories, and is on the Board of Directors, for Physical and Health Education Canada (PHE Canada), and has been a member of DASH's Healthy Schools Network

(HSN) for many years

Don would like to highlight a program happening at Ranch Park, called "Power Up," that incorporates daily physical   activity (DPA) into the school curriculum.  

To read the entire article, please click  here.  
DASH Update
conf2012 Educational Leadership Conference 

Conference brings education partners together to share innovative ideas

This November, the British Columbia School Superintendents Association (BCSSA) hosted their annual conference on educational leadership, and DASH was there! The two-day program featured speakers with a national or global understanding of educational issues, with themes focusing on leadership, school effectiveness and improvement.   


Jonathan Walker and Ryan Mackey of DASH welcoming visitors to the DASH booth.

DASH supported the conference by representing the Healthy Schools BC initiative, and by raising awareness of the many healthy schools products and resources that have been created for the initiative. To read the entire article, please click here.


facebookShare  Healthy Schools Tips and Ideas And Win!

Be a part of the healthy schools movement    


DASH   is   currently running  a  contest on  Facebook

to generate  awareness about  healthy schools, but  we need your help. 


If you have ideas or thoughts about how we can create healthier schools, please enter our contest and share them with us.  To give you a little extra incentive, many local companies have also shown their support for healthy schools and have donated some amazing prizes for our contest.


Like us on Facebook and enter your tip here between now and December 14th, 2012 and you could win. For more details, please click here
WTGA Successful First Year: Walk the Globe in Review
Students all over the world still walking with Walk the Globe   


WTG "Why isn't there an international component to iWalk?" This was the question raised by DASH after iWalk 2011 that led to the project now known as Walk the Globe. For 2012, DASH formed partnerships with schools in BC and with schools all over the world in order to share the iWalk experience.  


DASH received an abundance of submissions from these partner schools including pictures, videos, letters, stories, quotes and much more.

Based on the success of the program, DASH is pleased to announce that Walk the Globe will continue in 2013! To read the entire article, please click here.
HSNHealthy Schools Network Update
Inquiry questions are due Friday, December 7th 

If you're interested in having your school participate in the Healthy Schools Network (HSN) this year, we'd like to remind you that HSN Inquiry Questions are due Friday, December 7th, 2012.  


Click here to access the form or, if you are an existing member, you can sign in to the member section on the HSN website to access the form. Completed submission forms should be sent to hsn@dashbc.caAs submission forms and requests for planning grants are reviewed, your school may be contacted for further clarification about your inquiry. Planning grants will be distributed in January 2013. To read the entire article, please click here.

Teacher Resources
milkThe 2013 Milk Calender Is Here!
"Celebrating Local Foods Across Canada" available now

This popular wall calendar features a new recipe each month. The 2013 theme is "Celebrating Local Foods Across Canada", and each month's recipe combines the goodness of Canadian milk with a variety of local foods. Every recipe is guaranteed to be family-friendly, which means they are delicious, nutritious and easy to prepare. 


If you are a resident of BC and would like to get a free copy of the calendar, please visit the BC Dairy website here, or email your request to contactus@bcdairy.ca and be sure to include your name and mailing address

aboriginalIntegrating Aboriginal Content into the Classroom

Shared Learnings supports teachers with resources


SharedShared Learnings is a teacher guide developed in recognition of the need for classroom materials that can help all teachers provide students with knowledge of, and opportunities to share experiences with, BC Aboriginal peoples. This resource helps teachers bring this knowledge into the classroom in a way that is accurate, and that reflects the Aboriginal concepts of teaching and learning. Shared Learnings includes instructional strategies that reach across all curriculum areas, including physical education. To learn more about Shared Learnings please visit the Healthy Schools BC website here.

SipSmartHow Healthy Is Your Holiday Beverage?

Sip Smart! BCTM uncovers the hidden sugars in popular holiday beverages

Your students might like to know that:


* Hot chocolate is rarely prepared with milk and is considered a sugary drink that contains 6 sugar cubes per cup!      

* 500 ml of their favourite flavoured latte contains 12 sugar cubes!

* One cup of eggnog contains, on average, up to 9 sugar cubes!


If you're looking for a resource to support classroom learning, use the Sip Smart! BCTM backgrounder, "Want to know what's in your favourite holiday drink?" to raise your students' awareness about sugary drinks this holiday season. 
ASAction Schools! BC Healthy Together Newsletters
November and December editions now available  

The Action Schools! BC Healthy Together Newsletters are designed for schools to integrate into their own school's monthly family newsletters that they send home.  The newsletters help encourage healthy living while having fun with family and friends.  Check out the November and December editions.  The Healthy Together Newsletters are also emailed to school and district contacts, and posted on the Action Schools! BC website here.

HohohoHappy Holidays from DASH!
On behalf of all the staff, we'd like to wish you a safe, happy and healthy holiday season

Staff Shot  
