New Product Update


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Eagle Biosciences is pleased to introduce the first Intact FGF-21 ELISA  assay kit that truly measures the active human intact FGF-21 (1-181) with no cross reaction to any FGF-21 fragments. Other assays that determine fragments of the FGF-21 can overestimate the biological activity of the protein. The physiological functions of FGF-21 require intact molecular structure and amino acid sequence in its N-terminal and C-terminal region.



The Intact FGF-21 ELISA is designed, developed and produced for the quantitative measurement of human intact FGF-21 in serum and EDTA plasma samples. The assay utilizes the two-site "sandwich" technique with two selected antibodies that bind to different epitopes of human intact FGF-21. One antibody specifically binds to the N-terminal human FGF-21 (1-7) and the other specifically binds to the C-terminal human FGF-21 (175-181).


For updated information, go to our website HERE

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On one Intact FGF-21 ELISA Assay Kit from Eagle Biosciences.   


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Offer Expires: 08/31/2014

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 Intact PTH ELISA 


866-411-8023 |   617-419-1110 (fax)   | 
Eagle Biosciences, Inc., 20A NW Blvd., Nashua, NH  03063