Marketing Communiqu�AMC-14003 
May 5, 2014


AddonSoftware 14.0 Highlights
Barista 14.0 Highlights  


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BASIS International Ltd. releases version 14.0 of AddonSoftware� by Barista.


In addition to the preview features listed below that have been added with the 13.x maintenance releases, two major new features in 14.0 are the new Dashboard and the new Accounts Payable Payment Authorization feature. Both of these features are particularly appealing to business owners and executives, facilitating better and more timely decision making and efficiency.


This announcement is concurrent with the release of BBj 14. Read about some 80 of the new features highlighted in BASIS Releases 14.0 for BBj and the Barista Application Framework for Java 8.


Download version 14.0 today.  

 AddonSoftware 14.0 FeaturesAddon
 bold items are new since 13.14        



  • Implements BBj's new Dashboard utility

    • Provides a starter set of real-time data widgets for visualizing Addon data.
    • Includes graphical management information to business owners and executives for more timely and improved decision making.
    • Includes examples of tool functionality for sales demonstrations, current and future Addon features, and VAR enhancements.
    • Includes widgets that display Accounting and Sales data.
    • Customization feature empowers users to select which widgets should appear.
  • AddonSoftware JasperReports offers one-click saving in .pdf format, as well as an email button to launch the Barista fax/email form to allow adding Jasper-based .pdf documents to the Document Processing Queue.

  • Jasper documents saved as .pdf are also recorded in the Barista document archive for retrieval from Document Inquiry.



  • Adds parameterized Payment Authorization feature in Accounts Payable.

    • Leverages structural improvements to accelerate form launch and load.  
    • Facilitates remote approval and check signing by owners and executives.
    • Sends email notification of invoices awaiting approval.
    • Establishes number of required signatures based on check amount.
    • Sets location to store scanned documents.
    • Colorizes invoice payment status.
    • Applies images of approval signatures when printing on check stock.
  • Adds new "Export format" option to all Sales Analysis reports that formats the documents for exporting to Excel.



  • Bill of Materials adds new reference numbers that mirror those in Shop Floor Operations, Materials, and Subcontracts

  • Shop Floor Materials and Subcontracts -

    • Adds a new alphanumeric reference number field that gives the user more control and flexibility when correlating materials and subcontracts to drawings.

    • Adds a new "auto-number" function when processing materials that lets the user specify the beginning and ending row to auto-number, the first alphanumeric number to use, and an increment, making it possible to quickly and easily auto-number (or re-number) an entire list of materials, or subsets of the list.

  • Enhanced Work Order flow 
    • Adds new Work Order Materials reference number that appears in Materials Commitments and Issues.
    • Adds Operations Reference field (Op Ref).

      • Improves the ability to cross-reference operations to associated materials and subcontracts and provides an efficient means to record operations for timesheet entry with enhancements to:

        • Work Order Requirements: Operations, Materials, and Subcontracts

        • Batch and on-demand Work Order Detail reports

        • Traveler

        • Time Sheet Entry

    • Detail and Traveler reports enhanced

      • Moves the Setup column out of the totals section toward the beginning of the line for consistency and ease of reading.

      • Provides VARs with test pattern printing to streamline Jasper modification in the Operations, Materials, and Subcontracts standards SPROCs.

      • Adds "green bar" effect.

      • Produces more compact output while maintaining readability.

  • Adds Year End Checklists in each module.
  • Adds documentation for Accounts Receivable reports; Graphic Sales Report by Salesperson, Sales Digital Dashboard, Drill Down Sales Report by Customer Type.



  • Adds "Quick Copy" option in the AddonSoftware Installation Update Wizard (AIUW) to copy both the Barista Application Framework and AddonSoftware from bbj_home to a different parent directory.   


bold items are new since 13.14


  • Adds update function to the Barista Install Manager (BIM) that performs the "Sync Files Backup" for an existing Barista instance before updating it and leaves files in the admin_backup/, documents/, settings/ and sys/logs/ directories.
  • Adds an example dashboard with six dashboard "widgets" (graphs) to the Barista Examples application.
  • Adds two new optional definitions available in the Form Designer for grid query-driven form maintenance
    • "Query Based Maintenance Form" displays the query grid with record add, edit, and delete functions.
      • Performing any of these functions opens the corresponding record maintenance form.
      • Record changes are reflected in the query for the row affected; additions and deletions trigger a refresh of the query grid.
      • The maintenance form closes after each operation and the focus returns to the query grid.
      • Record navigation is available within the query grid.
    • "Query Synced Maintenance Form" displays the query grid and maintenance form and keeps them in sync.
      • As a row is selected in the query grid, the corresponding record is retrieved and displayed in the maintenance form.
      • Record additions, edits, and deletions are made in the maintenance form, which stays open after each operation.
      • Modifies SDI form toolbar and menu actions to match those in the MDI.

      • Improves BUI applications written and powered by Barista.

        • Adds more robust BUI grid functionality.
        • Implements SDI keyboard navigation required for multi-monitor and BUI deployments. 
      • Enhances multi-monitor application handling.

      • Adds a "Search all columns" checkbox to the Barista Query so users can look for specified text across all displayed columns:  

      • Adds ability for system administrators and/or developers to control whether or not workspace memory dumps can be included with Barista error reports.
        • Configuration options are YES, NO, ALWAYS, NEVER, or AUTHORIZED.
        • If AUTHORIZED, the user must provide a password in order to send the dump.
      • A new Barista public (bac_faxemail_jasper.bbj) makes it possible for Barista application developers to invoke the Fax/Email form; provides the interface for adding a JasperReports output to the Barista Document Processing Queue by intercepting the Button Push Event for the new BBJasper email button.

InfoMore Information
Download 'AddonSoftware by Barista' today. See the AddonSoftware in action in demo videos.

For the latest news, subscribe to the addonsoftware, barista-list, or bbj-developer forums.

AddonSoftware�, Barista�, and BBj� are registered trademarks.