Technical Communiqu�ATC-13002
April 15, 2013

Adv 2012 Cover 



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BASIS International Ltd. announces the 12.22 maintenance release of AddonSoftware� by Barista� that includes several customer reported issues and fixes, as well as resolution to occasional reports of intermittent data loss in a grid when adding rows. This is the last and final release of version 12, complete with 13.0 preview features and enhancements.


Version 12.22 includes 13.0 preview features soon-to-be released and fully supported, and includes the newly completed Shop Floor Control (SFC) module. SFC's completion brings to a close the modernization of legacy Addon, introducing significant new feature and function to the AddonSoftware product, and lays the groundwork for future improvements to the product line.


Barista Application Framework 12.22 includes improved grid functionality for robust data entry in high latency environments and adds new Home/End key functionality to quickly jump to first/last grid row. 


Load Balance v13.0 
Load Balance Inquiry shows work order status for the selected operation

InfoMore Information
Download 'AddonSoftware by Barista' today. For more information, review version 12.22 readme, relnotes, and fixes release files.

See AddonSoftware in action in demo videos.

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