We are always looking for church-related pictures to share with the congregation. Submit them to LLowry@stjohnstampa.org. __________________
We want to provide support in your time of need!
Health regulations prohibit the clergy from being informed when our parishioners are in the hospital, so we will not know if you or someone you love is there unless you tell us. We want to provide support in any time of need or crisis.
Please call the parish offices at 259.1570 or email
June 28
Andrew Barron Galavis, Jr.
Andrew Barron Galavis, Sr.
July 2, James Allen, Jr., Joseph Arcuri
July 3, Alison Arnold, Susanne Sanders
July 4, Helen Gilbart
July 5, Anne Drewry, Roy McCraw, Jr., Wendy Pepe
July 6, Celia Applebaum, John Cavo, III, Mei Crain, Ashley Guyton, Charlotte Logan
July 7, Anne Chilldon, Andrew Pepe, Agnes Stansfield
July 8, Darby Bess, Anne McAdams, Robert Shamblin, Donald Sillman, Margaret Vawter
Sunday's Scripture Snippet
I wait for the LORD; my soulwaits for him; in his word is my hope. My soul waits for the Lord, more than watchmen for the morning, more than watchmen for the morning.
From Bishop Dabney Smith
June 27, 2015
Dear Friends in Christ,
I am very pleased for The Episcopal Church with the election of my friend Michael Curry as the 27th Presiding Bishop.
I am also greatly relieved after living through this wonderful honor of being nominated as a candidate for Presiding Bishop that I am coming home to the diocese I love, the Diocese of Southwest Florida.
I want to extend my great thanksgiving for all the continued prayers and support that I have received from so many colleagues, friends and constituents in our great Diocese.
Faithfully yours,
The Rt. Rev. Dabney T. Smith
Fifth Bishop of the Diocese of Southwest Florida
The offices will be closed for the Independence Day holiday on Friday, July 3.
Camp Discovery: VBS
What a great week! Thanks to all who participated and another big thanks to our VBS helpers: Ken Johnston, Stacey Greep, Liz Merrill, Yvonne Santiago, Sean O'Brien, Christy Braun, Stephanie Andrews, Lisa Sepulveda, Rachel Mattox, Kari Power, Katie DeLaCruz Wiegand, and Steve Stanford.
 | Thursday, July 2
10:00 a.m.
The Holy Eucharist (Rite I) and Healing (Chapel)
Men's Interactive Bible Study and Lunch
No meeting today
Friday, July 3
Offices Closed for Independence Day Holiday
Sunday, July 5
We are very pleased to welcome Ellie Taylor back to the organ console for our services today. Ellie is no stranger to St. John's, having held the position of Organist and Choirmaster for twenty-five years prior to her retirement in 2006. We are grateful to her for playing on this holiday weekend.
8:00 a.m.
The Holy Eucharist (Rite I) (Church)
9:15 a.m.
The Holy Eucharist (Rite II) (Church)
Sunday School for Children (Parish Hall)
Please note, Sunday School will continue throughout the summer.
Following the 9:15 a.m. service
Coffee Hour Fellowship (Parish Hall)
11:15 a.m.
The Holy Eucharist (Rite I) (Church)
 | Monday, July 6
8:15 a.m.
Mom's Sanctuary (Discovery House)
Join us each Monday at 8:15 a.m. in Discovery House (918 South Orleans Avenue), for our weekly Mom's Sanctuary group meeting. Come have a cup of coffee, meet new friends, and reconnect with old friends. No homework, just bring an open mind and heart. If you have any questions, please email Leland Baldwin at lbaldwin@stjohnstampa.org.
 | Tuesday, July 7
6:45 a.m.
Contemporary Women's Bible Study (Peterson Room)
Starting on June 30, CWBS will begin a study of selected passages from 1 & 2 Samuel. This course will run through August 25. The course is designed in such a way that if people cannot attend all the sessions, they will still find each session interesting and not dependent upon what came the week before.
The group meets on Tuesdays from 6:45 to 8:00 a.m. in the Peterson Room at the Middle Division campus. After conversation and a light breakfast (fruit & some type of bread) that members take turns bringing, the study starts at 7:00 a.m. and ends shortly before 8:00 a.m.; a few people may leave early if they have to go to work. All women of St John's and their friends are welcome; the group includes several valued members from other branches of Christ's church. We would love to have you join us.
For more information, please contact Kathleen Moore at 221.6253 or kathleenmarymoore@gmail.com.
12:15 p.m.
Noonday Prayer (Chapel)
Wednesday, July 8
12:15 p.m.
The Holy Eucharist (Rite II) (Chapel)
6:30 p.m.
Wednesday Nights at St. John's (Parish Hall)
The group will continue its study of Psalms. For millennia, believers have turned to the Psalms to express praise, sorrow, gratitude, and hope. But readers have questioned: who wrote these poems and hymns and why? And how can reading and studying the Psalms help me express my own feelings to God?
This four session DVD series helps answer these questions and many more. The four sessions are (1) Psalms of Praise, (2) Psalms of Lament, (3) Psalms of Thanksgiving, and (4) Royal Psalms. Each session will guide the group through the Scriptures, cultivating a dynamic group discussion and helping them grow in a deeper relationship with God and others.
The Wednesday Nights at St. John's group invites all parishioners and friends to join them each week in the Parish Hall. Bring a dish to share and an open heart and mind for discussion. Contact Paul and Winkie Game at pgamefla@aol.com for more details.