November 26, 2014 Issue 

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We are always looking for church-related pictures to share with the congregation.  Submit them to


We want to provide support in your time of need!
Health regulations prohibit the clergy from being informed when our parishioners are in the hospital, so we will not know if you or someone you love is there unless you tell us. We want to provide support in any time of need or crisis.  
Please call the parish offices at 259.1570 or email to let us know when you need us.


Join Our Mailing List 

More Upcoming Dates


Saturday, December 6

Women's Advent Retreat, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., contact Peggy Curlin


From the Parish Register




November 27

Robert Lewis, Julia Mattox, Allison Watkins


November 28

Joe Andrews, James Carroll, Jr., Kay Peterson


November 29

Scott Dietrich, Samuel Giordano 


November 30

Elizabeth Arthur, Andrew Brown, LeRoy Collins, IV, Jonathan Davidson, Thomas Kendall, Jackson Lee, Jason Lejkowski, Ray Olsson, Thomas Williams


December 1

Lorien Johnson, John Reffue, Lawrence Samaha, Caroline Schabacker, Meredith Weekes


December 2

Maximilian Borland, Christopher Lykes, Laurie Versaggi


December 3

William Sansone, Ray Stoll, Douglas Tozier, Jr. 




Sunday's Scripture Snippet


Come, let us sing to the LORD; let us shout for joy to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving and raise a loud shout to him with psalms.

Psalm 95



A Service of Christmas Lessons and Carols

Sunday, December 7 at 5:30 p.m.

The Choir of St. John's Church

Carols for Congregation and Choir

Music of Philip Marshall, Harold Darke, Boris Ord, and Sir David Willcocks

In the Church

Reception follows in the Parish Hall

Youth Confirmation 2015

For those interested in youth confirmation, please meet Chaplain Harrison-Quillin on Sunday, December 7, after the 9:15 a.m. service in Discovery House for a session regarding expectations and an introduction to the process. At that session, parents and confirmands will also receive the schedule for the spring. Confirmation is May 3 in St. John's. Contact Chaplain Harrison-Quillin at

Upcoming Youth Events

Don't miss any of the fun with St. John's this December!


Christmas Shopping with Friends 

Friday, December 5, at Westshore Mall. We will meet for dinner in the food court at 5:30 p.m. and then shop until pick up at 8:00 p.m. 


Middle School Cookie Exchange 

Sunday, December 7, at 4:00 p.m. upstairs at Discovery House: Snickerdoodle, Peanut Butter, Ginger Snaps...  Oh MY! Wear a festive Christmas outfit and bring 3 dozen cookies to exchange with your friends. And stay for the traditional service of Lessons and Carols at 5:30 p.m. 


High School Progressive Dinner Party

Sunday, December 7, after the Service of Lessons and Carols, join us for a fun culinary tour of Tampa. Three families are hosting us, each providing either an appetizer, entree, or dessert. Wear a festive Christmas outfit and RSVP to Chaplain HQ by December 2. 


Middle School/High School Movie Outing

Friday, December 19, at 6:00 p.m. Woo hoo! Christmas Break! Come out for dinner and movie at Westshore Plaza. Bring $$$ for food and a ticket to a fun youth approved movie. Bring friends and celebrate a break from school. 



Parish Office Holiday Hours

Please note that the parish offices will be closed for the Thanksgiving holiday on Thursday, November 27, and Friday, November 28. We will reopen for regular business hours (8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.) on Monday, December 1.
Upcoming Events

Welcome, Newcomers and Visitors!

December 7, 4:00 p.m., Discovery House (next door to the church)

You are invited to a Welcome Party to meet other new members of St. John's and learn more about your church home.Members of the staff will be available to answer your questions about becoming involved in our parish life and ministries. This is an informal time to relax and make new friends.We will finish in plenty of time for you to get a good seat at the Service of Christmas Lessons and Carols.

Men's Ministry 2015

Mark your calendars for January 6 when the St. John's Men's Ministry starts its 2015 program with some inpact. We will be hosting Rob Greenway, a retired senior intelligence officer at the US Central Command currently working as a civilian in the Defense Intelligence Agency. Based on first-hand experience through deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan, Rob provides an in-depth perspective on Islam, and how the religion has garnered the attention of the world in its spread through the Middle East and beyond. While Rob continues to serve our country as a civilian, the views and perspectives he offers are his alone, and offers them from a solid Christian perspective. We've asked him to condense a couple of centuries of history in a short presentation-a big challenge. 


To accommodate the extensive program, we will start social time at 5:00 p.m., serve dinner at 5:30 p.m. sharp (that's 1730 for Cary Brown) and we'll let Rob take the floor shortly thereafter. You don't want to miss this one. RSVP to Dallas Coffield at

Focus on Faith: Adult Confirmation 2015

Focus on Faith is a small group experience to learn more about the Episcopal Church and its beliefs. The program is designed to prepare adults for baptism, confirmation, reception, or reaffirmation of faith.  It is also a time to connect with others on your Christian journey.  The program is led by Mother Alice Sadler, Associate Rector. Click here to download a brochure about Focus on Faith, or contact Mother Alice 

Christmas Outreach Update

The Outreach Committee would like to thank everyone who so enthusiastically embraced our Christmas gift program with Cornerstone Kids! The names of 36 children were handed out in record time, so now the fun gift-buying begins. Please bring your wrapped gifts either to St. John's or St. James House of Prayer by Wednesday, December 17. 


For those who were not able to select the name of a child, St. John's will also be collecting UNWRAPPED new toys for the children at Metropolitan Ministries and diapers for the babies at Alpha House. This way, everyone who wants to help others during the holiday season may have an opportunity to do so. Please bring your donations to the church and we will transport them for you. Contact MC Jenkins with questions at, and thank you for your generosity!

Your Action Needed
Volunteers Needed
Join the cute helpers in the kitchen (like the Kenyons' 3 year old granddaughter Gwendolyn, pictured here) on Breakfast Sunday! Volunteers are needed, contact Dave at
Flowers and Candle Available

The candle in the Sanctuary Light is available for January 11, 2015 and the flowers at the Church Altar are available January 18, 2015. If you would like to take this opportunity to support St. John's and honor a loved one, please call 259.1570 or email

This Week at St. John's
Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, November 27
Parish Offices Closed
10:00 a.m.
The Holy Eucharist (Rite II) (Church)
Friday, November 28
Parish Offices Closed
Sunday, November 30
8:00 a.m.
The Holy Eucharist (Rite I) (Church)
9:15 a.m.
The Holy Eucharist (Rite II) (Church) 

Sunday School for Children (Parish Hall)
Immediately following the 9:15 a.m. service
Coffee Hour Fellowship (Parish Hall)

Adult Sunday School: The Forum (Lowry Room)
11:15 a.m.
The Holy Eucharist (Rite I) (Church) 
Monday, December 1
8:15 a.m.
Mom's Sanctuary Support and Bible Study Group (Discovery House)

Come have a cup of coffee, meet new friends, and reconnect with old friends at 8:15 a.m. in Discovery House. This group will continue meeting each Monday morning this fall. Questions? Email or call 259.1570. 

12:15 p.m.
Noonday Prayer (Chapel)
Tuesday, December 2
6:45 a.m.
The Contemporary Women's Bible Study (Peterson Room)  

The Contemporary Women's Bible Study (CWBS) group is continuing a new study of the Synoptic Gospels.  All women of St John's and their friends are invited to attend.  The group meets each Tuesday morning from 6:45 to 8:00 a.m. in the Peterson Room on the Middle Division Campus at Platt Street and Plant Avenue.  Coffee and a light breakfast are served. Join us for lively discussion as we discover the meaning of scripture in our lives. Please contact Kathleen Moore at 221.6253 or for more information. 

10:30 a.m.
Women's Mid Morning Bible Study (Lowry Room)
Women of St. John's, friends and neighbors are invited to participate in a fall study entitled "Psalms: Songs for the Soul," based on a curriculum developed by the Rev. Gwynne Johnson (Lutheran). The psalms are a rich resource that can guide our prayers, our thinking and our life choices. They have something to teach us about each of life's seasons: times of comfort, times of difficulty and times of resolution. Each lesson will focus on a theme and psalms that speak to it.
The study continues on alternate Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m. in the Lowry Room through December 9. For more information contact either Joan McKay at or Pat Wilson at 644.4640 or
12:15 p.m.
Noonday Prayer (Chapel)
Wednesday, December 3
12:15 p.m.
The Holy Eucharist (Rite II) (Chapel)

Join Us for Movie Night at St. John's: Wednesday, December 3

Co-written and directed by Franco Zeffirelli (Romeo And Juliet; Jesus of Nazareth).  Brother Sun, Sister Moon is an uncommonly rewarding and meaningful film experience, a real blessing, causing the viewer to examine the depth and commitment of his or her own walk with Christ. The cinematography is brilliantly beautiful throughout.  The PG-rated film focuses on the early years of Francis of Assisi and St. Clare who each renounced their Assisi family's riches and past worldly life to follow Christ in sincerity and humility, unencumbered by material possessions.


6:00 p.m.  Blessing, covered dish dinner begins (note early start time)

6:35 p.m.   Movie begins
8:37 p.m.  Movie ends 


8:40 p.m. Discussion for those who choose to remain, closing prayers 


9:00 p.m.   Event ends

More Upcoming Events
Thursday, December 4
11:45 a.m.
Men's Thursday Interactive Bible Study and Lunch (Peterson Room)

"I discovered later, and I'm still discovering right up to this moment, that is it only by living completely in this world that one learns to have faith. By this-worldliness I mean living unreservedly in life's duties, problems, successes and failures. In so doing we throw ourselves completely into the arms of God, taking seriously, not our own sufferings, but those of God in the world. That, I think, is faith."  -- Dietrich Bonhoeffer


The Men's Interactive Bible Study and Lunch group will continue their fall series on alternate Thursdays at 11:45 a.m. in the Peterson Room. Lunch is sandwiches at $5 per person. RSVP to if you would like to partake.

Saturday, December 6