January 29, 2014 Issue 

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We are always looking for church-related pictures to share with the congregation.  Submit them to LLowry@stjohnstampa.org.


We want to provide support in your time of need!
Current health regulations prohibit the clergy from being informed when our parishioners are in the hospital, so we will not know if you or someone you love is there unless you tell us. We want to provide support in any time of need or crisis.  
Please call the parish offices at 259.1570 or email 
parish@stjohnstampa.org to let us know when you need us.


Join Our Mailing List 

This Week, We Celebrate the Birthdays of the Following Parishioners:


January 31

David Adams, Amanda Colgan, Deborah Huelsman, Margaret Malizia, Ben Nelson, Jr.


February 1

Juanita Boyd, Stapleton Gooch, IV, Carolyn Griffith, Ila Oliver, James Whittlesey


February 2

Halina Bereday, Jarvis Bereday, Olivia Kirkpatrick, Charles Samartin, Gwyn Schabacker, Carol Tucker


February 3

Emily Leonard


February 4

Alva Casey, Allison Decelles, Richard Hadlow, Michael Lykes, Caleb Rugg, Charles Stallings, III, Christopher Stewart, Henry Wiley, III, Jeffrie van Loveren


February 5

Kari Power, Kevin Rowe, Meredith Schneider, Sarah Weaver, Elise Whiteley

Sunday's Scripture Snippet


For the message about the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. 

1 Corinthians 




Men's Ministry: Tuesday, February 4 at 6:00 p.m.

Join us for the next meeting of St John's Men's Ministry.  Our guest this month is Jay Crouse, author of Men and the Church: Is There a Future?  Jay Crouse has been actively involved in ministry to men for over twenty-five years and has been participating full-time since leaving the private sector in 1999. His "ministry to men journey" began in the Episcopal Diocese of SW Florida and has expanded nationally and to the church at large. Jay and his wife of thirty-three years, Laura, live in Sarasota and attend Church of the Redeemer.


There are three copies of Jay's book are available for purchase ($14 each) in the parish offices. Contact us if you are interested in buying one via email or at 259.1570.


We will be serving dinner from Holy Hog.  Guests are asked for a donation of $12 for dinner.  RSVP to Dallas Coffield at dcoffield@gmail.com if you are planning on attending.

Tampa Deanery Returns to the Dominican Republic

This year's mission marks the 15th consecutive year that teams from the

Tampa Deanery have traveled to the Dominican Republic to work with our companion diocese to build churches, clinics, and schools. You can find more information about the Dominican Development Group at  http://dominicandevelopmentgroup.org/ and on our Facebook page.


What: Tampa Deanery General Meeting

When: Tuesday, February 4

  • 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. will focus on first-timers...what the project is, how to fill out forms, etc.
  • 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. will focus on returning missioners

Where: St. John's Discovery House, 918 S Orleans Ave, Tampa, 33606


The Tampa Deanery project for 2014 is to complete the exterior and first floor of the new church for Santa Cruz (Holy Cross) Episcopal Church in the sugar mill (Ingenio) town of Santa Fe on the edge of the city of

San Pedro de Macorís (pop ~ 250,000). For the past two years the Tampa Deanery has worked in Santa Fe, building the "shell" of the two-story reinforced concrete church building. During the summer of 2014, we will send four work teams to work with our brothers and sisters in the community of Santa Fe, a poor working-class suburb on the edge of San Pedro on the southern coast of the Dominican Republic. There

are still spaces available on the teams.


Team I June 7-14               Build altar furnishings, electrical, and floor tile


Team II June 14-21            Paint interior and exterior of new building and                                        seal the roof


Team III June 21-28           Finish painting, sidewalks, and landscaping


Team IV June 28-July 5     Finish altar furnishings and work in the                                                  community


Click here for a flyer about the project.

Icon Workshop Offered

Spend the week painting an icon of St. John the Baptist. No painting experience necessary. Fee includes instruction and all materials: board, prototype, paints, brushes, gold leaf and varnish. End the week with a completed icon. Commuter fee is $480 including lunch daily, or spend six nights at Saint Leo Abbey for $660, including 3 meals daily & workshop.

Philip Zimmerman, a well-known iconographer who teaches across the U.S. and in Canada, works in traditional Byzantine style and will teach a week-long class at Saint Leo Abbey February 17th - 22nd, his fourth at the Abbey.   Each participant will write the icon of Saint John the Baptist pictured above.   All materials and equipment needed to complete the icon are provided: gessoed 11x13 inch wooden board, prototype (pattern), paints, brushes, gold leaf and varnish. 


The workshop will be held in the Feeney Room adjoining the Abbey Guest House.  There is a small kitchen for snacks, coffee and tea.  Class time is Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to suppertime (5:30 for Abbey guests).  Saturday morning will be devoted to varnishing and clean-up,  and a celebratory lunch. Each workshop participant should leave the Abbey with a completed icon. 

Click here for a flyer with more details. 

Beautification of our Grounds Continues

Many of you have noticed the progress we are making in beautifying our grounds, specifically the Garth courtyard between the parish hall and church. Following the removal of the diseased tree and the grinding of the stump that remained, work has been done on leveling the pavement, weeding and replanting the beds, and caring for the altar which was damaged a number of years ago by a falling tree.


Please be assured that during this renovation, every precaution is being taken to assure that there will be no disturbance of the remains of parishioners and loved ones that are ensconced in the outdoor chapel. There is no higher priority for the church staff and the volunteer committee working on the project than honoring the memories and respecting the legacy of those laid to rest there.

Stewardship Corner
The Vestry and clergy are hard at work creating a budget for 2014. As we approach the close of the pledge season, in an effort to communicate with you, our parishioners, in a more timely and complete way, we will be reporting on the progress of our stewardship campaign.

2014 (to date)
Total Households Pledging386333
Total Pledged$1,012,577$910,479

If you have not yet made your 2014 St. John's pledge, did you know that you can make it online? Save time and hassle by pledging today from the "Stewardship" tab on the St John's home page or by clicking here.

Save the Date for Celebratio 2014!

Save the date and get ready for a fabulous night with St. John's faculty, staff, and friends as we celebrate St. John's Episcopal Parish Day School at the Parents' Club's annual fundraiser, Celebratio!


The Committee is excited to announce that Celebratio will be a Derby Day celebration on Saturday, May 3, 

at Palma Ceia Golf & Country Club.


The main event will begin at 7:00 p.m. (immediately following the Celebratio Patrons' Party for our largest donors) and will include scrumptious Southern food, an open bar, silent and live auction, music, dancing...the list goes on! Get your Derby hats and bowties ready, and stay tuned for more information on how you can become a part of this exciting celebration and support our School and our students!

This Week at St. John's
Thursday, January 29
10:00 a.m.
The Holy Eucharist (Rite II) and Healing (Chapel)
Friday, January 30
12:15 p.m.
Noonday Prayer (Chapel)
Sunday, February 2
7:45 a.m.
The Holy Eucharist (Rite I) 
9:00 a.m.
The Holy Eucharist (Rite II)
Sunday School for Children (Parish Hall)
10:15 a.m.
Coffee Hour Fellowship (Parish Hall)

Youth Confirmation Class (Discovery House) 

Adult Confirmation Class (Church) 
11:15 a.m.
The Holy Eucharist (Rite I)
4:00 p.m.
Middle School Youth Group
We will meet at 4:00 p.m. at the Youth House. Join us for fellowship and fun!
6:30 p.m.
High School Bible Study
Join us at 6:30 p.m. at the Youth House for our next study.
Monday, February 3
12:15 p.m.
Noonday Prayer (Chapel)
Tuesday, February 4
6:45 a.m.
Contemporary Women's Bible Study (Peterson Room)  
All women of St. John's and their friends of other denominations are welcome to join the group for a light breakfast and discussion of important books of the Bible. Please contact Kathleen Moore at 221.6253 or kathleenmarymoore@gmail.com for more information. 
10:15 a.m.
Mid Morning Women's Bible Study (Lowry Room)  
On Tuesday, February 4, the group will focus on Acts 15:36 - 17:34, "Paul Sets Out Again: Syria to Athens."  The Rev. John Reese, Rector of St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, will facilitate the session.
The group invites all women in our church community and their friends and neighbors to join them on alternate Tuesdays in the Lowry Room for fellowship, prayer and study from 10:15 to 11:30 a.m. as they explore the spread of the Good News and the faith it awakened in the Mediterranean world. Contact Pat Wilson at patwilson68@tampabay.rr.com or 644.4640 or Joan McKay at mckayjhm@aol.com with questions.
12:15 p.m.
Noonday Prayer (Chapel)
6:00 p.m.
Men's Ministry (Parish Hall)  
Join us for the next meeting of St John's Men's Ministry.  Our guest this month is Jay Crouse, author of Men and the Church: Is There a Future? 
We will be serving dinner from Holy Hog.  Guests are asked for a donation of $12 for dinner.  RSVP to Dallas Coffield at dcoffield@gmail.com if you are planning on attending. 
Wednesday, February 5
12:15 p.m.
The Holy Eucharist (Rite II) (Chapel)
6:30 p.m.

Wednesday Nights at St. John's (Rudisill Parish Hall) 

Deepening Life Together- Acts is a cutting-edge DVD-based small group, eight-session series that helps ordinary people's understanding of the Scriptures. Covering the book of Acts, this series features teaching experts and scholars from well-respected institutions--such as Talbot Theological Seminary, Bethel Seminary, and Wheaton College--and church congregations that live out the principles shared in their communities


This series on the Book of Acts is a great way to rediscover the joy of God's Word. Join this group each Wednesday night at 6:30 p.m.  Bring a Bible, a covered dish to share, and an open heart and mind!  Contact Paul and Winkie Game at pgamefla@aol.com for more details.

More Upcoming Events
Thursday, February 6
11:45 a.m.

Interactive Men's Bible Study and Lunch (Peterson Room) 

The group continues its series on The Fruits of the Spirit.  Lunch is sandwiches at $5 per person, RSVP to dlrncrtpa@verizon.net if you would like to partake.

Sunday, February 24
5:00 p.m.

Annual Choir Benefit Concert (Church) 

Sunday, March 2
4:00 p.m.

Mission Possible (Middle Division Gym) 

This church/school collaboration raises money for our mission work in Uganda and the Dominican Republic. Come out and join in the array of fun and talent at the annual show.  Email Director of Christian Education Leland Baldwin with any questions at lbaldwin@stjohnstampa.org.

Tuesday, March 4
6:00 p.m.

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper (Parish Hall)

The FATHERS will be flipping pancakes, and there will also be red beans and rice for the heartier appetite. We will also have the traditional King cake, straight from the Big Easy itself.  Join us for fellowship and food on Fat Tuesday!