We are always looking for church-related pictures to share with the congregation. Submit them to LLowry@stjohnstampa.org. __________________
We want to provide support in your time of need!
Current health regulations prohibit the clergy from being informed when our parishioners are in the hospital, so we will not know if you or someone you love is there unless you tell us. We want to provide support in any time of need or crisis.
Please call the parish offices at 259.1570 or email
This Week, We Celebrate the Birthdays of the Following Parishioners: December 19 Robert Campbell, Marilin Espino-Maya, Brian Grieves, Lora Hulse, Paul Keesling, Evan Lick, Sandra Murray December 20 Taylor Cooke, Robert Gaudsmith, Rosalyn Gibbs, Ivy Gustafson, Nathaniel Lacktman, William Leal, Walker Martin December 21 Margaret Carte, Dean Samartin December 22 Zigmund Bereday, Helen Hall, Patricia Hancock, Trey Rubenzer, Eric Stoll, Stephen Swindal, Jr., Catherine Williams, Patricia Wilson December 23 John Ackermann, Robert Payne, Todd Tindall December 25 Harry Hedges, Ted Howard, John Overton, Sr.
Sunday's Scripture Snippet
My soul doth magnify the Lord, and my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Savior.
For he hath regarded the lowliness of his handmaiden.
For behold from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed.
For he that is mighty hath magnified me, and holy is his Name.
And his mercy is on them that fear him throughout all generations.
Luke 1
Christmas Flowers Due Now
If you would like to honor a loved one by sponsoring Christmas flowers in their name, please return your Christmas envelope or email the parish offices (parish@stjohnstampa.org) by 4:00 p.m. today for your honoree to be included on the bulletin insert for Christmas services.
Combined Services,
A Celebration of The Rev. Douglas Remer's Ministry In St. John's, and College Homecoming Breakfast,
All This Sunday, December 22
On Sunday, December 22, Fr. Remer will return to celebrate and preach at the 7:45 a.m. service and will preach and officiate at the combined Service of Lessons and Carols at 10:00 a.m. This service will take the place of the 9:00 and 11:15 a.m. services. A reception will follow the 10:00 a.m. service, join us to celebrate Fr. Remer's time with us.
All our college-aged parishioners and their parents are invited to join us on the morning of Sunday, December 22, after the combined 10:00 service of Lessons and Carols, as we celebrate our college students' homecoming! A special breakfast will be cooked by our children and youth, and we will meet for fellowship in the courtyard of the church (weather permitting).
Christmas 2013 Service and Office Schedule
Christmas Eve (Tuesday), December 24, 2013 Parish Offices Close at 12:00 Noon
4:00 p.m. The Holy Eucharist (Rite II) The Children's Christmas Pageant will take the place of the sermon at this service.
6:00 p.m. The Holy Eucharist (Rite II)
The St. John's Choir sings this service.
10:30 p.m. Christmas Music in the Church 11:00 p.m. The Holy Eucharist (Rite I)
The St. John's Choir sings this service.
Christmas Day (Wednesday), December 25, 2013 Parish Offices Closed
10:00 a.m. The Holy Eucharist (Rite II) The St. John's Choir sings this service.
New Year's Holiday Office Schedule
New Year's Eve (Tuesday), December 31, 2013 Parish Offices Close at 12:00 Noon
Please make sure to bring any final pledge payments to the offices before noon on the 31st. If you are mailing your payment, it must be postmarked by December 31 to count for 2013.
New Year's Day (Wednesday), January 1, 2014 Parish Offices Closed
Men's Ministry: Tuesday, January 7, 6:00 p.m.
 Join us on Tuesday, January 7, at 6:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall for a very special Men's Ministry meeting as we welcome speaker Mark Merrill, president and founder of Family First. Family First is a widely respected national non-profit organization dedicated to strengthening the family. Family First promotes principles for building marriages and raising children through three successful programs. Mark is also the co-founder, with Tony Dungy, of All Pro Dad. Click here to see Mark's full bio.
We will also have our usual fine dining! For this month only, RSVP to Ron Walker at rwalker@walkerbrands.com if you plan to attend so we can get a count for food.
Christmas Music In St. John's
Both the Service of Advent Lessons and Carols and the annual Christmas concert were a shining example of the excellence of the St. John's music program. Parishioners and community members alike enjoyed works by Harold Darke, William Mathias, Philip Marshall, and Sir David Willcocks at the concert, and carols of the Advent season for both choir and congregation were sung heartily at Lessons and Carols. The receptions following both musical events were also well attended and lovely.
Join us this Sunday, December 22, for more beautiful music at the Christmas Lessons and Carols service at 10:00 a.m.
Looking for the Perfect Christmas Gift?
Episcopal Relief and Development Has Something for Everyone On Your List!
Long after the wrapping paper is cleared and the guests are gone, Gifts for Life live on in families and communities all over the world. Click here to view the online catalog of items from micro-loans to farm animals to medicine that you can sponsor for a person in need in a country thousands of miles away.
ER-D is the worldwide relief agency of the Episcopal Church. All grants are made through the bishop of an affected diocese, where possible, and to known recognized partners in world relief. This allows ER-D to be among the first to respond to an emergency, and assures the integrity of the grant. A follow-up by ER-D is required of every recipient.
Visit ER-D online at www.episcopalrelief.org. Transform a life: give a gift with lasting impact this holiday season.
Faith Cafe News
The patrons of Faith Cafe, specifically the men, are in need of clothing (jeans, shorts, and socks) as well as toiletries (deodorant, shampoo, razors). Please bring donations to the parish offices.
Help Wanted: Make Christmas Special for Families at Metropolitan Ministries and Alpha House
A reminder that St. John's will be collecting unwrapped gifts for Metropolitan Ministries and diapers for Alpha House, so that everyone who wants to help others during the holiday season will have an opportunity to do so. The Toy Drive is sponsored by the Dads' Club of the School, and they encourage all parents and parishioners to support the effort. In particular, please note that donations of cash or gift cards are appreciated, and that if you are thinking of purchasing several smaller gifts, Metropolitan Ministries asks that you please instead consider purchasing one larger gift. Those toys and gifts are typically more durable and fulfilling for the receivers.
Bring your gifts or diapers to services on Sunday or to the parish offices during the week, there will be blue barrels for you to put the toys in. The deadline is Friday, December 20. Thanks to those who have already contributed!
Sandwich Sunday Hosts Needed
A host family or families are needed for Sandwich Sunday on March 16, 2014. Hosts purchase supplies for Sandwich Sundays (costs fully reimbursed by St. John's), help coordinate assembly on the day of, and deliver the lunches to Faith Cafe. Want to help? Contact Amanda Sansone at asansone@carltonfields.com.
We are very excited about the direction God is calling us in the year to come! Working together, we will accomplish great things for the Lord.
If you have not yet made your 2014 St. John's pledge, did you know that you can make it online? Save time and hassle by pledging today from the "Stewardship" tab on the St John's home page or by clicking here.
We look forward to completing this campaign as we:
proclaim, by word and example, the Good News of God in Christ, and build a spiritual community forming Christians of all ages through worship, education, and outreach.
Thank you for your role in living this mission together! |
 | Wednesday, December 18
12:15 p.m. |
The Holy Eucharist (Rite II) (Chapel)
6:30 p.m.
Wednesday Nights at St. John's
(Rudisill Parish Hall)
The group continues a new study series: The Purpose of Christmas, a three-session DVD series by Rick Warren. Sessions include Christmas is a Time for Celebration, Christmas is a Time for Salvation, and Christmas is a Time for Reconciliation.
This will be the group's last meeting until the new year. Please join us on Wednesday, January 8, for our next get-together.
Join us Wednesday nights at 6:30 p.m. Bring a Bible, a covered dish to share, and an open heart and mind! Contact Paul and Winkie Game at pgamefla@aol.com for more details.
 | Thursday, December 19
10:00 a.m. |
The Holy Eucharist (Rite II) and Healing (Chapel)
12:15 p.m.
| Noonday Prayer (Chapel) |
Friday, December 20
Deadline for Christmas Toy Drive
Friday, December 20, is the deadline for dropping off toys for the joint Church/School toy drive for Metropolitan Ministries. Please place your toy(s) in one of the blue barrels, available on all three School campuses, by that date.
12:15 p.m.
| Noonday Prayer (Chapel) |
Saturday, December 21
2:00 - 3:30 p.m.
Christmas Pageant Dress Rehearsal
 | Sunday, December 22
7:45 a.m.
The Holy Eucharist (Rite I) (Church)
The Rev. Doug Remer will preach at and celebrate this service.
10:00 a.m.
A Service of Lessons and Carols (Church)
The Rev. Doug Remer will preach and officiate at this service.
11:00 a.m.
Christmas Pageant Rehearsal
11:15 a.m.
Farewell Reception for the Rev. Doug Remer (Parish Hall) College Breakfast (Parish Hall)
All our college-aged parishioners and their parents are invited to join us after the combined 10:00 service of Lessons and Carols, as we celebrate our college students' homecoming! A special breakfast will be cooked by our children and youth, and we will meet for fellowship in the courtyard of the church (weather permitting).
4:00 p.m.
Middle School Youth Christmas Party and Caroling (Youth House)
Middle school youth are invited to come for a festive Christmas party, followed by caroling for our older friends who are residents of Canterbury Tower on Bayshore from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. Wear a fun (or awesomely bad) Christmas sweater and get ready for some fun! We will have a potluck party at the Youth House and then we will head out for some caroling. Don't worry if you don't sing like a pro, just bring your Christmas spirit. Please be on time, as we will leave to carol at 4:15 p.m. Contact Miranda Harrison-Quillin with questions.
 | Monday, December 23
12:15 p.m.
| Noonday Prayer (Chapel) |
 | Tuesday, December 24
Contemporary Women's Bible Study will not meet today, or on Tuesday, December 31. The group will resume on Tuesday, January 7, at 6:45 a.m. in the Peterson Room.
12:15 p.m.
| Noonday Prayer (Chapel) |
 | Thursday, December 26 - Friday, December 27
High School Girls' Retreat
Join Chaplain Harrison-Quillin and St. John's girlfriends for a retreat at the Franciscan Center from 2:00 p.m. on Friday to 3:00 p.m. on Saturday. Activities include: prayer labyrinth, photo scavenger hunt, spiritual direction, lip dub video, and more. Contact Chaplain HQ with questions..
 | Friday, January 3
The Bishop's Ball
The Bishop's Ball is a free dance for all the youth in the Diocese. The dress is semi-formal and there will be a Christian band (Captive) and a Christian DJ and a whole lotta fun! It's at St. Stephen's Episcopal School in Bradenton from 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. Youth from St. John's will carpool there and back. Contact Miranda Harrison-Quillin if your youth would like to go.
 | Tuesday, January 7
Women's Mid Morning Bible Study
The group resumes its study of Acts on January 7, 2014, and welcomes all women in our church community and their friends and neighbors to join them on alternate Tuesdays in the Lowry Room for fellowship, prayer and study from 10:15 to 11:30 a.m. Contact Sally Wiley at swileytampa@aol.com or 253.3906 or Pat Wilson at patwilson68@tampabay.rr.com or 644.4640 with questions.
Men's Ministry
Join us on Tuesday, January 7, at 6:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall for a very special Men's Ministry meeting as we welcome speaker Mark Merrill, president and founder of Family First. Family First is a widely respected national non-profit organization dedicated to strengthening the family. Family First promotes principles for building marriages and raising children through three successful programs. Mark is also the co-founder, with Tony Dungy, of All Pro Dad. Click here to see Mark's full bio.
We will also have our usual fine dining! For this month only, RSVP to Ron Walker at www.rwalker@walkerbrands.com if you plan to attend so we can get a count for food.
 | Thursday, January 9
Men's Thursday Interactive Bible Study and Luncheon
On Thursday, January 9, at 11:45 a.m. in the Peterson Room, the Rev. Eric Kahl, rector of St. Mary's, will facilitate the discussion on Love as part of our new series on The Fruits of the Spirit. Lunch is sandwiches at $5 per person, RSVP to mkconstcorp@aol.com if you would like to partake.
 | Saturday, January 18
Safeguarding God's Children
This training is required by the Diocese of Southwest Florida for everyone who works with children or youth (Sunday School teachers, assistants, nursery personnel, youth ministers), eucharistic visitors, clergy, church staff, and vestry members. Once you take the original class, your certification is active for five years and then can be renewed via a brief online review program.
The training will take place at Lamb of God Episcopal Lutheran Church, 19691 Cypress View Drive, Fort Myers, FL 33967-6217 on Saturday, January 18 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. To register, contact Wendy Smith at Church Office (239) 267-3525 Ext. 223 or e-mail Wendy@lambofgodchurch.net