We are always looking for church-related pictures to share with the congregation. Submit them to LLowry@stjohnstampa.org __________________
We want to provide support in your time of need!
Current health regulations prohibit the members of our clergy from being informed when our parishioners are in the hospital, and unfortunately, one of the gifts of ordination is not mind-reading... However, we want to provide support for you and your loved ones in any time of need or crisis. Please call the parish offices at 259.1570 or email
parish@stjohnstampa.org to let us know when you need us!
This Week, We Celebrate the Birthdays of the Following Parishioners: September 26, Douglas Remer, Jr. September 27 Gwen Hedges, Ambrose Jones, Greg Moore, Janice Platt, Tucker Witte September 28 Ruth Garland, Timothy Killgoar, Amy Patenaude, Dorothy Phillips September 29 Mary Paul, George Richardson, Margaret Russell September 30 Emmala Brown, Jean Denney, Witten Graff, James Lehan, II, Hailey Stricker October 1 Reagan Farmer, Gregory Gaar, Virginia Galavis, Frances Gardner, Peter Hubbell, Lavail Shelton, Janice Straske October 2 Daniel Blanner, Ashley Henderson, Lisa Jacobson, Peyton Philips, Virginia VanOsdol
Your Daily Office
97 Oh, how I love your law!*
all the day long it is in my mind.
98 Your commandment has made me wiser than my enemies,*
and it is always with me.
99 I have more understanding than all my teachers,*
for your decrees are my study.
100 I am wiser than the elders,*
because I observe your commandments.
101 I restrain my feet from every evil way,*
that I may keep your word.
102 I do not shrink from your judgments,*
because you yourself have taught me.
Psalm 119
Annual Pet Blessing
In honor of the feast day of St. Francis of Assisi, St. John's will hold our annual blessing of the animals on Thursday, October 3rd. The blessing will take place in the church courtyard immediately following school dismissal, at 3:15 p.m.
You and your pets are welcome to join Father Connelly, Father Zimmerman, Director of Christian Education Leland Baldwin, and Chaplain Harrison-Quillin for a pat and a prayer!
Grounds Spruce Up
You may have noticed the work being done to spruce up our grounds, particularly the Garth/courtyard area. What you may not know is that the outdoor chapel also serves as the final resting place for a number of parishioners whose ashes are interred there. To honor the memory of those buried there, a group of parishioners got together to plan a renovation and refresh of the area to create a space for reflection and peace.
Unfortunately, one of the necessary actions the parish had to take was to remove one of the trees in the courtyard (a laurel oak) and one next to the church on Morrison (a cherry laurel). We lost some major limbs during the last wind storm and because of that we had an arborist take a look at the trees. Both were determined to be hazardous and in decline, and as so, needed to be taken down. As you can see from this photo of the inside of the trunk of the tree in the Garth, taken after it was cut down, it would not have been long for the world even without our intervention.
On the bright side, the Garth area has been pressure-washed and weeded, and soon it will have freshly planted greenery and more. Our thanks to Sexton Ken Johnston for his work on the grounds. We want to especially thank the parish family who donated the cost of the tree removal. The donation was anonymous - however we wish to thank them for their generous donation. Going forward, we will be seeking additional donations for the further upgrading of the landscaping around the Orleans buildings - so be watching the Weekly Scroll for an announcement about this much needed project.
Welcome to our Newest Parish Family Member!
Congratulations to Taylor and Alex Johnston on the birth of Julian Arthur at 6:17 a.m. on Wednesday, September 18, weighing 9lb 6oz. Taylor is a bass in our choir. Mother, father, and child are doing well!!
Rally Day Round-Up
 Join us for our annual Rally Day Round-Up, on Sunday, October 20! Our many St. John's ministries will be featured in Rudisill Parish Hall following the 9:00 a.m. service. A fun event for all ages, this day offers parishioners the opportunity to investigate all the many ways they may become involved in the life of the church.  From adult Christian education to social gatherings to outreach in our own backyard, there's something for everyone! All are encouraged to bring a friend to enjoy the fun and learn about St. John's.
The Circle: 2013-2014 Events
The Circle group has set the dates for a 2013-2014 year of fellowship:
Sunday, November 3rd -- Fall Fellowship, hosted by Richard and Kim Osborne and David and India Witte at the Osbornes' home
Friday, January 10th -- Cocktails, hosted by Ken and Laine Walker and Steve and Lynn Stanford at the Walkers' home
Sunday, May 4th -- Cinco de Mayo Party, hosted by Drew and Betsy Graham and Dennis and Erin Carr
Music In St. John's: 2013-2014 Schedule
Join us for glorious music in St. John's during the coming year. The schedule is as follows:
Sunday, October 20: Choral Evensong at 5:00 p.m.
Sunday, November 3: Combined Choral Evensong at St. Andrew's at 5:00 p.m.
Sunday, November 10: Organ Recital by Simon Morley in aid of cystic fibrosis, 5:00 p.m.
Sunday, December 8: Advent Carol Service at 5:00 p.m.
Sunday, December 15: Christmas Concert at 5:00 p.m.
Sunday, February 23: Annual Benefit Concert at 5:00 p.m.
Sunday, April 13 (Palm Sunday): Holy Week Concert at 5:00 p.m.
FATHERS Group Meeting: October 2
Pack your lunch and join the FATHERS group on the first and third Wednesdays of the month at 11:45 a.m. in the Peterson Room at the Middle Division campus of the school, 240 South Plant Avenue. Our next meeting will be on October 2. Join parish dads of all ages as we share fellowship and encourage one another to be better husbands, fathers, and Christians. Questions? Contact Lionel Lowry at lionel@firsthook.com.
FATHERS: Fathers Accountable to Healthy Enduring Relationships and Spirituality.
God, Guys, and Grub Returns November 5
God, Guys, and Grub, a group for men of all ages to connect with each other and their God, will begin meeting again monthly on Tuesday, November 5, at 6:00 p.m. The group will continue to meet on the first Tuesday of each month.
All St. John's men and their friends of any denomination are welcome. Stay tuned for more information! Contact Dallas Coffield with questions.
Rally Day Roundup: Ministry Preparation Meeting
The volunteer head(s) of each ministry are invited to gather in Rudisill Parish Hall on Sunday, September 29, following the 9:00 a.m. service. We will prepare for every ministry to put forward the best opportunity for sharing in the life and ministry of St. John's.
At this meeting, we will go over calendar items for the coming months, ministry needs and successes, as well as table and banner preparations for our October 20 Rally Day Roundup.
Questions? Contact Fr. Zimmerman at dzimmerman@stjohnstampa.org.
Kamaiba Friends in Uganda Need Your Help
Please remember our friends, the students at Kamaiba Primary School in Kasese, Uganda. If you've sponsored a student in the past, please consider sponsoring the same child again so his or her assistance continues. If you've never sponsored a child, please consider doing so for less than $1 per day. This can make a life-changing difference in an AIDS orphan's life. A sponsorship is also a great gift or tribute idea for a family member or friend, or a wonderful way for an organization to give a group gift that makes a true difference. Click here to go to the St. John's Church website for more details, or click here for a flyer about sponsorship.
To the students at Kamaiba, your generosity means hope. Wasinjah kasebo! Thank you very much!
If you would like your information to be included in next week's Scroll, please email all content by Monday at 9:00 a.m. to Lee Lowry at LLowry@stjohnstampa.org.
 | Wednesday, September 25
12:15 p.m. |
The Holy Eucharist (Rite II) (Chapel)
6:30 p.m.
Wednesday Nights at St. John's (Rudisill Parish Hall)
What does being an "Episcopalian" mean? Fr. Doug Zimmerman will lead a series of discussions about "Who we are, how we got here, and why we do what we do," (the ins and outs of our worship, prayers and organizational tendencies). In short, what you always wanted to know about the Episcopal Church, but were afraid to ask/remember/find out. This will be a great opportunity to invite neighbors/friends and others -- and to get to know others here at St. John's!
Join us Wednesday nights at 6:30 p.m. for this series, which is expected to last four weeks. Bring a Bible, a covered dish to share, and all those questions you have been waiting to ask! Contact Paul and Winkie Game at pgamefla@aol.com for more details.
 | Thursday, September 26
10:00 a.m. |
The Holy Eucharist (Rite II) and Healing (Chapel)
12:15 p.m.
Noonday Prayer (Chapel)
Friday, September 27
12:15 p.m.
Noonday Prayer (Chapel)
 | Sunday, September 29
7:45 a.m.
The Holy Eucharist (Rite I) (Church)
9:00 a.m.
The Holy Eucharist (Rite II) (Church)
Sunday School for Children (Various)
10:15 a.m.
Ministry Leader Meeting (Rudisill Parish Hall)
Coffee Hour Fellowship (Rudisill Parish Hall)
Middle School Sunday School (Happenings)
(Discovery House)
High School Sunday School (Footprints) (Discovery House)
11:15 a.m.
The Holy Eucharist (Rite I) (Church)
6:00 p.m.
High School Youth Group (Helena Makar's Home)
 | Monday, September 30
12:15 p.m.
| Noonday Prayer (Chapel) |
 | Tuesday, October 1
6:45 a.m.
The Contemporary Women's Bible Study (Peterson Room)
All women, St. John's parishioners and their friends, are welcome. Contact Kathleen Moore at 221.6253 or kathleenmarymoore@gmail.com for more information.
12:15 p.m.
| Noonday Prayer (Chapel) |
 | Thursday, October 3
Pet Blessing
In honor of the feast day of St. Francis of Assisi, St. John's will hold our annual blessing of the animals. The blessing will take place in the Garth immediately following school dismissal, at 3:15 p.m. You and your pets are welcome to join Father Connelly, Father Zimmerman, and Chaplain Harrison-Quillin for a pat and a prayer!
 | Sunday, October 6
Episcopal Schools Sunday:
I Was a Stranger and You Welcomed Me
This national day of celebration of Episcopal schools and their strong relationship with their home churches will take place at St. John's at the 9:00 a.m. service on October 6. This is the day we
give thanks for the nearly 1,200 Episcopal early childhood education programs, elementary, middle, and secondary schools around our nation.
This year's theme is I Was a Stranger and You Welcomed Me. St. John's School Headmaster Gordon Rode will give the address at all three services, and children from our Tampa Episcopal schools will be readers, ushers, and more.
 | Tuesday, October 8
Women's Mid Morning Bible Study
The Women's Mid Morning Bible Study continues its study of "The Acts of the Apostles," an engaging narrative of the origins of the Christian church and the power of the Holy Spirit made manifest in and through its early members. On October 8, the facilitator will be the Rev. Ken Schick, Hyde Park Presbyterian Church. The group will be focusing on Acts 3 - 5, "The Birth of the Church."
The group welcomes all women in our church community and their friends and neighbors to join them this fall on alternate Tuesdays in the Lowry Room for fellowship, prayer and study, 10:15 to 11:30 a.m. For more information, contact Sally Wiley at swileytampa@aol.com or 253.3906 or Joan McKay at mckayjhm@aol.com.
 | Sunday, October 20
Rally Day Round-Up
Join us for our annual Rally Day Round-Up, on Sunday, October 20, where our many St. John's ministries will be featured in Rudisill Parish Hall following the 9:00 a.m. service. A fun event for all ages, this day offers parishioners the opportunity to investigate all the many ways they may become involved in the life of the church. From adult Christian education to social gatherings to outreach in our own backyard, there's something for everyone!
 | Friday, November 8 - Saturday, November 9
Annual FATHERS Camping Trip
The annual FATHERS camping trip to Lakewood Retreat will take place Friday, November 8 to Saturday, November 9. This fun tradition for fathers and their kids includes an overnight in tents, dinner, breakfast, a hayride, kettle corn, and s'mores over a cozy campfire. The cost is $25 per person. FATHERS (F athers Accountable To Healthy Enduring Relationships and Spirituality) is a group of dads, both old and new, who support each other in becoming better men of God, better husbands, and better fathers. For more information or to RSVP, email Lionel Lowry.